Sunday, May 20, 2012

Panic Like It’s March 2009

by Chris Puplava, Financial Sense:

As everyone is well aware, Europe is an absolute mess and while the U.S. stock market has been remarkably resilient, it has finally succumbed to news across the Atlantic and is now the final region to experience a decline. The U.S. economy has been fairly strong this year with a continued improvement in the labor market at the same time inflation has been kept at bay. While Fed Chairman Bernanke would like to launch another round of quantitative easing (QE3), he has not had the latitude to do so as weakness in Europe and a declining stock market have not provided the Fed with enough of cover to hit the print button.
However, things are changing in Bernanke’s favor as odds for QE3 to be announced at the June FOMC meeting are rising. As every investor across the globe should realize by now, if central banks step up to the plate we are likely to see the market’s “switch” tuned back from risk off to risk on. While it is anyone’s guess at which point central banks will intervene and where stock prices will be when they do act, we can expect a capital flight out of bonds and into stocks when it occurs as stocks’ investment appeal over the U.S. Treasury market is back to levels not seen since March 2009. Given that investor sentiment is also back to the depths of despair seen at the March 2009 lows, the stage has been set for central bankers to spring the market higher at a point of near maximum pessimism. Europe Unraveling…
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The Mortgage Crisis Hits France Front And Center: Are French Bank Nationalizations Imminent?

Name the plunging bond shown on the left. If you said some sovereign or corporate issue based out of Spain, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, or even Greece you would be close... but no cigar. No - the bond in question is an issue of Caisse Centrale du Credit Immobilier de France (3CIF), which together with its sister entity CIF Euromortgage (CIFE), is  a 100% subsidiary of Credit Immobilier de France Development (CIFD), which as Fitch describes it, is a French "housing loans specialist, with business exclusively directed to France." CIFD is in turn owned by Procivis Group, which just happens to be France's second largest full-service real estate group.

The Government Is Raping You: Sibel Edmonds

Sibel Edmonds—the most classified woman in U.S. history—takes us on a surreal journey that begins with the secretive FBI and down the dark halls of a feckless Congress to a stonewalling judiciary and finally, to the national security whistleblowers movement she spearheaded. Having lived under Middle East dictatorships, Edmonds knows firsthand what can happen when government is allowed to operate in secret. Hers is a sobering perspective that combines painful experience with a rallying cry for the public’s right to know and to hold the lawbreakers accountable. With U.S. citizens increasingly stripped of their rights in a calibrated media blackout, Edmonds’ story is a wake-up call for all Americans who, willingly or unwillingly, traded liberty for illusive security in the wake of 9/11.


Empires Disintegrate

The Looming Reversal of Centralization
by Gary North, Lew
Centralization induces apoplexy at the center and anemia at the extremities.” ~ Lamenais
The present political system is clearly insane. It suffers from schizophrenia. Around the world, almost no one trusts the politicians, yet almost everyone votes for incumbent politicians who promise to reform the government.
Voters now suspect (correctly) that all Western governments are headed for bankruptcy because of the pension programs and government-funded medicine, yet these two programs are politically untouchable. Voters demand them.
For four decades, soft-core critics of the pension/Medicare systems have come to voters with this announcement: “The two systems can be reformed, but we must act now. If we delay, they will bankrupt the government.” Yet the systems are never reformed.
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LISTEN NOW – Gerald Celente, The Golden Days are Just Ahead, A Whole New Cycle and Much More

from KingWorldNews:
Gerald Celente: Founder & Director of the Trends Research Institute – Gerald discussed gold at length, the difference between the current cycle and the 1970s, as well as other important trends with KWN. Many consider Gerald to be the top trends forecaster in the world. Gerald has been quoted and interviewed in media throughout the world such as, CNBC, Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, BBC, Time Magazine, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, FT, U.S. News, World Report, The Economist and more.
Listen Now @

Ron Paul Could Win… Here’s How: Ben Swann’s Reality Check

“Ron Paul Drops Out”. The headlines are pretty clear. But they’re wrong. – Ben Swann
from WeAreRonPaul2012:


