Saturday, January 23, 2010

By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: January 23, 2010 at 9:52 pm
Filed under: General Editorial
Dear Friends,
When in the history of the United States has there been a credible movement to remove both the Chairman of the Federal Reserve and the Secretary of the US Treasury? The answer is never since the invention of the private bank, the US Federal Reserve.
I have been telling you for months that there is a war going on between the Banksters and Daddy Warbucks. This is best understood as the desire to bring the power of the Federal Reserve into the Oval office, not by trusting an appointee but by absolute control over the appointee. Failing that the plan is to emasculate the Fed.
The loss of Mass. to the Democratic party has had the effect of causing the fear of evaporation of their political base. The immediate reaction landed deservedly on the banksters, but quickly it was realized that as much as Main Street hates the banksters, it is jobs and the general economy that has the power to deem this administration a one term wonder.
Some feel that there is a plan to dump the equity market here so as to be able to bring it back going into November. That is giving these people more credit than deserved as a loss of their only shining gain, the wealth effect of the 1932 type bear stock market rally, is not easily controlled. If it and the economy go into a double dip whereby a new low could be established, it will be a really shocking low. The risk is simply too high that control, once lost, cannot be recaptured. That was proven painfully in the 30s. Once the bear market rally was over it was all toast for years. Only a world war reversed the depression.
The poorly thought out knee jerk reaction to the Mass. political loss has put the market and more than likely the economy into a state of flux, which has the capacity to put this entire western world mess into a flat spin which as in a fighter aircraft is nearly impossible to correct.
Stay the course but tighten your seat belt in gold.
Volatility is going ballistic but one thing is for sure and that is a $1650 minimum price objective with much more probable.
Regards, Jim

Jim Sinclair’s Commentary
MOPE would have you believe that Greece is a terrible problem for the euro, but California is not a problem in the US dollar.
The opposite is the fact.
The dollar has 40 potential Greeces with California more than 400% larger in GDP terms than Greece, and it is already broken.
The Fed and the Treasury will have to bail out the states. They simply have no other option whatsoever.
Stay the course but prepare for unprecedented volatility.

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