Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Solyndra - The Obama connection
Bruce Krasting
09/07/2011 - 13:53
Man does this stink!

Follow The Italian (Faux) Austerity Vote Live... Update: Faux Austerity Passes

The Italian parliament is currently voting whether to make the first, massively watered down, faux-austerity program into law. As reported earlier, this vote is widely expected to pass as it has practically zero measures left in it that are actually austere. It will, therefore, be followed up by another vote in a month in which Italy will be forced by the ECB to repeat the same spectacle all over again. Then again... And again. In the meantime, we fully expect robots to add at least 5-10 ES points on the non-news that is the inevitable favorable result.

Beige Book Comes And Goes, Market Yawns

The September Beige Book, which had exactly zero new informational content, had just the right amount of impact on the market: zero.

Gold holding firm in terms of the Swiss Franc

Trader Dan at Trader Dan's Market Views - 8 minutes ago
Note the chart of gold priced in terms of the Swiss Franc. While it is sharply lower today as the Central Banks of the West declare war on the metal, it has only retraced about half of its strong gains made against the Swiss Franc after the Swiss National Bank effectively devalued their domestic currency on Tuesday of this week. While the SNB set about to debauch their currency, those Swiss wise enough to have accumulated gold have fared quite well as their wealth has been protected. This is what gold does historically - it serves as a haven against the depradations of Central Bank... more » 

The Power Of Perception

Dave in Denver at The Golden Truth - 43 minutes ago
*"Nothing is but what is not"* - Shakespeare,* Macbeth* One of George Orwell's primary propositions is that eventually a large, overwhelmingly controlling Government gains the ability to control the perception of the majority of the population. I thought about this idea when a commenter asked my view on the Swiss franc. I wasn't going to post on yesterday's Swissy deval because I knew the topic would get trampled on ad nauseum by a lot of other bloggers, but I ended up liking what I wrote in the comment section so I turned it into an easy post for today. Here is my view on the S... more » 

Gold Leading The Gold Shares

Eric De Groot at Eric De Groot - 51 minutes ago

Any investor pessimistic about the gold stocks is not listening to the message of the market. What’s that message? Gold leads and the gold stocks follow. The most recent yellow box (green lined) illustrates this leadership. When gold stocks follow in the coming weeks/months will anyone but the talking heads be surprised? Let's hope not. Gold and Gold Stocks Side by Side... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] 

UN Security Council Finds Iran Is Violating The Nuclear Weapons Program Ban

The good old Iraq playbook is being played to the dot, just less than a decade later, and now with Iraq neighbor off by just one letter: Iran. According to Haaretz, the UN Security council "denounced Iran's failure to abide by United Nations resolutions demanding an end to the possible weaponization of its nuclear program. The Denouncement comes after International Atomic Energy Agency submits a report claiming Iran continues to make advances in uranium enrichment beyond its needs for medical applications. The United States, Germany, France and Britain joined forces in exposing Tehran's advanced 20-per-cent uranium enrichment, which is considered military weapons grade. Tehran said its enrichment program was needed for medical and civilian uses. But the UN said Tehran has not been transparent and failed to cooperate with the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which recently submitted a report that Iran continued to make advances in uranium enrichment beyond its needs for medical applications." Whether the US, pardon the UN, will follow up with ever escalating following directives that ultimately lead to nothing short of a land invasion is unknown for now, but if history tis any precedent, the answer is a resounding yes. Furthermore, today's decision should be taken in context with the major article in the WSJ "US Eyes Covert Plan to Counter Iran in Iraq" which does nothing but set the scene for what will inevitably follow in a few weeks or months. Expect a flare up in anti-Iran rhetoric in the next few days.

Guest Post: Boots On The Ground In Egypt: Trading One Dictator For Another

tyrants, of all-out forcible insurrection in the name of freedom and change. From a celestial perspective, however, ‘revolution’ denotes one complete orbit of a planetary body around its center, as in the earth’s revolution around the sun. In other words, after a revolution, you end up right back where you started. Same word, two completely different meanings– on one hand you have change, and on the other you have more of the same. This is exactly what has happened after Egypt’s revolution this year....When you think about it, this is how things usually work out in politics. How many people have campaigned on the ‘change’ platform, only to end up following the same path as the last guy? As the saying goes, ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same.’  Egypt is due to hold parliamentary elections in a few months’ time. It’s questionable whether Tantawi will give up his supreme, unchecked power… but whatever happens, one thing is clear: a new power elite will emerge in Egypt that helps itself to wealth and privilege at the expense of everyone else. This is the great weakness in any political system: ‘government’ is based on the idea that some individual or organization is awarded power than no human being should possess– the power to kill, to declare war, to steal, to defraud, to counterfeit.

Does the Swiss Franc Collapse Signal “RISK ON”?

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