Saturday, August 1, 2015

Man Who Predicted In Televised Debate That Swiss National Bank Would See Staggering Losses Now Warns Fed To Experience Massive Losses As Well

from Kingworldnews:
Humpty Dumpty, in the guise of Greece, just had another big fall. And I can guarantee you that all the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Greece back together again. The IMF, an important part of the troika, made clear that they are not backing the attempt to give Greece a few more months of life support.
And if the IMF doesn’t back support for Greece, neither will Germany. So the whole rescue will fail.
But it’s not just Greece that cannot be put together, it’s the whole world. The whole world is broken and it cannot be mended. How can anyone expect the politicians, who created a total disaster in the world economy, to ever put it back together again? Politicians don’t have a clue how to run a country, much less how to solve the world’s problems.
Egon von Greyerz Continues @ King World News

Venezuela Increasingly Looks Like A War Zone

While mocking socialist paradises everywhere is a recurring theme especially once they have completely run out of other people's money to burn through, what always follows next is far less amusing - completely social collapse, with riots, civil war and deaths not far behind. That is precisely what the video shown below has captured. In the clip, a demonstration against Venezuela's poor transportation services quickly turned violent. End result: one person dead from a gunshot wound, more than 80 arrested and four shops looted on the Manuel Piar Avenue in San Felix.

American (Predatory) Capitalism Explained In 130 Seconds

Now, more than ever, with Greece and Ukraine front and center, understanding how corporations take control of countries, and how capitalism drives the expansion of the Military Industrial Complex is crucial: "we have created a mutant form of predatory capitalism which has created an extremely unstable, unsustainable, unjust and very very dangerous world."

Bubble Finance And A Tale Of Two Spheres

We have argued that it is a perilous myth that central bankers these days control a general price level. They instead incentivize massive financial flows into securities markets and fashionable sectors. Over time, ramifications and consequences reach the profound. For one, excess liquidity promotes over/mal-investment. It’s only the scope and nature that remain in question. If major Bubble flows inundate new technology investment, the resulting surge in the supply of high-margin products engenders disinflationary pressures elsewhere. Policy responses to perceived heightened “deflation” risks then only work to exacerbate Bubbles, mounting imbalances and structural fragilities. This was a critical facet of “Roaring Twenties” analysis that was lost in time.

How Planned Parenthood Could Shut Down the Government

from TheAlexJonesChannel:

The White House expressed its firm belief Thursday that recently-released videos attacking Planned Parenthood are “fraudulent.” Their source: Planned Parenthood.
The leader of the Center for Medical Progress, told CNN “New Day” this morning that a biomedical company is trying to silence CMP because they are “very scared” of footage coming out that will prove babies were born alive before being “aborted” and having tissue and organs harvested.

White House Backs Planned Parenthood And Their ‘High Ethical Standard’

by Eric Scheiner, CNS News:
White House Spokesperson Josh Earnest says he suspects somebody in the Obama Administration has seen a series of videos on Planned Parenthood’s role in harvesting the organs of babies, but the administration is basing its position that the videos are edited unfairly on the comments of Planned Parenthood and “the high ethical standard they live up to.”
During a White House press briefing Thursday Earnest was asked if anyone at the White House has watched the series of videos about Planned Parenthood.
“I suspect somebody has,” Earnest replied.
The Center for Medical Progress has released a series of videos showing Planned Parenthood representatives discussing prices for body parts from aborted babies.
Read More @ CNS

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FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton Gushes Over Planned Parenthood’s Racist Founder

Clinton talked about being IN AWE of the racist eugenicist
from Infowars:
During a March 27, 2009 speech accepting the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood, Clinton talked about being in awe of the racist eugenicist:
Now, I have to tell you that it was a great privilege when I was told that I would receive this award. I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision. Another of my great friends, Ellen Chesler, is here, who wrote a magnificent biography of Margaret Sanger called Woman of Valor. And when I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions, I am really in awe of her.
Read More @

Scandinavian Socialism: Dangers of the Welfare State

from Stefan Molyneux:

"Asia Crisis, Tech Bubble Burst, Lehman"... And Today

Note that the classic sign of crisis and capital flight, higher interest rates, falling currency, and falling bank stocks are now visible in Brazil (and elsewhere). Indeed, the correlation between Brazilian bond yields and Brazilian financials/BRL turned sharply negative during each of the past 3 systemic crises (Asia ‘98, Tech ‘02 & Lehman ’08) and is doing so again today.


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