Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Shocking 2008 AIG Report On The Motives Behind Europe's "Perpetual Crisis" And The Death Of Greece

"What Europe Wants" - to use global issues as excuses to extend its power:
  • environmental issues: increase control over member countries; advance idea of global governance
  • terrorism: use excuse for greater control over police and judicial issues; increase extent of surveillance
  • global financial crisis: kill two birds (free market; Anglo-Saxon economies) with one stone (Europe-wide regulator; attempts at global financial governance)
  • EMU: create a crisis to force introduction of “European economic government”

Greek Protesters And Riot Police Clash, Molotov Cocktails Thrown - Live Feed


by Bill Holter, SGT report:
So Mr. Tsipras has sold out his countrymen. He called for a referendum fully expecting a “yes” only to receive a resounding no vote. No matter though, what was already “planned” has already gone forward to kick the can down the road. As overwhelming as the referendum was and as in your face the following proposed agreement is, outright rioting, violence and even civil war has a high probability of resulting. A “convenient coup” (remember Ukraine?) could even be in the works?
Looking at Greece from a grand standpoint, what’s the deal? First, Greece is really not much worse off than Portugal, Spain (the West’s newest police state), Italy or even France. Truth be told, Greece has less debt per capita than us “rich” Americans. No doubt Greece is symptomatic of the West’s position of too much debt …not enough GDP but this is not really what I’d like to talk about today.
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The Iran Nuclear Deal Explained (In 1 Cartoon)

Having answered questions and got a little upset during the earlier press conference, we thought the following artist's impression of what was said just before he headed to the lectern would be insightful...

"The Stock Market Is Too Important To Leave To The Vagaries Of An Actual Market"

The stock market is just too important to leave to the vagaries of an actual market now. Too much depends on good-looking numbers now. It must be guided and controlled, or else the stilts on which our global financial system balances become shakier and more visible. The market must be rendered increasingly meaningless simply because it's too meaningful to our current economic system.

Economic Confidence Hovers Near 8-Month Lows, Majority See Things Getting Worse

With Small Business Optimism cratering to 15 month lows and CFO's skepticism at 2 year lows, it is no surprise that 'average joe' is also feeling a little less confident (despite the exuberance in equity markets). Gallup's U.S. Economic Confidence Index registered at -11 this week, which marked an eight-month low for the index. While current conditions are weak, more worryingly, the economic outlook has tumbled to its lowest since October with 56% of Americans saying "the economy is getting worse."

China Defends Data: GDP Figures Are "Objective", Reflect "Real Situation"

"There is room for improvement. But in general China’s GDP deflator hasn’t been underestimated, nor has GDP growth been overstated. Both objectively reflect the real situation."

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other

US equities are exuberantly holding on to their 2-3% gains this week following the "Greek deal" - which is falling apart. Treasury yields have collapsed from kneejerk swings. Greek stocks have plunged since the agreement.. and the Euro has nosedived. Who is right?

Presenting The "Greek Terms Of Surrender" As Annotated By Yanis Varoufakis

The Euro Summit statement (or Terms of Greece’s Surrender – as it will go down in history) was just annotated by Yanis Varoufakis as it pertains to ordinary Greek citizens. As the former finance minister writes "The original text is untouched with my notes confined to square brackets (and in red). Read and weep…"

Santa Cruz County Votes To Cease Doing Business With 5 TBTF Mega Banks

It appears that Ryan Coonerty, the Supervisor of the Third District of Santa Cruz County, wrote a letter back in June to the rest of the Board of Supervisors, in which he bravely pleaded the county cease business operations with five of the TBTF Wall Street Mega Banks. Why you ask? Well, because they are criminal felons. Considering Eric Holder refused to punish them, someone has to take a stand...“There seems to be no limit to the greed in some our nation’s largest banks. I believe it is critical that the County only work with the most trustworthy institutions as we invest and protect the public’s tax dollars. Santa Cruz County should not be involved with those who rigged the world’s biggest financial markets."

