Monday, August 2, 2010

Fed will go to war on deflation next week, leading economist predicts

UBS sees gold investors diversifying into reality

Alasdair Macleod: BIS swaps may be last gamble to suppress gold price

 Fed's inflation experiment may treat Americans as lab rats, Rickards tells King

 Guest Post: As Ponzi Schemes Collapse the Chinese Government Fears Civil Unrest

FDIC flashes SOS – 1,000 bank failures before recession is over

 Greenspan Says Home-Price Drop May Bring Back Recession 

Layoffs to gut East St. Louis police force.

Posted: Aug 02 2010     By: Jim Sinclair      Post Edited: August 2, 2010 at 9:47 pm
Filed under: Jim's Mailbox
Gold to Silver Ratio (GSR)
Pronounced weakness in the gold to silver ratio (GSR) has painted a red stick. While the ratio remains above June 2009 swing low, today’s technical suggest that another wave of currency debasement lurks just around the corner. The bull from the lower magnet will intensify once the June 2009 swing low is breached. Those supporting the prevailing deflation rhetoric would be wise to listen to the message conveyed by the GSR.
Gold to Silver Ratio (GSR): clip_image001

When Money Dies: The Nightmare of the Weimar Hyper-Inflation CIGA Eric
This is a book with a lot of buzz- not readily available at a reasonable price I found it at Amazon in the UK Feel free to let your friends know.
There’s been a lot of talk and print about it and I bought it to see what hyper-inflation looks like.
Since the birth of man’s awareness of the future, money never dies. It only changes in form.
I have studied hyperinflation from ancient to modern times. It embodies the smell of fear and the felling of helpless for those unprepared for a currency transition. It is the manifestation of private and public panic – the panic to protect yourself, but neither knowing what to do nor able to do so in a timely manner. Hyperinflation is a crash in confidence of not only those that manage the currency but also the public leadership that surrounds it. Hyperinflation as an event tends to create both a confidence and power vacuum in which new leadership, either benign or sinister, tends to exploit.


"I am a strong believer in luck and find the harder I work the more I have of it." - Benjamin Franklin

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