Friday, July 13, 2012

They Will Take Everything If You Don’t Stop Them: Ten Things You Must Do To Defend Yourself

by Be Informed, SHTFPlan:
They will take everything if you don’t stop them.
At first glance a statement like this brings up thoughts of the government coming for all freedom seeking people. In actuality this is about your neighbors and those in your community that will ruthlessly mob up and literally storm your own home for what you have after a long drawn out disaster, perhaps sooner. It is a fact that most people in the United States, upwards of 99%, have little or NOTHING put away for emergenices. When chaos hits and a country’s infrastructure crumbles into powder, so does the nation’s ability to feed and sustain its citizens.
Self reliance and preparing for a rainy day or even for a full blown hurricane has become almost a taboo for many, and a total waste of time, money and effort for the others. While what a person does with their own money and time is their business, the same holds true for the person that sacrifices much to prepare for future mass disorder and total lack of purchasable necessities.
The main conundrum with the vast majority of the population is that they have come to totally expect everything provided for them by someone else, human or machine. This “serve me, as I am the only one that matters” attitude is more than an epidemic in the United States and many other countries. As individuals of ALL ages lose the basic skills of self reliance, and more importantly the desire to do any task for themselves, a ticking time bomb becomes more pronounced for when these services breakdown.
1. What type of self defense fits you the best?
4. Know the seriousness of what is happening.
7. Be ready to take a stand.
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Rick Rule (Live At Freedom Fest 2012) – Be A Contrarian or Be A Victim

We caught up with Sprott’s Rick Rule in Las Vegas at Freedom Fest 2012. He’s not the least bit concerned about the precious metals price gyrations, and he’s actively buying metals for his personal portfolio. He believes that Contrarian investors eventually score the largest gains but that it takes guts and a lot of perseverance. Joe “Two-Pack” better have both or he should buy another can of beer and hit the road. Rick’s got one of the best jobs around; he’s doing what he loves and as a result has never worked a day in his life. Just don’t ask him about tech investing, he’s sticking to what he knows best.

Are Treasuries the Worst Investment in the World?

from Azizonomics:
I admit the headline is a little sensationalistic, but after Wednesday’s WTF bond auction, I feel like slapping the market around the face with a rotten fish. Now certainly there are plenty of penny stocks headed to greater losses far sooner. And certainly, lots of people have made good profits on Treasuries by buying them and flipping them to a greater fool or a central bank. On the other hand, so did many on during the NASDAQ bubble, or during the ’00s ABS bubble. Bubbles are profitable for some, and that’s why there have been so many throughout history. But once the money starts to dry up they become excruciatingly painful.
Treasury yields are just going lower:
After a 30-year bull market, you’d think that the financial media might have cottoned onto the idea that there is little scope left for real gains, either by holding bonds to maturity (inflation is outrunning yields) and even by flipping it off to a greater fool (or the greatest fool of all — the central bank).
In theory, there are no limits to how low rates could go. In theory, nominal yields could go deeply negative, so long as there are buyers coming into the market ready to buy at a lower rate, and a push a profit to bond flippers. In reality, even Japan — a nation that has adopted desperate measures including forcing financial institutions to buy treasuries to keep rates depressed — has not managed to push nominal rates below zero. The scope for great profits from flipping bonds seems to be evaporating. And in any case, the latter case of flipping bonds to a greater fool or the central bank balance sheet is a classic characteristic of a bubble. The inherent value in a bond is its yield; everything else is speculation.
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Jim Grant on Safe-Haven Bubbles and a Bull Market in Black Walnut Trees!

from CapitalAccount:

Welcome to a very special episode of Capital Account, live from New York. In 2008, a Barclays employee told the NY Federal Reserve that the bank, as well as other firms, were underreporting LIBOR. Timothy Geithner, the 2008 head of the NY Fed, is now under scrutiny and lawmakers are urging a probe of LIBOR regulators. But why is there so much outrage over LIBOR manipulation when central banks manipulate interest rates every day? We will hear from Jim Grant, editor and founder of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, in our sit-down interview.

Also, JP Morgan’s London Whale trading loss reached $5.8 billion, and in a conference call JP Morgan said they will clawback two years of compensation. This clawback includes millions of dollars in bonuses for CIO traders and their former boss Ina Drew. Do these clawbacks reinstate accountability at too big to fail banks? We will hear about Jim Grant’s clawback plan.
Peregrine Financial’s CEO was arrested today. In the note he left before attempting suicide he said his forgeries of bank statements, which allowed him to steal millions from customers, went undetected for 20 years. Is fear of money being stolen by a PFG or MFG contributing to what Jim Grant calls the “bubble in perceived safe havens?”
In a special Friday the 13th Loose Change, Demetri Kofinas and Lauren go to a church and graveyard near Wall Street to talk atonement and invoke the “spirit of the law” when it comes to financial crimes.

