Friday, June 26, 2015

It's 2 In The Morning And Greeks Are Lining Up At ATMs; Alpha Limits Online Banking

Greece Is The Model For A Catastrophe That Is About To Engulf The Entire World

from Kingworldnews:
Greece is a country that is an example of not just the problems in the EU and the eurozone but also the problems in the world. Since 2006 Greek debt is up by 50 percent to 320 billion euros. During the same time, Greek GDP has fallen by over 20 percent. Greece should never have joined the EU and certainly not the eurozone with the euro as their currency. Historically, culturally, economically, Greece does not belong in the same group as say Germany.
The result of this unhappy union has created a financial wreck that’s been kept from sinking by the troika, which is the IMF, the EU and the ECB. The troika has mistakenly done all they can to keep Greece afloat. But it makes no sense whatsoever to prop up a bankrupt nation with more debt when they can’t repay any of it at any time.
Egon von Greyerz Continues @ King World News

Greece says “no blackmail” to EU Criminals

by Jeff Nielson, Bullion Bulls:
As the entire media world was reporting “a deal was done” with respect to Greece, and the criminal blackmailers of the EU; (as you can see) I reported this news with (emphatic) question marks. The Tsipras government did, publicly, make some very worrying concessions. But going all the way to a “deal” (i.e. giving the criminals everything that they wanted) would have represented Alex Tsipras (and Syriza) abandoning everything they told the people of Greece that they stood for. Simply, it was “no more blackmail”.
Greece Says “No” To Fake Bail-Outs
Now, as (yet again) a supposed “deal” has collapsed; we see/hear Tsipras and Syriza sounding much more like the sane/legitimate voice they had previously represented. As reported at Zero Hedge; Tsipras has said that Greece won’t be “blackmailed” by the Criminals.
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Greece Invokes Nuclear Option: Tsipras Calls For Referendum

Greek PM Tsipras just delivered the biggest Friday night bomb in recent European history: he stunned the Troika and his peers in Europe with the biggest shocker of all - a referendum announcement, aka the Greek "nuclear option", something which cost his predecessor George Papandreou his job. At this point there is no turning back, and the Greeks - of which 80% want to stay in the Euro even as 80% want an end to austerity - will get to choose their own fate. Whatever choice they make, they will now only have only themselves to blame.

The Criminally Fascist U.S. Gov’t VS. Truth Teller Brandon Raub — Veterans Truth Network

from Truth Warriors:

Veterans Truth Network (6-23-15) Stew Webb, Bruce Campbell, Brandon Raub, Gene Tatum – Stew talks with veteran Brandon Raub who our criminal government tried to put in a mental hospital for putting out the truth! Brandon tells his incredible story and is joined by Bruce Campbell. In the second hour, Gene covers how he was detained by the FBI in a joint task force operation base! They are not happy about the truth being put out by Veterans Truth Network!

Paul Craig Roberts Warns Greek Government May Be Assassinated In This Crisis If They Pivot East To Stop World War III

from KingWorldNews:
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: “The Greek people and the Greek government have before them the unique opportunity to prevent World War III. All the Greek government needs to do, if the Greek people will get behind the government, is to default on the loans, resign from the EU and from NATO, and accept the deal that the Russians have offered them….
“This would begin the unraveling of NATO. Very quickly Spain and Italy would follow. So southern Europe would desert NATO and so would Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic. NATO is the mechanism that Washington uses to cause conflict with Russia. So as the EU and NATO unravel, the ability of Washington to produce this conflict disappears.
Dr. Roberts Continues @

The New "Scariest Chart" For American Citizens

For the average American citizen, this may well become the "scariest" chart...

The Importance Of RMB Internationalization

The Fed's QE policies of recent years have, for all intents and purposes told the world that “the dollar is our currency and your problem.” And, in recent years, the dollar has been a genuine problem for a number of emerging countries. Following this traumatic event, and the change in the perception of US stability, China went around the world and invited the likes of Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey and Korea to shift some of their China trade away from the dollar and into renminbi. China started doing this in 2011 and, as we see it, the renminbi’s attempt to become a trading currency is potentially one of the most important financial developments. Yet no-one seems to care.

