Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Parody Video: "You Picked a Fine Time to Lead Us, Barack": This is a parody of "You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me, Lucille" by Kenny Rogers.

Dems Discussing New VAT Tax- NY Post

Alert that Euro on verge of real crisis

Jim’s Mailbox Posted: Apr 06 2010 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: April 6, 2010 at 9:34 pm
Filed under: Jim's Mailbox

The following is from a diligent client of mine who went to the Toronto seminar hosted by you in February.

Regards, CIGA JB Slear

I was able to go to Toronto this past Thursday to attend a presentation by Mr. Sinclair to address what is currently going on in the world, including finances of course, which is his specialty. I regard him as one of the premier authorities on gold and currencies in the world, and as such value his opinion highly. I took copious amounts of notes, and tried, to the best of my ability to record precisely what he said and what he meant and pass them along to you all to make what you will of them, and to take whatever action you feel appropriate in your personal situation. After hearing him live, there is no question that what you read on the website is exactly what he thinks and sees going on. 50 years of experience in the investment world, at all levels does count for something. You decide what. The notes are in the order things were presented, including an hour and a half question and answer where Jim fielded all questions from the folks that were there. Some themes are repeated for emphasis. I recorded them as they came.

1. Get a copy, if possible, of the BBC movie, "The Last Days of Lehman Brothers" it is exactly what occurred. They were flushed and allowed to go down. Those that did so made billions.

2. The same people that sold Greece the products to hide the true condition of their finances ratted them out and are hugely short of Greek debt at this time.

3. The more these people win at what they do, the more powerful they become.

4. The failure of Lehman set off the bankruptcy(s) that allowed government money (your money) to flow to large institutions, who were the winners on the bet.

5. The next phase of problems will come about because of a loss of confidence in currencies themselves.

6. Regulators are totally ineffectual in dealing with what is occurring.

7. If we have a failure of Greek debt it will be catastrophic and you and I will pay. If Greece does not fail, we will have money printing (quantitative easing is the buzz word) to infinity.

8. China is actively seeking control of the resources of the world, all JSMineset speculation on this has far exceeded what was postulated.

9. With the incredible bonuses being paid to Wall Street executives, you have to know it is there last lick of the cone. They know profits are not real.

10. To balance the US balance sheet, gold would have to go to insane numbers. The mechanism is in place to drive gold to incredible numbers.

11. Credit default swaps are being used as the hammer to destroy nations. They are doing this by shorting sovereign debt, then using the media to bring about the profit of their position (ie calling nations PIIGS – this isn’t flattering and does not inspire confidence, causing people to stay away). The players doing this have no conscience, are oblivious to the side effects, are power crazed, and believe they are gods. Sovereign debt is the next bomb to implode.

12. The only currency that will sustain what is coming is gold.

13. We are headed for a one world currency with a central bank of central banks. The world is going to change dramatically in possibly as little as two months.

14. The individual states in the US, which are bankrupt in many cases, will be attacked next. Big money is already hugely short of state debt. Ultimately this will take down the US dollar as well.

15. A one world government is coming.

16. Hyperinflation is a loss of confidence in paper currency.

17. Gold is money without liability on the other side. It stands alone. Make your balance sheet as good as it can be.

18. If Greece goes (is flushed and not bailed out), then the whole world changes, perhaps overnight. Look for 200 dollar swings in the gold price. Because the "dark side" (those who are in control of this) are smarter than you are, add to your positions in gold on reactions. Gold is an insurance policy.

19. China will rule the world. Friends of China will benefit from that. China’s interest in Africa and its treasure chest of mineral wealth isn’t an accident.

20. Yuan denominated paper, if one can get it, might be a place to be with some of your investment portfolio.

21. Equity markets may in fact go up due to a Weimar effect. All that money created from nothing finds its way into the stock markets of the world.

22. He stressed simplicity in your personal life. Be focused, balanced, and go back to basics. This is not a time to get fancy.

23. There will be no end to naked shorting by the players. The real game is destroying nations, countries (think Dubai, Iceland…)

24. He feels the flushing is in fact deliberate. If Greece does in fact go down, it will definitely be deliberate.

25. Gold’s window is still open here because those that know what is coming are still accumulating. Expect it to be closed by year end. That means if you don’t have any, don’t expect to be able to get any.

26. Hold any stocks you happen to own in certificate form in your hand, and don’t lose the certificate. If you are a stock player, check out true custodial accounts. Make certain that your holdings are in fact yours and NOT on the books of the bank.

27. A question was asked: If I had a million Canadian dollars to invest right now, where might I put that? The answer was 1/3 into gold bullion, held close, 1/3 in both Canadian Tbills and Swiss Franc’s, and the remaining 1/3 into what you do best.

28. Major financial houses today are acting like countries. Greece does not control its destiny, it is in the hands of those houses which become stronger with each situation they take down.