The Brilliance and Bravery of Mises

By Daniel James Sanchez, Dollar Vigilante:
One hundred years ago, Ludwig von Mises’s The Theory of Money and Credit was published. Because this was Mises’s first great contribution to human understanding, we should also celebrate this year as the centennial of the start of his career as a creative genius on the world stage.
Mises wrote his first treatise in the dark, foreboding days before World War I. This gave the project urgency and greatly affected its makeup. He would later write in his Notes and Recollections:
“If I could have worked quietly and taken my time, I would have begun with a theory of direct exchange in the first volume; and then I could proceed to the theory of indirect exchange. But I actually began with indirect exchange, because I believed that I did not have much time; I knew that we were on the eve of a great war and I wanted to complete my book before the war’s outbreak. I thus decided that in a few points only I would go beyond the narrow field of strictly monetary theory, and would postpone my preparation of a more complete work.”
The young economist had already mastered his science. He probably could have written something like his later magnum opus Human Action — a systematic exposition of economics and the case for classical liberalism — right then in the second decade of the 20th century.
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The Best Investment Opportunity In The World Right Now Is Myanmar

Admin at Jim Rogers Blog - 20 minutes ago
Probably the best investment opportunity in the world right now is Myanmar. In 1962, Myanmar was the richest country in Asia. They closed off in 1962, and now it's the poorest country in Asia. I see enormous opportunities there because they're now opening up. It's like when China opened up in 1978. There were unbelievable opportunities going forward. The same is true in Myanmar now in my view. North Korea, I expect to see the same sorts of developments. - *in Business Insider* *Jim Rogers is an author, financial commentator and successful international investor. He has been freque... more » 

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Economic Countdown To The Olympics 2: Predicting Olympic Medals

In the second part of our five-part series on The Olympics (Part 1 here) we ponder the impossible to predict - the medal count. As Goldman notes: Economists like to think that the toolkit of their profession helps them explain many things or, as some would claim, everything that is interesting about human behavior. In the context of the forthcoming Olympic Games in London, therefore, the key question is whether economic variables can help explain and predict success at the Olympics itself. At one level, this seems like a daft question even to consider. It is hard to imagine that economic variables could even begin to capture the kind of individual skill, mental determination and hunger that drive athletes to perform feats of unimaginable virtuosity that is the stuff of Olympic legends. But at the level of a country, it may be possible to identify the ingredients that unlock success at the Games. As British Paralympian Tim Hollingsworth explains: "...when you create a world class environment you are far more likely to create world class athletes." What is a 'world class environment' and how do we measure it across countries? Luckily, we have an answer in the GS Growth Environment Scores (GES), a broad measure of growth conditions across countries - and, indeed, this is what we find: gold does go where the growth environment is superior. The forecast leaves USA, China, and Great Britain battling it out for 'Most Golds' and USA leading China overall - but remember "the most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part."

The Glory of the 99%

by David Lee,
Much fuss has been raised of late over the 99%. He has been praised and exalted; fawned over and adored. He is a man of exceeding integrity and moral uprightness. He is someone we can all look to for our own edification, an example for the rest of us to follow. There is no doubt that if more of us strove to be like him the world would be better for it. But few among those who sing his praises have a clear idea of just who exactly he is. Rarely has it ever been inquired what it is that distinguishes Mr. 99% from others and in what his true nature consists of. This is the task we shall now undertake—an investigation into the neglected query: Who is the 99%?
Let us begin by setting out what he is not. The 99% is clearly not a man of great intellectual powers. Certainly no Principia Mathematica can be expected from him. Should he have such ability, that fact would of itself disqualify him from the epithet and he would thereby no longer be justified in calling himself the 99%. Again the 99% is not a musical genius. Not even a hopeless romantic could expect him to have produced the Eroica. That would be asking far too much of someone who has never demonstrated any talent whatsoever for musical composition. We find by similar lines of reasoning that the 99% is a man who does not possess any peculiar genius in any field of scientific inquiry or esthetics, whether in chemistry, physics, biology, literature, or painting. The minute he shows any exceptional aptitude in any particular skill, or achieves something beyond the reach of the vast majority of men, he ipso facto can no longer be considered the 99%.
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Surprise! Obama Reveals the Promotional Elements of the Modern Presidency

