Euro Strength? A Mystery No More
Initial Claims In Holiday Shortened Week Drop To 350K From Upward Revised 376K Due To "One-Time Factors"
Full Frontal Of ECB's ZIRP: Record €484 Billion Drop In Overnight Deposits
S&P Futures At Day Session Lows As German 2Y Hits Record 'Negative' Yield
Middle Class? Here's What's Destroying Your Future
Neofeudal financialization and unproductive State/private vested interests have bled the middle class dry.
What Do Bonds Say About S&P 500 "Fair Value"
HUI to Gold Ratio Dipping Down Towards Undervaluation Levels Once Again
Trader Dan at Trader Dan's Market Views - 12 minutes ago

The breech of the 400 level in the HUI has brought out some further
stop-loss related selling as well as fresh shorting by hungry bears in the
sector. GoldCorp's news from yesterday is still impacting the miners in
That being said, the underperformance of the mining shares against the
price of Gold is dropping this important ratio down toward those levels
which have been considered as "undervalued" once again. While it is small
consolation to mining equity bulls to see the value of their holdings being
diminished once again, it does appear that we are entering a region that... more »
Trader Dan on King World News
Trader Dan at Trader Dan's Market Views - 52 minutes ago
take a bit of time to check out my recent written interview with
Eric King of KIng World News as we discuss the technical price chart of
US Dollar and some general concepts about price action.
It should be kept in mind that a rallying Dollar tends to bring pressure
across most of the commodity complex as a sector. There are exceptions
however and we note those.,_Euro_%26_Gold.html
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We The Sheeplez... is intended to reflect
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Is The MBIA vs BAC Saga Ending In Under 24 Hours?
Anyone who has followed the MBIA vs Bank of America saga knows that the only reason why there has been no settlement so far is due to BAC's relentless stonewalling tactics that seek merely to delay the production of discovery which based on preliminary indications is sufficiently damning to let MBIA prevail in the case, and with that to force settlement that based on our and others' former evaluations, could lead to a doubling in the stock (ignoring the massive short-covering squeeze it would immediately create courtesy of the 15.5% Short Interest of the total float, sending the stock even higher than where fundamentals say it should go). Well, based on a just released transcript of Judge Eileen Bransten motion to compel discovery, the end may be in sight, and may come as soon as July 13, or tomorrow. And what is more important, her displeasure with BofA's relentless stonewalling has come to an end. Will Bank of America have no choice but to settle in the very immediate future? Stay tuned to find out.S&P 500 Futures On Brink As Banks Lead Losses on Libor Probe
Fed Has No Hammer, Uses Handsaw And Chisel To Pound Nails
The Fed is promising once again to pound nails with the only tools in its toolbox, a saw and a chisel. The "nails" the Fed is trying to pound down are unemployment and deflation. Needless to say, whacking these big nails with a handsaw and a chisel is completely useless: they can't get the job done. The Fed claims all sorts of supernatural powers to sink nails at will--"unconventional monetary policy," quantitative easing, money dropped from helicopters and so on. But all it really has are two tools which have no positive effect on unemployment or the real economy.- The Fed can manipulate interest rates to near-zero
- The Fed can shove "free money" to the banks
The End Of Swiss And Japanese Deflation
Nearly full employment in all the cited developed economies except the US shows that the deflationary environment of the recent months is only temporary. Deflation is rather an effect of the recent strong fall in commodity prices. No wonder that the Fed is still reluctant to ease conditions; they saw the opposite temporary commodity price movements last year. We do neither expect a global inflation nor a deflation scenario but a balance sheet recession in many countries but still an increase of wages and therefore a very slow global growth in both developed and developing countries and continuing disinflation (see chart of Ashraf Alaidi to the left). CPIs will look soon similar for all developed countries, with the consequence that the currencies of the most secure and effective countries (measured in terms of trade balance and current accounts) will appreciate. These are for us e.g. Japan, Switzerland, Singapore and partially Sweden and Norway. The overvalued currencies with weaker trade balances like the Kiwi and Aussie must depreciate.Not All Prayers Are Answered Affirmatively
Because I pay attention to these things; I have the sense that there has been a lot of praying recently. Prayers for QE3, prayers for Quantitative Easing mortgage bond buying, “Please SIR;” and for words to the effect in each and every FOMC minutes that “Money will be printed forever and ever Amen.”Now I hate to do this to you and I feel like the bad boy with the pin about to prick someone’s bubble but these prayers have gone unanswered as you know and are not likely to be answered any day soon unless Europe goes up in pixie dust which, while certainly possible, will be far more serious for the markets and will more than offset the Fed dragging out their printing presses and plugging them in once again.“Now I know I'm not normally a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me, Superman!”