Greece is being BLACKMAILED – Exiting the eurozone is its way out

Instead of acceding to the troika’s devastating demands, Syriza should free the country from the trap of the common currency – if the Greek people agree

by Costas Lapavitsas, The Guardian:
A few days ago the Greek government submitted a list of proposals hoping to break the deadlock with the “institutions” – the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. The government basically agreed to tough primary surpluses: 1% in 2015 and 2% in 2016. To achieve these targets it proposed to raise VAT on a range of widely consumed goods as well as imposing a host of taxes on enterprises and families of “high” income. It also proposed substantial savings on pensions. The measures added up to roughly €8bn over 2015-16, and would be immediately implemented.
The package is certainly deflationary at a moment when the Greek economy is again on the threshold of recession. There is little doubt that it would contribute to output contraction and higher unemployment in 2015-16, particularly as there is little prospect of being offset by an investment programme funded by the EU. It is a major retreat by the government of Syriza.
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America on the Brink — Jeff Rense & Frosty Wooldridge

from Jeff Rense:

America Is A Dangerous Flailing Beast

"When I think of America’s place in the world today, the image that comes to mind is of a very large animal, perhaps a huge bull elephant or even prehistoric mammoth, which long roamed as the unchallenged king of its domain but has become trapped by its own missteps, as caught in a tar pit or some quicksand, and it is violently flailing about, making a terrifying noises in its effort to free itself and re-establish its authority. Any observer immediately knows the animal ultimately cannot succeed but certainly is frightened by the noise and crashing that it can sustain for a considerable time."

"Critical" Debt "Domino Chain" Threatens To Destabilize China's Financial System, SocGen Says

"As this critical domino chain of local governments in China’s credit risk situation begins to wobble, there could be significant ramifications for broad financial market stability. Such a chain reaction seems to have begun."

Guest Post: America's Obamacare Nightmare Is Just Beginning

"A judicial victory doesn’t automatically translate into a political victory, let alone a policy success."
In a free society, debate is over only when the people decide it’s over.

China AIIB Expands to 57 Countries as CURRENCY WAR on Right Now!

from The Money GPS:

What Would Happen In Case Of Grexit?

An extensive look at what would happen if Greece were to leave the Eurozone, through a legal fudge.

Deutsche Bank CEO May Have Lied To Bundesbank About Rate Rigging, BaFin Says

Germany’s financial regulator says departing Deutsche Bank co-CEO Anshu Jain may have lied to the Bundesbank about LIBOR manipulation when he apparently denied having any knowledge of rumors that the fixes may have been fixed (so to speak) even as his inbox told a different story.


Greece Rejects Bailout Extension: Tsipras Calls For Referendum, Will Convene Parliament On Saturday

Update: Tsipras said to call for referendum 
“[I will defend] democracy, solidarity, equality, mutual respect. These principles were not based on blackmails and ultimatum, and especially in these crucial times no one has the right to put in danger these principles. The Greek government will continue decisively to give the fight in favor of these principles, to continue to give the fight on behalf of the European people and of course on behalf of the Greek people."

Tsipras To Announce Referendum - Live Feed


The U.S. And EU Will Collapse Regardless Of Economic ‘Contagion’

from Alt-Market:
In order to understand what is really going on around the globe in terms of the collapsing economy, we must set aside false mainstream versions of reality. When it comes to the EU and its current fiscal turmoil, it is very important to, in some respects, ignore Greece entirely. That’s right; forget about all the supposed drama surrounding Greek debt obligations. Will they find a way to pay creditors? Will they default? Will they make a deal with Russia and the BRICS? Will there be last-minute concessions to save the system? It doesn’t matter. It’s all a soap opera, an elaborate Kabuki theater run by international financiers and globalists.
It is most important to remember the fundamentals. Greece will default on its debts. Period. There is no way around it. Maybe Greece makes a deal today, maybe it makes a deal tomorrow; but eventually, the country’s ability to stretch out its resources in order to meet its exponential liabilities will end. It is inevitable, and no last-minute “deal” is going to change the math at the core of it all.
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Taking Stock Of The Global Illegal Drug Trade

Even The Banks Admit: "The Wacky Has Become The Norm"

"Investors have experienced many mood swings, some institutionalized irrationality, as well as treacherous trading conditions in the first six months of 2015. The wacky has become the norm."

