Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Defiant Tsipras Addresses Nation, Calls For "No" Referendum Vote


Jim Bianco Rages "The Recovery Ship Sailed", Bashes Big Govt Believers, Slams Greek Risk 'Deniers'

"Today is Day 1 of Year 7 of the 'recovery', and yet economists everywhere proclaims 3% growth is just around the corner," rages Jim Bianco as he addresses what 'bugs him', exclaiming "that ship has sailed." Bianco and Santelli go on to slay Keynesian big government dragons and the incessant bullshit from officials like Jack Lew who opine on Greece and other potential systemic risks as being a non-event - "what is priced in is that everything will work itself out at the 11th hour," leaving a huge asymmetric risk. Well worth the price of admission...

UNPREPARED: What Would Happen If A Greek-Style Crisis Hit America?

by Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream:

In this article, I am going to share with you some statistics that prove that most Americans are completely and totally unprepared for a Greek-style economic crisis.  According to one recent survey, an all-time high 72 percent of all Americans are concerned about an economic downturn, and yet the amount of actual preparation that is taking place for the next economic downturn is very low.  As 2008 has faded into our memories, most Americans have been lulled into a false sense of security.  Most people seem to be far more concerned about the latest exploits and scandals of their favorite celebrities than they are about the very real problems that this nation is steamrolling toward.  Hopefully what is going on in Greece right now will serve as a wake up call, because the truth is that similar things could happen in the United States much sooner than most of us would dare to imagine.
When a major financial crisis strikes, what is one of the first things that usually happens?
People start pulling their money out of the banks.
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Um, GOT PHYSICAL?? “Heartbreaking” Scene Unfolds At Greek Banks As Pensioners Clamor For Cash

Let them go to hell!” said one pensioner waiting to get his money, after failed talks between Athens and international creditors sparked a week-long banking shutdown.
from Zero Hedge:
1,000 Greek bank branches chanced a stampede in order to open their doors to the country’s retirees on Wednesday. The scene was somewhat chaotic as pensioners formed long lines and the country’s elderly attempted to squeeze through the doors in order to access pension payments.
… Under banking restrictions imposed all week, ordinary Greeks can withdraw up to 60 euros a day for each credit or debit card — but many of the elderly population do not have cards.
Another customer, a retired mariner who asked not to be named, told AFP he had no cash to buy crucial medicine for his sick wife.
I worked for 50 years on the sea and now I am the beggar for 120 euros,” he said.
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Greece Crisis Could Erupt Into CIVIL UNREST and RIOTS as Basic Supplies Run Out

from The Money GPS:

Leaked Troika Documents Show Greece Needs Huge Debt Relief

Just when you think things can’t get any crazier, they always do. The Guardian reports on unpublished Troika documents that show Greece is only too right in asking for debt relief. That for the Syriza government to sign what the Troika wants to force them to sign would see Tsipras et al plunge their country into a financial hell hole.

Bank Of England Warns Greece "Threatens To Trigger Market Selloff That Could Ripple Through The Global Economy"

When it comes to Europe, Greece lost the blame game, and just like the Ukraine civil war last year, became an unwitting catalyst greenlighting Germany's concession to ECB QE, this time it may be Greece that launches the next step in the ECB's master plan: not just QE but more QE. This is precisely what Goldman's Franceso Garzarelli, co-head of macro and markets research, admitted earlier today in an interview on Bloomberg TV, when he said that the ECB "will have to go big" if the situation in Greece worsens and leads to wider peripheral bond yield spreads.

'Boots On The Ground' In Greece: "Stop The German Bloodletting"

"There is certainly an unusual feeling of calm in the air. Citizens seem a bit more polite and helpful to one another than before, with no shortage of clever comments to break the tension on everyone’s mind being all in the same boat. My first thought was to assume a newfound “keep calm and soldier on” state of unity among the populace. But this is Greece, not Northern Europe. the words “quiet” and “calm” never share a sentence here. No, this was something different, I believe, more of a “laugh to keep from crying” state of mind. And being very experienced with Greece and Greek culture for my entire life, this realization was off-putting to say the least."

LTV 137% - In Unprecedented Development, Lenders Now Take Record Losses On Every Used Car Loan

This wasn't supposed to happen...

Our "Spoiled Brat" Economy

By insuring spoiled brats/vested interests never face the consequences of their actions and choices, we guarantee failure of the entire system.

Bank Of England Warns Greece "Threatens To Trigger Market Selloff That Could Ripple Through The Global Economy"

When it comes to Europe, Greece lost the blame game, and just like the Ukraine civil war last year, became an unwitting catalyst greenlighting Germany's concession to ECB QE, this time it may be Greece that launches the next step in the ECB's master plan: not just QE but more QE. This is precisely what Goldman's Franceso Garzarelli, co-head of macro and markets research, admitted earlier today in an interview on Bloomberg TV, when he said that the ECB "will have to go big" if the situation in Greece worsens and leads to wider peripheral bond yield spreads.