by The Daily Bell:
Obama‘s mistake in 1st term: He wasn’t a good storyteller … US President Barack Obama has acknowledged that the biggest mistake of his first term was not being a good enough storyteller, saying he needed to communicate better to the American people about his policies to foster “a sense of unity and purpose and optimism.” … “When I think about what we’ve done well and what we haven’t done well, the mistake of my first term — couple of years — was thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right … The nature of this office is also to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during tough times,” Obama told CBS News in an interview. – FPI
Dominant Social Theme: It is necessary to inspire, and Barack Obama needs to do a better job of that.
Free-Market Analysis: This is a good day for us. We have certain themes we try to analyze as a way of explaining that there is currently a struggle going on between those who want world government and those who want to expose it.
The struggle is all-inclusive and people have to understand it if they want to be more successful investors, businesspeople or even family-members and parents.
But usually we don’t receive much in the way of mainstream confirmation of our themes and memes. Today was different. Two mainstream media stories confirmed in startling ways what we have been writing for years.
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Legacy Builders, Part 2

by Gary North, Lew
In my previous report, I surveyed the contributions of five men. I discovered two principles that undergirded the careers of all five: stick to your knitting, and stick to your guns.
Any person who has as his goal in life to change the opinions of other people had better be committed to both of these principles. First, most people do not want to change their opinions. To change a single opinion requires you to change your opinions on numerous topics. The old rule is true: “You can’t change just one thing.” So, there is a high cost of rethinking your most cherished opinions. People avoid projects that involve high costs.
When someone is confronted with a new opinion, if the opinion relates to how people ought to act, one of the first defenses that the listener can raise is this one: “Does the person recommending the new idea live consistently in terms of this idea?” If it is obvious to the listener that the person does not walk the talk, it becomes clear to him that the promoter is not really serious about the truth and effectiveness of whatever it is that he is promoting. This gives the listener an easy way out.
This is why the people I have selected for this series all manifested a commitment to living in terms of the ideas which they promoted. They were shaped by these ideas. This made it difficult for people who heard these people present their case to dismiss the new ideas automatically.
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The Best Reporting on Detention and Rendition Under Obama

by Cora Currier and Suevon Lee, Pro Publica:
When Barack Obama took office, he banned torture, shut down the CIA’s network of black-site prisons and pledged to close Guantanamo. But exactly where terror suspects should go continues [1] to be a legal and political challenge for the administration. So we’ve rounded up some of the best reporting on rendition and detention under Obama. Got others? Add them in the comments.

Why Obama Hasn’t Closed Guantanamo Camps [2], Foreign Affairs, January 2012

Miami Herald’s Guantanamo reporter Carol Rosenberg analyzes the combination of political, security and bureaucratic obstacles that have thwarted Obama’s plans to shut down the prison. ProPublica has also covered the dilemma of indefinite detention [3] at Guantanamo.

Terror Suspect Secretly Held for Two Months [4], Los Angeles Times, July 2011

Ahmed Warsame was the first known terror suspect to be held by the Obama administration outside the legal system, on a Navy ship. Administration officials said Warsame was interrogated “humanely” and not by the CIA. Wired’s Danger Room confirmed [5] the ship where Warsame was held, calling it the administration’s floating alternative to Guantanamo.
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Biderman’s Daily Edge: Bernanke Put Unlikely To Survive Past One More Fed Easing

from TrimTabs:


from SRSrocco, Silver Doctors:
This chart from my PEAK SILVER REVISITED article says it all.  The downside of the PEAK OIL chart is bad, but not as bad when we factor in the DECLINING EROI.  Basically, as energy gets more expensive to explore, drill and produce more and more of the percentage gets eaten up by the process leaving less for market.
That is why we will see PEAK SILVER much sooner than later.  Furthermore, the collapse of FIAT MONEY and going back to a GOLD BACKED SYSTEM will not keep the world’s economies from imploding.  That is why I differ from some of the rhetoric put out by the AUSTRIAN SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS….. they fail to comprehend the peaking of global oil and the falling EROI.
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Greyerz – Gold to Hit $3,500 – $5,000 in 12 to 18 Months

Today Egon von Greyerz told King World News, “The credit bubble we’ve had, for at least 40 years, is going to accelerate dramatically, and the failures in the system will continue.” Egon von Greyerz, who is founder and managing partner at Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, also said, “I see gold reaching $3,500 to $5,000 in the next 12 to 18 months.”
Here is what Greyerz had to say about the ongoing financial crisis and where we are headed: “There is a fire in almost every country in Europe. The US is going to catch fire also. There will be a catalyst coming soon, probably some concerted action of QE or money printing between the Fed, IMF and the ECB. That will happen as a result of the economies, worldwide, collapsing.”
“Just look at the unemployment. We’re looking at 25% unemployment in many countries. The US is at 23% (unemployment) if you count it correctly. Youth unemployment is 50% in many countries. This is a disaster for the world and the social side of this will be terrible.
Egon von Greyerz continues @

