Saturday, December 20, 2014

Paul Craig Roberts Stunning 2015 Predictions – At Any Time The West Can Collapse

from KingWorldNews:

At any time the Western house of cards could collapse. It (the financial system) is a house of cards. There are no economic fundamentals that support stock prices — the Dow Jones. There are no economic fundamentals that support the strong dollar. To have a bond market in which the purchasers of bonds have to have a fee in order to pay a negative real interest rate makes no sense. When you buy a bond you are automatically getting back less than you paid for it. What sense does that make when the United States’ debt is exploding and when the money supply is exploding? It makes no sense at all. No American markets make any sense — they’re (all) rigged.
I think (in 2015) the world will start to see the realignment of power as it drifts away from the West toward Russia, China, India, the BRICs, and the states who ally with them such as South American countries who are tired of American imperialism. You will see a shift in the balance of power that will be unfavorable to Washington.
Paul Craig Roberts continues @

The Day Einstein Feared Has Arrived

150 Years Of Global Monetary Policy Summed Up In One Word (And 1 Chart)


Alasdair Macleod – END GAME: Putin May End Ruble Crisis By Taking Russia Onto the GOLD STANDARD!

from Silver Doctors:
Gold & currency expert Alasdair Macleod joined The Doc & Eric Dubin this week for an EXPLOSIVE show discussing: 
  • End game to Russian Ruble collapse: Putin may take the Ruble onto the GOLD STANDARD- if Russia detonates this Nuclear Financial Weapon, the West is DEAD! 
  • Did the US/Saudi Arabia plan the oil crash to collapse Russia & the Ruble? -Putin’s counter-move could result in an EPIC BACKFIRE for the West
  • Is a Global currency crisis is in the making!?!
  • Alasdair provides his outlook on gold & silver, and explains why 2015 is likely to be an EXPLOSIVE YEAR for the metals after a prolonged consolidation- but PM investors won’t like what comes along with MASSIVELY HIGHER gold & silver prices! 
The MUST LISTEN Metals & Markets With special guest Alasdair Macleod is below:
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Silver’s Technical Outlook Shows A Potential Bullish Setup

from Gold Silver Worlds:
The technical outlook for silver resembles the color of the metal itself: grey. While we have seen some bullish signs of late, these have merely proved to be short-term countertrend movements and so far the key resistance levels have remained intact. To show you what we mean, let’s quickly recap the recent price action. At the start of the month, for example, silver formed a large bullish engulfing candlestick pattern on its daily chart. This came after the sellers were unable to hold their ground below the prior low and key psychological level of $15. In other words, silver created a potential false breakout reversal pattern on that day, which is a significant bullish development. Although there was some subsequent follow-through buying over the course of the next week and a half, the rally then came to a halt once price reached the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement level of the last downswing, at just above the $17 mark. This 38.2% Fibonacci level represent a shallow retracement, suggesting the buying pressure was very weak, for otherwise silver should have climbed higher.
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Sony Hackers Make New Demands… This Is What Happens When You Negotiate With Terrorists

by Mac Slavo, SHTFPlan:

Though the U.S. government’s official position is that North Korea is to blame, it’s not clear exactly who has hacked Sony and one could argue that it is nothing more than a propaganda show designed to distract the American public from more important matters like a collapsing global economy, problems in Russia or the fact that our Congress just passed a spending bill padded with all sorts of goodies for banking behemoths.
But it has nonetheless been interesting to observe.
So much so that even the President of the United States has now gotten involved. After Sony reportedly pulled ‘The Interview’ from theater distribution earlier this week in response to threats of a “9/11-style attack” from the hacking collective that calls itself the Guardians of Peace, the President said in a press conference that Sony executives made a mistake.
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Liberty Alert! Congress Just “Legalized” Warrantless Spying on Americans

from FTMDaily:


by Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show:
Americans have an estimated 300 million privately owned hand guns and some people present this fact as the reason why no foreign power, or even our government, could ever subjugate the people. I am compelled to disagree with this notion. Once upon a time that may have been true as World War II era Japanese Admiral Yamamoto refused to invade the United States following his attack upon Pearl Harbor because there would be “an American with a gun behind every blade of grass”. However, if our government ever became abusive enough that the people felt the need to rebel, there is a new generation of super weapons being developed and deployed as I write these words, which would doom any rebellion that did not have the full support of the military.
The new generation of super weapons has made America vulnerable to enemies, both foreign and domestic. As a result, the window to resist martial law occupation and even an invasion is virtually closed.
Read More @