-Homer Simpson
Daily US Opening News And Market Re-Cap: July 12
European equities are seen softer at the North American crossover as continued concerns regarding global demand remain stubborn ahead of tonight’s Chinese GDP release. Adding to the risk-aversion is continued caution surrounding the periphery, evident in the Spanish and Italian bourses underperforming today. A key catalyst for trade today has been the ECB’s daily liquidity update, wherein deposits, unsurprisingly, fell dramatically to EUR 324.9bln following the central bank’s cut to zero-deposit rates. The move by the ECB to boost credit flows and lending has slipped at the first hurdle, as the fall in deposits is matched almost exactly by an uptick in the ECB’s current account. As such, it is evident that the banks are still sitting on their cash reserves, reluctant to lend, as the real economy is yet to see a boost from the zero-deposit rate. As expected, the European banks’ share prices are showing the disappointment, with financials one of the worst performing sectors, and CDS’ on bank bonds seen markedly higher. A brief stint of risk appetite was observed following the release of positive money supply figures from China, particularly the new CNY loans number, however the effect was shortlived, as participants continue to eye the upcoming growth release as the next sign of health, or lack thereof, from the world’s second largest economy.Overnight Summary: No More SSDD
Something is different this morning. Whether it is the aftermath of yesterday's inexplicable 10 Year auction demand spike, or more explicable plunge in the ECB's deposit facility usage, or, the fresh record low yield in the supreme risk indicator, Swiss 2 Year bonds, now at under 0.5%, market participants are realizing that the status quo is changing, leading to fresh 2 year lows in the EURUSD which was at 1.2175 at last check, sliding equity futures (those are largely irrelevant, and purely a function of what Simon "Harry" Potter does today when the clockworkesque ramp at 3:30pm has the FRBNY start selling Vol like a drunken sailor), and negative yields also for German, French, and Finland, with Austria and Belgium expected to follow suit as the herd scrambles into the "safety" of the core (which incidentally is carrying the periphery on its shoulders but who cares about details). Either way, Europe's ZIRP is finally being felt, only not in a way that many had expected and hoped and instead of the money being used to ramp risk, it is further accelerating the divide between risky and safe assets. Look for the Direct take down in today's 30 Year auction: it could be a doozy.Frontrunning: July 12
- If Hilsenrath leaks a Fed party line and nobody cares, does Hilsenrath exist? Fed Weighs More Stimulus (WSJ)
- Clock Is Ticking on Crisis Charges (WSJ)
- South Korea in first rate cut since 2009 (FT)
- Shake-Up at New York Fed Is Said to Cloud View of Risk at JPMorgan (NYT)
- Italy stats office threatens to stop issuing data (Reuters)... because Italy is "out of money"
- China New Yuan Loans Top Forecasts; Forex Reserves Decline (Bloomberg).. and here are Chinese gold imports
- Italy Faces 'War' in Economic Revamp, Monti Warns (WSJ)... says Mario Monti from Sun Valley, cause Italy is "out of money"
- NY Fed to release Libor documents Friday (Reuters)
- U.S. House Again Votes to Repeal Obama’s Health Care Law (Bloomberg)
- Germany May Turn to Labor Programs as Crisis Worsens, Union Says (Bloomberg)
- Ireland to unveil stimulus package (FT)
Swiss 2 Year: -0.38%
Today’s Items:
Despite Hillary Clinton’s warning, Russia
has sent a destroyer-class warship, carrying marines, to Syria. Russia
has been one of Syria’s few remaining allies in the world as the U.S.
led coalition continues its war of terror on the Mideast. Things are
getting more interesting folks.
Corn prices are jumping after the USDA cut
corn yield by 20 bushels to 146 bushels per acre. This 12% cut is due
to the heatwave and drought conditions that are the worst since 1988.
Corn, used in 95% of all foods and feed for animals for meat only mean
one thing. As corn goes up, so will your grocery bill; therefore,
panic now and avoid the rush and get your food supply in order.
People are losing their homes over unpaid
tax bills that, in some cases, add up to just a few hundred dollars.
Because they are on a fixed income, the elderly are particularly
vulnerable to property tax delinquencies. While many people are able
to pay off their debts and reclaim their homes, a growing number of
people are becoming vulnerable to tax lien foreclosures.
Obamacare may be destroyed; however, Obama
has found his niche in history. As in Germany in the thirties, Barack
Obama has mandated that all healthcare plans must offer free
sterilizations to all women, but not men, capable of breeding. This
sterilization mandate will define Obama as a man, a president and a
historical figure.
Small Business Confidence has just plunged
by its largest percentage in 24 months to its lowest level since
October 2011. The sad reality is that small business, that is the main
engine of economic growth and job creation, is rolling over. In an
environment that is openly hostile to small business, is anyone
With years in the making, San Bernardino,
facing the possibility of not being able to cover payroll for the
summer, becomes California’s third city in less than a month to
authorize a bankruptcy filing. The city faces a $46 million deficit
and there will be “draconian cuts” to all city services, including the
police and fire departments. Now for a state that is doing better
From categories like “Cost of doing
Business”, “Quality of Life”, to “Access to Capital”, Texas is once
again America’s top state for business. All this, despite having Rick
Perry as governor. Texas and Virginia have traded places each year in
first and second place until 2012 when Utah took second place.
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