Image Shows Military Spraying Over Florida City

by Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet:

An image posted on Facebook shows a C-130 cargo plane spraying mosquitoes over the Florida city of Homestead at an altitude of just 150 feet, again stoking concerns that the military is becoming an increasing presence in domestic affairs.
The photo was taken by Tico Vilarioo, who questioned why a task normally designated to state and local authorities was now being put under military control, in violation of Posse Comitatus.
“So now the Military is spraying for mosquitoes. They’re using AC130 cargo planes that fly 150 over head to spray. I was literally sprayed as I was outside cleaning and feeding the animals. Question for those that may know a little more than I do. Isn’t the State, our local government supposed to be doing this? Why is the military becoming integrated into civilian operations? Doesn’t this violate the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878? Here’s a picture I took of the plane flying over the neighbor’s house. It flew over our house three different times,” said Vilarioo.
As Infowars reported earlier this week, the spraying is being conducted not only in Homestead but also in Doral, West Sweetwater, Kendall, Florida City and areas east of U.S. 1.
As we have documented, under a myriad of operations related to law enforcement, the environment and health, Americans are being conditioned to accept the involvement of the military in domestic affairs as a routine occurrence.
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Neocons Float “Mushroom Cloud” Condi as Romney VP

by Kurt Nimmo, Info Wars:
If selected in November, Mitt Romney will serve as the front man for the reinstallation of the neocon faction in the White House. Establishment media murmuring about his choice for vice president – Condoleezza Rice – underscores the return of the so-called Vulcans.
Condi is a seasoned war criminal and her expertise will be required as a Romney administration addresses unfinished business in Syria and Iran if the Obama administration does not finish the job by the time of its possible defeat come November.
Rice is famous for her “we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud” comment made in January of 2003, two months before the invasion of Iraq. Condi and other Bush administration officials were never held to account for the cynical lies that resulted in the murder of 1.5 million Iraqis.
According to a report produced by the House Committee on Government Reform’s Special Investigative Staff, president Bush, vice president Cheney, Secretary of State Powell, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, and National Security Advisor Rice lied about the threat posed by Iraq in 125 public appearances and made 237 specific “misleading statements” about Iraqi WMDs and collaboration with al-Qaeda.
Following the so-called Downing Street memo revelations conclusively demonstrating that the ludicrous WMD accusations made against Iraq and Saddam Hussein were fabrications and lies, Condi Rice’s reputation – thanks to the establishment media – remained untarnished.
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The Global Eco-Constitution of the UN Explained

by Susanne Pose, Activist Post
The idea behind global governance is that “there does not exist any serious environmental problem which cannot be solved through minimizing of energy and material consumption.”
Choosing “the creation of a global society with global democracy” will “improve the function of global financial markets” and “environmental quality.”
George Soros suggests in The Crisis of Global Capitalism that a “worldwide alliance will operate in promoting principles of international law.” However, there is little concern in the globalist Elite’s view of local markets.
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Michael Savage – Condoleezza Rice Bad VP Choice, Pick Jan Brewer!

[Ed. Note: Could someone please refresh our collective memory? Didn't Rand Paul sell out the Ron Paul Revolution for the dangling carrot know as the VP position? How's that workin' out for you Rand?]
from imitator777:

CFR + Rockefeller + Illuminati + Bilderberg + Kissinger + Bohemian Grove + Federal Reserve = ObamaBushRomney Rice. Just add water. Get it?” – Michael Savage

Gold & Stock Markets Rally, But Troubles Continue in Europe

from KingWorldNews:
With gold surging $20, and stock markets rallying around the world, today King World News interviewed 25 year veteran Caesar Bryan. Gabelli & Company has over $31 billion under management and Caesar Bryan has managed the gold fund since its inception in 1994. Here is what Ceasar had to say regarding what is happening around the globe: “There are still huge challenges because there is simply too much debt, and of course the medicine that’s being prescribed is to cut government spending in a very weak economic environment. The Spanish, just yesterday, an approximately $60 billion euro further budget cut over the next two years, from 2012 through 2014.”
“This was a significant announcement coming out of Spain. They also announced VAT increases, and sharply cut social security type payments. The VAT increase is over 1% of GDP. It’s a rise in the VAT tax from 18% to 21%. Spain is already in a depression and this just adds to the downward bias. This takes additional growth away, it’s counter-cyclical.
Caesar Bryan continues @