There Is Hope In Understanding That A Great Economic Collapse Is Coming

George Orwell once said that during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act“. That perfectly describes the era that we are currently living in. The truth does not bring fear and despair. Rather, the truth brings hope and it sets people free.

Things That Make You Go Hmmm... Like A 'Run' On The Gold 'Bank'

Say what you want about the gold price languishing below $1200 (or not, as the case may be, after this week), and say what you want about the technical picture or the “6,000-year bubble,” as Citi’s Willem Buiter recently termed it; but know this: gold is an insurance policy — not a trading vehicle — and the time to assess gold is when people have a sudden need for insurance. When that day comes - and believe me, it’s coming - the price will be the very last thing that matters. It will be purely and simply a matter of securing possession - bubble or not - and at any price. That price will NOT be $1200. A “run” on the gold “bank”  would undoubtedly lead to one of those Warren Buffett moments when a bunch of people are left standing naked on the shore. It is also a phenomenon which will begin quietly before suddenly exploding into life. If you listen very carefully, you can hear something happening...

Credit Doesn't Care What the FOMC Says: The "Recovery" That Never Was Is Over

The stock market takes off in holiday celebration of the FOMC being even less clear than it really has been in some time; perhaps going all the way back to Alan Greenspan’s intentional mush. Equity “investors” are happy that the Fed may be happy about the economy, even though there is nothing in actual markets (outside of stocks) to suggest that anything the Fed proclaims carries even the slightest validity. The recovery is over because it never was. The Fed is now kamikaze and stuck on this course, having painted itself into a smaller and smaller corner in which to operate. Their only hope is that their confidence turns into your confidence, but credit and funding markets are impenetrable at this moment to such utter nonsense. For many places, it is already “look out below.”

Bond Yields Set To Plunge In 2015: Next Year Global Treasury Supply Will Tumble By 20% As ECB Joins The Party

According to Goldman's own calculations, the demand squeeze for the High Quality Collateral that is global "Developed Market" Treasurys is about to go through the roof mostly thanks to central banks which will - even in the Fed's temporary hiatus from the monetization scene - soak up an unprecedented amount of Treasury collateral from both the primary issuance and secondary private market in their scramble to push global equity prices to unseen bubble levels and achieve the kind of Keynes-vindicating, demand-pull inflation that Russia was delighted to enjoy in the past several weeks.
How much?  The answer: a lot, as in a whopping 20% collapse in supply, once the ECB joins the fray!

Jim Grant: "The Fed Has A 3rd Mandate... The Administration Of American Equity Prices"

Having recently given us a two paragraph synopsis of all that is wrong with our financial market faith in fed officialdom, Jim Grant unleashes his critical wit and insight on CNBC to explain the Fed's new remit, as Bill Dudley recently explained, "the administration of American equity prices." The Fed will find it difficult ro raise rates - both technically (for reasons we have explained in detail previously) and "they will find many blocks in the way having to do with financial markets' reaction." Simply put, the Fed wants to raise rates but mostly it wants peace and quiet, which it does not have: "The Fed is America's central bank but it is the steward of the world's currency," and as Grant concludes, "it is raining currencies around the world... and the Fed must be coginizant of that."

Defiant North Korea Says Can Prove It Is Not Behind Hack "Without Resorting To Torture Like The CIA"

Surely, the punchline is that even a tiny backwater, dictatorship can now make fun of US "moral high ground" courtesy of the recent CIA torture disclosure. “We have a way to prove that we have nothing to do with the case without resorting to torture, as what the C.I.A. does,the North Korea statement said. Oops.

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