Presenting The "Kyle Bass" Harvard Business School Case Study

How does one get a Harvard Business School case study made after them? Why by being constantly ahead of the curve, with the right trade, and being mocked by the same "access journalism and excel free" mainstream media which pushed subprime toxic grenades to anyone who listened, only to be proven correct time after time. In other words, by being Kyle Bass: the same Kyle Bass who lost money month after month on his Subprime short (full slide deck here), only to see it all made back, and then some... quite a bit of some. Because it is not by following the herd that one makes the killer trades: it is by standing against it and by waiting for conventional wisdom (in this case that Japan's debt load is somehow sustainable - it isn't, but the kneejerk response still is one to treat JGB's as a flight to safety - this only works until it no longer does and the same math that had doomed the euro over a decade ago is finally grasped by all). Yes: he has lost 60% on his Japanese short fund since inception: so what? All it takes is one millisecond of Malcom Gladwellian insight and the formerly offerless market goes bidless. And that -60% is transformed to +XXXX.YY. Either way, below is the complete Harvard Business School presentation on Kyle Bass, on Heyman Capital and on the Japan Short ber, which we hope will put to rest some of the prevalent disinformation floating around.

Judge Katherine Forrest Is A Modern American Hero

Sometimes, the greatest deeds are done by those who are just doing their jobs, like Judge Katherine Forrest who last week struck down the indefinite detention provision (§1021) of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It would be all too easy in this age of ever-encroaching authoritarianism in America for a judge ruling on a matter like this to just go with the government line and throw water over the plaintiffs. After all, telling truth to power has consequences. Forrest was appointed by Obama, but after this ruling one wonders whether she is about to meet a career dead-end. Power — especially narcissistic power — does not like being told uncomfortable truths. Everything about this case is shameful; it should be obvious to anyone who can read the Constitution that indefinite detention without trial (just like assassination without trial — something else that Obama and his goons have no problem practicing and defending) is hideously and cruelly unconstitutional. It defecates upon both the words and the spirit of the document.

John Embry and James Turk on why the Gold Bull Market isn’t Over

I Hope The Euro Survives

Admin at Jim Rogers Blog - 3 hours ago
I hope the euro survives, I think it will survive in some shape and form. - *in CNBC * *Jim Rogers is an author, financial commentator and successful international investor. He has been frequently featured in Time, The New York Times, Barron’s, Forbes, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times and is a regular guest on Bloomberg and CNBC.* more »

Looming Global Catastrophe?

Admin at Marc Faber Blog - 7 hours ago

Latest video interview, CNBC (with Brian Sullivan) *Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.*

TYRANNY: Illinois Department of Agriculture secretly destroys beekeeper’s bees and 15 years of research proving Monsanto’s Roundup kills bees

by Jonathan Benson, Natural News:
An Illinois beekeeper with more than a decade’s worth of expertise about how to successfully raise organic, chemical-free bees is the latest victim of flagrant government tyranny. According to the Prairie Advocate, Terrence “Terry” Ingram of Apple River, Ill., owner of Apple Creek Apiaries, recently had his bees and beehives stolen from him by the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDofA), as well as more than 15 years’ worth of research proving Monsanto’s Roundup to be the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) destroyed.

It began last summer when Ingram, who teaches children about natural beekeeping, gave a sample of his honeycomb to IDofA inspector Susan Kivikko ( at a beekeeper’s picnic. Ingram explained that his bees would not touch the comb, and asked Kivikko if it could be tested for chemical contamination.

