Thursday, December 18, 2014

Federal Judge Strikes Down Amnesty: “Obama’s Unilateral Action Violates Separation of Powers… is Unconstitutional”

by Mac Slavo, SHTFPlan:
A federal judge for the Western District of Pennsylvania used a deportation decision to probe the constitutionality – or lack thereof – of President Obama’s executive order on amnesty, declaring it “unconstitutional.”
How that ruling might impact other cases or the acceptability of Obama’s psuedo-law is unclear, however.
While Texas and other states have already initiated lawsuits challenging the order, this is the first case to test how Obama’s unilateral immigration action would impact deportations and sentencing for illegal aliens unlawfully present in the United States.
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Obama Increases Allowable Levels of Radiation in Drinking Water ‘Dramatically’

Just In Time for Massive New Dumping of Daiichi Radiation
by Christina Sarich, Natural Society:
A Japanese government official has reported, “I was overwhelmed by the amount of contaminated water coming from the reactors, we must dump it in the ocean.” This isn’t such great news for the US since President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently gave their approval for “dramatically raising permissible radioactive levels in drinking water and soil following “radiological incidents,” such as nuclear power-plant accidents and dirty bombs.”
The Nuclear Industry calls this their “new normal,” according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).
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"It's A Huge Crisis" - The UK Oil Industry Is "Close To Collapse, People Are Being Laid Off"

With great delight we present the latest blowback from Obama's "brilliant" strategy to cripple Putin: in addition to the default wave about to crush America's own shale industry, America's biggest foreign ally and military partner when it comes to "ideologically pure missions of liberation" - the UK, and specifically its North Sea oil industry which according to the BBC is in a "crisis" and according to Robin Allan, chairman of the independent explorers' association Brindex, the industry was "close to collapse".  "It's almost impossible to make money at these oil prices", said a director of Premier Oil. "It's a huge crisis. It's close to collapse. In terms of new investments - there will be none, everyone is retreating, people are being laid off at most companies this week and in the coming weeks. Budgets for 2015 are being cut by everyone."

The Dissident Dad – Explaining Money to Your Children

from Liberty Blitzkrieg:
Money is a very important part of all our lives. The understanding of money, how it works, and how we treat it can dramatically improve or diminish our quality of life. Based on my writings and videos on YouTube, you might think my definition of money is gold and silver, but it’s not. Money is simply a medium of exchange. It can be represented by everything from gold to horse manure. Okay, maybe not horse manure, but it’s not a far stretch with the most popular form of money today being central bank notes loaned out into existence.
The state would love to have you believe that money can only originate from itself, yet people have organically started to use bitcoins and other crypto-currencies as a medium of exchange. Nevertheless, our culture continues to worship fiat currency as if it is the only type of money. I can’t change the fact that at this moment in time the U.S. dollar is the measuring stick for goods and services when it comes to prices. Trying to disprove and dispute this fact was something I struggled with early on when I used to teach my children that only gold and silver were money.
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There Is Hope In Understanding That A Great Economic Collapse Is Coming

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:
If you were about to take a final exam, would you have more hope or more fear if you didn’t understand any of the questions and you had not prepared for the test at all?  I think that virtually all of us have had dreams where we show up for an exam that we have not studied for.  Those dreams can be pretty terrifying.  And of course if you were ever in such a situation in real life, you probably did very, very poorly on that test.  The reason I have brought up this hypothetical is to make a point.  My point is that there is hope in understanding what is ahead of us, and there is hope in getting prepared.  Since I started The Economic Collapse Blog back in 2009, there have always been a few people that have accused me of spreading fear.  That frustrates me, because what I am actually doing is the exact opposite of that.  When a hurricane is approaching, is it “spreading fear” to tell people to board up their windows?  Of course not.  In fact, you just might save someone’s life.  Or if you were walking down the street one day and you saw someone that wasn’t looking and was about to step out into the road in front of a bus, what would the rational thing to do be?  Anyone that has any sense of compassion would yell out and warn that other person to stay back.  Yes, that other individual may be startled for a moment, but in the end you will be thanked warmly for saving that person from major injury or worse.  Well, as a nation we are about to be slammed by the hardest times that any of us have ever experienced.  If we care about those around us, we should be sounding the alarm.
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The American Revolution Was Not a Party

from Mises:

Writing on the Ferguson protests and riots, Darlena Cunha claimed in Time Magazine that the Tea Party “gets its name from a riot, The Boston Tea Party.” Cunha went on to then claim that the Ferguson riots are in the tradition of the Boston Tea Party, which celebrates its 241st anniversary this week.
In response, a number of conservative commentators denied Cunha’s claim (and many similar claims) that the two events are comparable.
Dan McLaughlin opined at The Federalist that the Ferguson Riots are “nothing like” the Boston Tea Party and noted that the Boston Tea Party’s violence — and violence it was — was directed at very specific targets while the Ferguson rioters seemed to employ indiscriminate violence.
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Today Marks A New All-Time Low For This Country

by Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics:
“Janet Yellen is not even fit to be a high school teacher. She has no idea what she’s doing” – a good friend and colleague of mine.
Grandma Yellen changes the language in the Fed policy statement from “considerable time” to “patient” and the S&P 500 is driven up 2% because of this. Technically, there’s no difference in meaning between the two words. Free money is good for stocks I guess but not for gold. Gold is anti-free money. Free money is good, anti-free money is bad. George Orwell is laughing his ass off somewhere in the ethosphere.
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Further Proof That Abenomics Is A Total Disaster: Japan Car Lobby Admits "Sense Of Panic"

"Abenomics is not having clear traction across the country," warned the head of Japan's auto lobby on Thursday as unexpectedly weak domestic sales revealed - yet again - what an utter disaster government policy is. "We feel a sense of crisis about the fact that cars are actually not selling," he exclaimed, saying that, as Reuters reports April sales tax hike was only partly to blame for the domestic sales weakness, citing the government's failure to boost consumption. But, but, but Japanese stocks are up 1000 points in the last 2 days so how can this be?


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