Expect Government Layoffs At State, Local Level
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Investors Worry US Municipals Could Become the Next Europe
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Posted: Jul 06 2010 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: July 6, 2010 at 7:57 pm
Filed under: General Editorial
Dear CIGAs,
Krugman was quite vocal in calling upon the Fed and Administration to stimulate.
Interest rates will not do it.
He says we are doing as seen in the movie "Japanese Economics 2."
Can you imagine what will happen when the Ski Jump becomes apparent to the many?
Posted: Jul 06 2010 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: July 6, 2010 at 2:10 pm
Filed under: In The News
Dear Friends,
Risk according to market pundits, blogs and for payment advisers is on one minute, and off the next, causing the gold market to roar and wane.
Hedge funds are the real cause of the moves by painting the charts intentionally or by accident. Amateur technicians run and jump constantly making contributions to the gold banks from their piggy banks.
Simply stated:
1. Leave your emotions at the door or get out of gold.
2. Gold is going to $1650. About that price objective I do not have the slightest doubt.
3. Gold is going to $1650 on or before January 14th, 2011. According to Armstrong the gold price will take until June of 2011 and go much higher.
This is just another time like many in the past, and some in future, where you go to the hole you have dug, jump in and pull a rock over the top. Peek out daily between July 8th and July 15th.
Yes, read JSMineset every day.
Jim Sinclair
Banks Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Bail Out: Roubini
obama's vision for America...
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If you own a home and make payments...please read and understand the following.
Jim is doing his very best to try and protect you from the Bankerbastard crooks...
Dear Jim,
Yesterday you spoke of mortgage payment servicers as if it was something anyone with a mortgage MUST know.
I missed the point of why.
Could you tell me again in simple language that is easily understood why I should be concerned and act to do something.
CIGA Arlen
Dear Arlen,
1. A service company should be a simple middle man that receives your mortgage payment and pays it to the lender for a modest fee.
2. Yesterday I sent you a list of the bailouts on which a major mortgage service company received one billion dollars.
3. If the servicer was simply a mortgage service company middleman how did it lose so much money as to need a one billion dollar bailout?
4. That smells like financial limburger cheese on a hot sidewalk in NYC.
5. The mortgage servicer is doing some other speculative business.
6. Therefore not only do you have to worry if your lender was paid, but what the dickens is a mortgage servicer doing speculating while your money is moving through that company’s balance sheet.
7. If for any reason the owner of the note is not paid you can be absolutely certain that you are going named in a lawsuit by the lender for payment.
8. The lender has a good chance of prevailing over you.
9. For this reason, every CIGA now has one more reason to be quite concerned about knowing who actually owns your mortgage and ascertaining if they have they been paid fully and up to date.
Posted: Jul 06 2010 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: July 6, 2010 at 7:43 pm
Filed under: Jim's Mailbox
Dear Jim,
Allow me to chime in here and bolster your comments to CIGA Arlen.
First and foremost, what your readers need to understand is that no one who has a loan secured by a mortgage on his home is safe. Mortgage servicing companies, including Wells Fargo Bank, CitiBank, JPMorgan Chase, and Bank of America, etc. control everything. This is why, as banks, mortgage companies, and hedge funds began to fold, beginning with the Mortgage Meltdown in 2007, the acquisition of mortgage servicing rights was the name of the game.
Regardless of whether Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac or a securitized Trust Fund purportedly “owns” your loan, the Servicer controls your destiny. Back in 1995, I first started seeing Servicers manufacture a default on a current loan and institute a foreclosure action even though the consumer had made every payment on time. Once this process begins, it is virtually impossible for the consumer to straighten out the problem and get back on track. This is because the Servicer’s policies, procedures and technologies are set up to automatically trigger a series of unstoppable events once there is the slightest deviation e.g., an increase in your interest rate on an Adjustable Rate Note, an increase in escrow items, a late payment, or bankruptcy.
Through the mortgage auditing work that I have been doing since 1991, and particularly with all of the expert report writing I have been doing over the past two years analyzing the securitization of these residential mortgage transactions, I can tell you with certainty that even though the noise has quieted down since the bailout, the house of cards is crashing down at lightning speed.
I subscribe to the Bloomberg Terminal to research whether or not my client’s loan is in a particular securitization trust which is tremendously helpful. For example, an attorney I am working closely with here in Massachusetts has a client who was facing a foreclosure sale date of July 15th. The foreclosing entity was Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee of the IndyMac INDA 2005-AR1 Mortgage Loan Trust-AR1. Using Bloomberg, I was able to establish that the loan in question is not being tracked as an asset of the Trust. I wrote an expert report laying out the fraud; the foreclosure was canceled; and now the foreclosing law firm is begging the attorney I am working for not to sue them.
There is so much fraud throughout the system that it is unimaginable. We are now living in a criminal culture where the Banksters are running the show with impunity. Virtually every subprime securitization I have audited is suffering default rates between 20% to 57% of the entire portfolio. Each of these securitizations is a Ponzi scheme. There was never going to be enough money in the system to return the investors’ principal. Those in the know (spell that SERVICERS) knew these loans were designed to fail and purchased credit default swaps and other derivatives to short the deals.
This is why Jim says to Arlen below:
2. Yesterday, I sent you a list of the bailouts on which a major mortgage service company received one billion dollars.
3. If the servicer was simply a mortgage service company middle man how did it lose so much money as to need a one billion dollar bailout.
The only credible explanation as to why Deutsche Bank (a Trustee for 1900 securitization Trusts) and mortgage Servicing companies such as those Jim refers to would be receiving bailouts is if they were being paid on their credit default swaps.
It is clear for me to see through my use of the Bloomberg Terminal that the mortgage servicing industry is squeezing the last bit of liquidity out of the market. At these double-digit default rates, with a 50% severity loss rate, most of these Trusts will be wiped out by 2014.
In historical terms, I think of this as The Civil War, and it won’t be long before we see the Carpetbaggers and Scalawags (the debt buyers and junk-yard dogs, etc.) coming around to pick up the pieces.
I can also tell you that 90% of the foreclosures are illegal and fraudulent and could be stopped if consumers had the right analyst and attorney working together. The problem here is that the scheme has stripped homeowners of their cash, savings, and assets in the process.
Well, I could go on but I shall leave you with these thoughts to mull over.
My best advice to CIGAs: follow Jim’s advice and hunker down. Gold is the most stable repository of real wealth that civilized society has ever known. The dollars that have been created through the financialization of our economy via derivatives trading is totally unsustainable. Perception drives the market and when the world learns too late that that super-hyper-inflation of our currency will render it worthless, perhaps this madness will stop.
Kindest regards,
CIGA Marie
Marie McDonnell, CFE
Truth In Lending Audit & Recovery Services, LLC
Mortgage Fraud and Forensic Analyst
Certified Fraud Examiner
P.O. Box 2760, Orleans, MA 02653
Tel. (508) 255-8829 Fax (508) 255-9626
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