Kivikko told him that IDofA does not test for chemicals, presumably because its policy is to actively promote them, and instead took the comb and had it tested for “foulbrood,” a disease that Ingram says is greatly overblown. When the test allegedly came back positive, Kivikko proceeded to get the ball rolling on a witch hunt that would eventually lead to the illegal seizure and destruction of Ingram’s personal property.
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How To Keep Your Silver & Precious Metals Safe in a Zombie Apocalypse: An Analysis

from Silver Vigilante:
In the event of a zombie apocalypse there is one particular step you can take in order to keep your silver and precious metals secure. First things first, trade in much of your silver for gold or platinum.
Silver is an excellent investment provided that one does not need to constantly be on the move. Once this circumstance is no longer valid, silver becomes a bulky and risky asset to own. Timing is key. If the news wires are reporting zombie takeover of cities, run over to the nearest bullion dealer who has remained opened so as to take advantage of the chaos. Negotiate the absolute best deal they will afford you, and hand them your precious silver for precious gold and platinum. Now, you are ready to be on the move.
Second, keep your mouth shut. Theft is among the most likely ways you will lose out on your stack in a zombie apocalypse.
Do not tell any of your zombie friends and acquaintance that you own any position in precious metals. By telling them that you are in possession of such value, zombie greed may overtake their faculties of decision-making and they might turn on you in the crisis.
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Only market manipulation props up Facebook IPO at first day's close

Financial Times, London

Jim Sinclair’s Commentary


US judge blocks indefinite detention of Americans Published: 17 May, 2012, 04:09
A US federal judge has temporarily blocked a section of the controversial National Defense Authorization Act that allows for the indefinite military detention of US citizens.
­In a 68-page ruling, US District Judge Katherine Forrest agreed on Wednesday that the statute failed to “pass constitutional muster” because its language could be interpreted quite broadly and eventually be used to suppress political dissent.
"There is a strong public interest in protecting rights guaranteed by the First Amendment," Forrest wrote, according to CourtHouseNews.Com. "There is also a strong public interest in ensuring that due process rights guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment are protected by ensuring that ordinary citizens are able to understand the scope of conduct that could subject them to indefinite military detention."
The Manhattan judge therefore ruled in favor of a group of writers and activists who sued US officials, including President Barack Obama. They claimed that the act, which was signed into law on December 31, makes them fear possible arrest by US armed forces.
Among those who filed the complaint, Bloomberg reports, was former New York Times reporter Christopher Hedges. According to the journalist, NDAA would allow federal authorities to hold him in custody just for interviewing individuals who were detained on “suspicion of providing substantial support” to people engaged in hostilities against the US.

Jim Sinclair’s Commentary

Fat chance against a battalion of Bankster lobbyists!

Fed’s Bullard: Break Up JPMorgan, Other Big Banks Thursday, 17 May 2012 03:58 PM
Another Federal Reserve policymaker on T hursday called for the break-up of big banks like JPMorgan Chase & Co., saying that firm’s recent large trading loss underscores the difficulty of regulating such banks and the dangers they pose.
"This is why you want these companies to have plenty of capital," St. Louis Fed President James Bullard said in response to questions after a speech to a Rotary Club. "I would back my colleague (Dallas Fed President) Richard Fisher in saying that we should split up the largest banks."
Bullard’s comments echo those of Fisher, who advocates breaking up the five largest U.S. financial institutions. Fisher said in the wake of revelations that JPMorgan had reported $2 billion in losses due to derivatives trades that he is worried that the biggest banks do not have adequate risk management.
Bullard told reporters that his call for breaking up big banks includes JPMorgan.
"We do not need these companies to be as big as they are," he said. The regulatory system would be much simpler if large firms were broken up, rather than trying to write complicated rules to capture all of the potential risks at complex firms, he added.
"It would be simpler to have smaller institutions so that they could fail if they need to fail," Bullard said.


Jim’s Mailbox

Dear Jim,

Here is some possible evidence to support your thesis on Blasphemy.
I am forwarding along something that I have been monitoring which may be of interest to you as it supports your notion that the Euro may strengthen. I apologize if this is something you already know and are monitoring but if not I think you will want to keep an eye on this information.
Someone knows something and the big boys (Bankster Boys) are ahead of the curve positioning. I posted the last two Euro FX futures COT reports below, the newer one first for you to see and underlined the commercial long position numbers. Over the last two COTs $9.4 billion worth of new longs have appeared in that category. That is a lot of cash for pros to burn on a currency that we all know is going to fail, right?
Keep up your great posts I really enjoy reading your comments on the various news coming out.
Still long gold, silver & miners,

CIGA Roger


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