"Strong Fundamentals" Meme Destroyed As US Manufacturing PMI Slows To Its Weakest Since October 2013

US Manufacturing PMI's final print for June at 53.6 (slightly above its preliminary 53.4 print) is its lowest since October 2013. The survey has fallen almost non-stop since the end of QE3. Under the covers, data was mixed, softer output growth was offset by a slight pick-up in the pace of new business gains and job creation, but Manufacturers indicated a slowdown in production growth for the third month running during June. As Markit's echief economist notes, “Policymakers will be concerned about the unbalanced nature of growth, and in particular the loss of export and investment drivers, and will want to see growth pick up again in coming months before committing to higher interest rates.”

Next Steps For Greece: The Complete Post-Referendum Roadmap

As we await Tsipras' response to reports which indicate he is set to concede to creditors' proposals in exchange for a deal that rescues his country from the brink of economic oblivion, Barclays and Bloomberg are out with referendum roadmaps.

ADP Rises To Highest Since 2014 Despite Challenger Job Cuts' Surge To Highest Since 2010

As the shortened week continues ahead of tomorrow's payrolls print, and amid chaotic Greek headline-hockey, ADP and Challenger jobs data gives us a glimpse of what volatility lies ahead. After jumping a little last month, but remaining in weak territory, ADP printed 237k for June (beating expectations of +217.5k) in line with estimates for nonfarm payrolls. This is the best print since Dec 2014 but is dominated by small businesses with large companies lagging.  Job gains were dominated by Services (+225k) with goods-producing fiorms gaining a mere 12k jobs. This comes after Challenger-Gray showed job cuts increasing 42.7% YoY in June and are at the highest level for June since 2009.

For The Bookies The Referendum Outcome Is Clear: Paddy Power Pays Out For "Yes" Votes

The market may be scratching its head over the outcome of this Sunday's Greek referendum, soaring on the faintest trace of good news such as the report of Tsirpas' capitulation this morning then reluctantly selling off as the euphoria is rejected, but for the bookies the outcome is now clear: earlier today Ireland's Paddy Power announced it has "paid out five figures" in winnings to gamblers who bet that Greece will back a July 5 austerity referendum that may seal the nation’s future as part of the euro region.

Merkel Addresses German Parliament: Key Points

As Greece prepares to accept creditors' terms in exchange for a deal, German Chancellor Angela Merkel addresses parliament. Here are the key points.

Young Americans Shocked to Learn of Hillary’s Multiple Mansions

Democratic candidate claimed to be “dead broke” after family left White House
by Mikael Thalen, InfoWars:
Young Americans being quizzed on the homes of 2016 Presidential candidates were in for a shock this week after learning of the multiple mansions owned by Hillary Clinton. In a game dubbed “Candidate’s Cribs,” Campus Reform Correspondent Cabot Phillips asked participants to match four pictures of multi-million dollar homes to their candidate owners.
Unaware that all of the mansions had actually been owned by Clinton, each participant attempted to link other candidates such as Donald Trump, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio to the extravagant properties.
After several rounds of the game, Phillips says the participants were shocked to learn that Clinton had lived in all four homes, which hold a total value of more than $31 million.
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Corporate Personhood, The LOSS OF SOVEREIGNTY & The END of AMERICA

from RTR TRUTH MEDIA™ tomlacovara:


filed under Fuck walmart...

Cake-Correctness: “ISIS Cake Anybody Can Buy at Walmart… But You Can’t Buy Confederate”

by Mac Slavo, SHTFPlan:
As we all know the Confederate flag has been put in the crosshairs as an icon of racial tensions, but this story takes the cake! (Wait, sorry). Walmart must put cake in its mouth, after the corporate giant is cleverly caught in a cultural hypocrisy of its own weaving.
First, the store refused to make a cake for a Louisiana man designed with the Confederate flag stars and bars and the words “Heritage Not Hate.”
However, in a follow up request, the same man ordered an ISIS flag cake, which the Walmart bakery did fulfill. So exactly whose rights to twisted culture, dark heritage and expression are on the chomping block here – and who gets to decide what speech is OK?
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Puerto Rican Debt Crisis Puts Americans’ Retirement Funds at Risk

from Peter Schiff:

GUEST POST: Chemical Weapons Being Fired at Millions of Unaware Americans, in the Name of “Health”!