Fearing Government Scrutiny, HSBC Waves Goodbye To China PMI Sponsorship

"If you are a sizeable bank that wants to do more business in China you don't want to make parts of the Chinese government angry"...

The Last Time This Happened, The Bull Market Ended

Bank of America Trolls The Middle Class, Or How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street

Presenting: Bank of America's chart showing who the undisputed victor in that age-old war between Wall Street and Main Street, truly is.

"Blood On The Streets" - Bonds Battered, Stocks Slammed As Greece Suddenly "Matters"

Leaking Las Vegas: Lake Mead At Record Lows, "We Have To Change"

This is it, warns one water advocate, "it really does (make critical) the fact that we have to start changing." Lake Mead water levels have sunk to their lowest levels on record (below the levels when the dam was built) at 1075 feet. This is a major problem, as USA Today reports, since Las Vegas water authority's current "straws" glean water from 1,050 feet and 1,000 feet - leaving the first straw just 25 feet away from pulling in air. With the drought only set to get worse as the summer begins, the water wars are just beginning as Lower-basin states are still taking more than the river system can sustain.

The Secret Meeting to Destroy America

from TheAlexJonesChannel:

Fukushima News: *Wanted*-Nuclear Specialists In Japan; Better Late Than Never

em>from MissingSky101:

Declaring War On the New World Order and the TPP

by Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show:
Will Jade Helm be used to enforce the dictates of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)? It is very likely that at some point we will see this happening. However, the American people have options and this article will serve to point out some of these options in response to the treasonous sell out of American sovereignty in the name of corporate profits with Obama’s new found authority to “fast track” the TPP.
Do you remember when President Obama promised that we were 5 days away from fundamentally transforming America? Well, this is one campaign promise that Obama actually kept as as his words, today, should be ringing in the ears of every American who is awake the tyranny being perpetrated against the people and sacred institutions of the United States.
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Who is Really Behind Dylann Roof’s “Racist Manifesto” Website?

from The Daily Sheeple:
On June 18, Dylann Roof was arrested for killing nine people in a mass shooting at a black church in South Carolina.
Two days later, a “racist manifesto” website called Last Rhodesian was “discovered” by two independent writers.
The discovery of the website began with a political blogger who posted the following Tweet:
Why did Quangel pony up the $49 to buy the website domain report?
After I congratulated her for her investigative work, Quangel told me that she saw it as her duty. “As a communist,” Quangel said, “it is my duty and obligation to spend at least $49 to help ruin this guy’s insanity plea.”
Read More @

2015 Currency Wars: Behind the Scenes of China’s Rise and Greece’s Demise

from Outsider Club:
Earlier this week, I publicly shared a quote — along with some intriguing insight — from James Rickards, finance commentator and best-selling author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis:
“Investors are Lab Rats in the Fed’s Experiment.”
Someone kindly chimed into our social media discussion, asserting, “There are no ‘investors’, just yield chasing lemmings. Savers are even rarer. It’s the IMF, not the Fed.”
Touché, concerned stranger. Touché, indeed.
Read More @

In Gold We Trust 2015: Gold Remains In A Secular Bull Market

from Gold Silver Worlds:
We have all become involuntary guinea pigs in an unprecedented monetary experiment, the economic (and sociological) outcome of which remains uncertain. Ever more frequently observable phenomena including asset price inflation, chronic over-indebtedness, extreme boombust cycles, but also the fragile interaction between inflation and deflation are symptoms of a problem with a systemic cause.
It seems obvious to us that the crux of the matter is the current inflationary uncovered debt money system. This system requires exponential inflation of the supply of money and credit. A consistent expansion of monetary aggregates in the traditional manner is no longer possible in the current phase. Consequently, the financial system finds itself in an increasingly unstable situation.
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