Western World Finance Is In Deep Trouble

My Dear Friends,

I will expand on this over the summer, but as an introduction:
1. Economics are not weekly and monthly statistics. It is comprised of motion and change that determines the trend.
2. The effect of economic actions is not a static amount, for example0 QE in some determined period of time, but rather an inescapable cumulative impact due to the rate of change. Each event of stimulation requires greater effort than the previous.
3. Economic activity is either increasing at an increasing rate or it is decelerating and an increasing rate. There are no Plateaus of Prosperity or Goldilocks Economics other than in the minds of spin doctors.
4. Debt has come home to be confronted here and now. There is no normal business means of accomplishing this.
The conclusion to be outlined in many ways over the summer is clearly the Western world finance is in deep trouble. QE to infinity is the only political tool that can kick the can. Gold will trade at and above $3500 regardless of all the previous attempts to manipulate it.
Cash market buyers will prevent all attempts to color gold otherwise.


In The News Today

In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce and brave man, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. –Mark Twain

Jim Sinclair’s Commentary

The Rig is Up because it is so out in the open now. It is not going back into darkness and silence.

How Jamie Dimon hid the $6 billion loss By Stephen Gandel, senior editor July 13, 2012: 1:08 PM ET
FORTUNE — Here is perhaps the most amazing thing about JPMorgan Chase’s (JPM) $5.8 billion trading loss: Take a look at the firm’s overall results, and it’s like the London Whale’s misstep, one of the largest flubs in the history of Wall Street, never happened.
Back in mid-April, about two weeks before talk of the trading losses emerged, JPMorgan was expected to earn $1.21 a share in its second quarter. On Friday, JPMorgan reported that it had, Whale and all, earned exactly that.
How the bank appears to have offset the huge trading loss is a prime example of how complex and malleable bank profits actually are, and how much they should be believed. JPMorgan’s quarter should give fodder for accountants to talk about for some time.
"Yes, I have seen these results, but I have also seen how the sausage is made and I am worried that I might get food poisoning in the future," Mike Mayo of Credit Agricole Securities  and author of the book Exile on Wall Street told Dimon in a meeting with analysts following the bank’s earnings release.
Sure some of JPMorgan’s businesses were strong. Profits in its mortgage operations, helped by falling interest rates, rose by nearly $1.3 billion. But a good deal of JPMorgan’s earnings came from some shifting of losses and an assumption that things for the bank, and the economy in general, are about to get a good deal better. That assumption might prove right, but it could also add to losses in the future.
So how do you make a nearly $6 billion loss go away? First stop taxes. The bank said that the London Whale’s blunder cost the bank $4.4 billion in the second quarter alone. But that’s before taxes. After it pays taxes, though, JPMorgan says the loss will shrink to just over $2.7 billion, which means the bank plans to take a $1.7 billion write off from Uncle Sam. Like any loss, banks are allowed to use trading blunders to offset taxable profits elsewhere in the bank. The question is the rate. At $1.7 billion, JPMorgan is writing off roughly 38% of the loss. That’s not that out of line with the U.S. corporate tax rate, but it’s a far larger percentage of profits than most companies actually pay. Nonetheless, on taxes alone, the bank was able to shrink the London Whale’s wake to $4.1 billion.

Jim Sinclair’s Commentary

QE to infinity cannot be avoided. It is not a choice. Under present financial conditions it is the only tool to avoid a credit implosion. The time has come.

Fed May Need to Begin New Asset Purchases, Lockhart Says By Steve Matthews – Jul 13, 2012 3:32 PM MT
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta PresidentDennis Lockhart said the central bank may need to begin a new program of asset purchases if recent economic weakness continues and undermines his forecast for a pickup in the second half of the year.
“If the economy continues on the track indicated by the most recent incoming data and information, that forecast will become untenable, as will the policy premises underlying it.” Lockhart said today in Jackson, Mississippi. “My support for the current stance of policy rests on a forecast that sees a step-up of output and employment growth by year-end and into 2013.”
Lockhart joins the ranks of Fed officials who are prepared to consider additional stimulus after a report showed that payroll growth lagged behind forecasts in June. The Atlanta Fed president cited the release of minutes from the central bank’s last meeting as showing as many as four policy makers are “quite receptive at this time” to further easing.
The policy-making Federal Open Market Committee voted last month to extend its maturity-extension program, known as Operation Twist, to provide more support for a slowing U.S. economy and said it would consider additional stimulus if needed.
“My colleagues and I on the FOMC may confront a decision on whether or not to respond more aggressively to the economy’s apparent weakness,” Lockhart told the Mississippi Economic Council. “It’s possible another policy decision looms.”

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