President Obama To Explain How Great The Iran Nuclear Deal - Live Press Conference

As everyone knows by now, a nuclear 'deal' between Iran and the P5+1 (US, France, China, Germany, UK, Russia) was announced earlier this week. Under this agreement, Iran promises to limit its nuclear program in return for various international sanctions to be lifted. Republicans are not happy with the deal (Boehner: "Obama's deal will only embolden Iran"); Israel's PM Netanyahu warned it was "a stunning historical mistake," but we are sure President Obama will put everyone straight as he heads into the next 60 days of Congressional wrangling...

Tsipras Says Will Be Difficult To Remain In Power As More Than Half Of Syriza Slam Deal

Today, the Greek parliament is being asked to legislate away its sovereignty in exchange for a bridge loan and a third bailout program that should allow the country to remain in the euro. Facing a rebellion from within Syriza, Tsipras will have to rely on opposition party support to secure approval for what is effectively a German coup.

U.S. Military Can No Longer Defend The Country

from TheAlexJonesChannel:

VIDEO shocker: Dead baby parts ‘harvested’ during partial-birth abortions… sold to biotech companies for ‘scientific’ research… Profiteering from sales of baby brains, hearts and intestines

by Mike Adams, Natural News:
The headline of this article is true. This is what passes for “science” in today’s twisted world: the harvesting of dead baby parts during partial-birth abortions so that profits can be generated from the biotech industry’s “scientific” research.
It has all been caught on undercover video by the Center for Medical Progress. Full transcript and video links below.
Here are the highlights of this gruesome story that showcases the truly sick, psychopathic behavior of the abortion industry and its harvesting of babies in the name of “science”.
Life Site News headlined this shocking story:
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Should you buy a firearm? The Pros & Cons of Gun Ownership

from Off Grid Survival:
There are over 310 million privately-owned firearms in America; a number that works out to roughly 1 firearm for every man women and child in this country. While the anti-gun crowd would like you to believe that guns are evil, and that there’s a so-called epidemic of mass-shootings in this country, the truth is, as gun sales have skyrocketed in recent years, gun crimes have actually dropped.
Anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens actually stop the bad guys from committing these heinous crimes.
So what’s the truth about guns? Should everyone own one?
Well, before we jump into the reasons why owning a firearm is a smart idea, let’s look at some of the downsides to gun ownership. Yes, the downsides.
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‘Black Swan’ Taleb Warns “Calm Before The Storm

from Gold Core:

Western countries are increasingly displaying symptoms of instability as described by Nassim Taleb, the author of the The Black Swan, even since the publication of an essay written with Gregory Treverton entitled “The Calm Before the Storm.”
The piece was published in the January/February edition of Foreign Affairs – the official magazine of the Council on Foreign Relations.
In their essay, Taleb and Treverton highlight five characteristics that could help identify states that – while appearing stable on the surface – may actually be quite fragile.
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The Fiscal Grand Canyon

by Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, Silver-coin-investor:
The cycle of hyperinflation is already upon us. It was set in motion long ago.
We are in the ultimate conundrum. Politically, the US Government, Treasury, and Central Banks must satisfy – pay for – unfunded liabilities and promises.
But the “money” is is simply a desperate conjuring meant to keep the doors of government open.
The dollar as a concept is temporary and limited. Many outside the mainstream have observed ubiquitous evidence that the end is near.
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It Starts Today: “A Financial Collapse Is Imminent Within This Six Month Time Period”

by Mac Slavo, SHTFPlan:

Over the last six years Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse Blog has published over one-thousand research papers, articles and reports detailing the financial, economic and monetary crises sweeping the world. While he has often urged his readers to prepare for calamity, he has never issued a specific date or time-frame for the trigger that would send the whole system into a tailspin.
Until now.
In his latest must-watch interview with Future Money Trends, Snyder sets the record straight and explains why he recently issued his first and only “Red Alert” to readers warning of an impending, far-reaching event that will touch ever corner of the globe.
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