by Charles Savoie,
I repeatedly hear in the local news smiling newscasters saying how this or that city is sending out crews to spray streets at night for mosquitoes. They act like it’s incense or perfume going into the air. No word from them about making sure pets are inside. No word about turning off air conditioning. No word about closing windows. No word about keeping children inside. What if motorists are in the area in convertible cars or windows down? Why mention it, mosquito spray mist chemicals are safe. These are the same reporters who won’t say anything against vaccinations and psychiatric drugs causing gun rampages. These reporters harm health and mislead the public in so many ways from lower to higher risk. Look at the male reporters wearing suit coats outdoors in hot weather—encouraging older men to suffer heat stroke!
In the name of “protecting health”, health is being grievously harmed. [Related: State agrees to provide Dallas County with enough mosquito spray to get through this ‘abnormal’ West Nile season]
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Is Bill Nye Monsanto’s Latest Sell Out?

by Christina Sarich, Natural Society:
Bill Nye ‘the Science Guy’ has entertained and educated thousands on his television show and website. He also used to call biotech and companies like Monsanto into question for creating genetically modified foods that contain Bt toxins, and countless other shady modifications, to say nothing about the chemicals which are used to grow them. But it seems his feelings toward biotech have changed.
As Discover magazine has reported, Bill Nye did a segment on GMOs for his TV show a decade ago. His approach was weightily anti-GMO. Many in the bought-and-paid-for science world accused Nye of being one-sided and of not looking at the ‘science’ behind the ‘safety and importance’ of GM crops – much like Seralini, or anyone else who has gone against the biotech industry and their seemingly, infinitely-filled pockets.
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Law Enforcement More Concerned About Anti-government Activists Than Al-Qaeda Terrorists

by Kurt Nimmo, Infowars:
A study conducted by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security reveals that law enforcement agencies in the United States are more concerned about “anti-government extremists” than al-Qaeda or ISIS inspired terrorism.
“Law enforcement agencies in the United States consider anti-government violent extremists, not radicalized Muslims, to be the most severe threat of political violence that they face,” the report authored by Charles Kurzman and David Schanzer explains. “They perceive violent extremism to be a much more severe threat nationally than the threat of violent extremism in their own jurisdictions.”
So-called “anti-government violent extremism” linked to “right-wing ideologies “ heads up the list at nearly 74 percent, followed by al-Qaeda inspired violent extremism at 39 percent. Environmental, racist and “anti-capitalist” violent extremism rank low.
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U.S. Government/Central Bankers Are Ready To Cover Up The Economic Disaster

from X22 Report:

Will the Banksters use the “Ultimate Weapon” to Break Greek Resistance?

from The Wealth Watchman:

Scorched Earth
This week we’ll take a closer look at the showdown between Athens and Brussels.  We examine:
The actual text and implications of the referendum(whether it happens or not)…
What’s really going on in the minds of the Troika…
The strategy of Brussels in this showdown…
Whether or not the Troika will use their “ultimate weapon” right now, and why
Why Greece is still useful to the banksters, even in this broken state…
Plus, lastly, we cover some impressive new sales data in silver…
These are crazy times.  Thank goodness we’ve removed ourselves from the nightmare the Greek depositors now find themselves in.  If you’ve not yet reduced your exposure to the international banking system, what are you waiting for?

SCOTUScare from the Same-Sex Supreme Court

from BATR:
In the long and storied past, America prided itself on being a country based upon law. Once this was true! Today, the last vestige of a society built upon natural law and incontrovertible principles is dead. The legal system is now founded on whim, political pressure and sentiment. Under such a framework, the Supreme Court has forfeited the final semblance of legitimacy. The United States no longer can claim it is a constitutional republic. The tyranny of the judiciary in not new! However, the latest decisions on Obamacare and Same-Sex marriage effectively gut the credibility and the meaning of the constitution.
The court has abdicated its ruling role on the constitutionality of law and has substituted the living activism of despotic black robe shysters. This day has been expected for a very long time. No American can feel safe that Bill of Rights protections will be honored. When there is no confidence that language has a universal meaning, the basis of civilized certitude is destroyed.
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Sarajevo for the Euro

from LarouchePAC, via The
The crisis now rolling through the debt markets is not a crisis of Greece, but of the bankrupt euro system and U.S. financial system. Most of the nations of the trans-Atlantic region are facing a breakdown crisis, if not tomorrow, then within weeks; a breakdown crisis of the trans-Atlantic nations from which only those of South America are somewhat protected.
This crisis has been triggered now because of the financial and economic rape of Greece, not by its declaration of bank holiday; it is not a Greek problem that the financial system is at the brink of a chain-reaction breakdown.
Following Greek Prime Minister Tsipras’ firm speech announcing the bank holiday, in which he quoted President Franklin Roosevelt, the chaos the creditor institutions wanted, did not materialize, except on their own markets.
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