29. Expect mining company consolidations to greatly accelerate.

30. The Canadian dollar is very much a wild card. It may rise nicely, because it and Canada generally have remained conservative as opposed to other far more leveraged approaches. Canada is currently sitting in the cat bird seat, and it’s not really helping Canada because of our export based economy.

31. The number to watch on the Euro is 1.29 against the US dollar. Should it go lower, the Euro is in serious trouble.

32. The US has no strength for geopolitical disruptions at this time. It’s a house of cards that could come down at any time.

33. Keep it simple! Back to basics.!

34. The Asian and the Polish crisis were precursors to taking down the Euro. If the Euro is torched, the pound and dollar are next. As a side note, Jim Rogers feels the British pound is months or possibly weeks away from being heavily attacked once again. This is my comment, not Jim Sinclair’s. Look for the pattern here.

35. Money (the wealth of the world) has been concentrated into a very few hands. They are currently only interested in tearing down. There is no interest in creating, only destroying. China is building up. Algorithms (computer modeling and trading) are being used to destroy.

36. Gold stocks should leverage 2 to 5 times a bullion position.

Where to Next for Gold?
Dominic Frisby

Frisby had a spring target of $1,400 per ounce for gold. However, gold in 2010 has been lackluster and in January’s correction gold and gold shares were hit harder than the market. In the long term, however, Frisby remains a believer. The credit-based, fiat monetary system under which we operate is going to end badly; there is too much debt at almost every level of society, from government to the individual. The simplest way out of this mess is some kind of currency devaluation, either gradual or sudden, with the former being more likely. That, after all, has been the pattern of the last 100 years. And with interest rates for bank accounts generally below the rate of inflation, saving any sort of currency is not particularly attractive. That leaves gold. As for his target of $1,400 gold by spring 2010, Frisby thinks it may have been a little optimistic, but the lagging gold price could turn out to be a positive. He doesn’t like to see gold going too far too fast, as it did in 2006 and 2008. The subsequent corrections are too violent and the consolidations take longer. If we are indeed now in a period of consolidation, it's not likely to last for that long, as the previous up-move was comparatively small. What's more, it looks as though gold has found its low somewhere in the $1,060 to $1,080 area. Technical analysis shows similarities in the chart between now and the 2002-2003 up-move, which eventually became a fantastic run. To sum up, in the short term, Frisby is bullish on gold and gold shares. The spring is often a good season for gold and there seems to be plenty of support just below $1,100. And in the long term he is convinced that everyone should own some. It's essential.

The Silver Boom is Coming
The Mogambo Guru

Mogambo never stops warning about the price inflation that will result from the Fed’s inflation of the money supply. Buy gold, silver and oil, he says, in order to protect yourself from just such an outcome. Of course, it’s not only the Fed creating too much paper money; central banks the world over are doing the same thing, while governments the world over are engaging in insane levels of deficit spending. In the case of silver as a must-have investment, he discusses an article by Jeff Nielson, which notes that because silver kills the bacteria that causes body odour, “the use of silver in sportswear has exploded into one of the largest single applications of silver. This one usage already consumes more than 1,200 TONS of silver per year.” From virtually nothing a few years ago to being one of the largest single applications of silver – that has Mogambo believing the silver boom is just beginning. Expect soaring silver prices as demand surges, and increasing money supply meets falling silver supply. Nielson notes that the Gold Award for Healthcare Fabrics was recently given to a company that produced the first silver-impregnated upholstery for the healthcare industry. Meanwhile, the Fed is creating so much money that, writes Mogambo, “you will not want to live through the suffering of a future where prices are so impossibly high that you cannot afford to eat…you will wail and wish, wish, wish that you had listened when I told you to buy gold, silver and oil to protect yourself against the raging inflation in consumer prices that necessarily must – must! – follow such massive inflation in the money supply.” The potential usage in this one category of silver consumption is nothing short of mind-boggling. Analysts now forecast an additional 350 million ounces of annual silver demand by 2020 as a result of increased use of RFID tags, ID cards, solar panels and wood preservatives. In addition, because silver inhibits bacteria, there will be an increase of silver used in wound care, other medical uses and food hygiene, not to mention phenomenal growth in the aforementioned anti-odour/ anti-germ textiles. "Silver!" says Mogambo. "I mean, it just doesn’t get easier to invest than that! Whee!"

Forget Greece...watch Cali

The Dodd Bill: Bailouts Forever- Wall Street Journal

Fed Indicates Zero Rates May Last a Long Time- Reuters

Deflation on the Prowl as Bernanke Shuts Down His Printing Presses

Higher Steel Prices Signal Return of Inflation

Black Tea Partiers Labeled 'Traitors'
Black conservatives are taking heat for their involvement in tea party and for opposing president's policies

"All previous attempts to base money solely on intangibles such as credit or government edict or fiat have ended in inflationary panic and disaster."
--Winston Churchill

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