Thursday, July 28, 2011

Harvey Organ, Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gold and Silver raid/gold shares hit/first day notice tomorrow on Gold




Stop The Presses: The Fed Can Fund The Treasury With Over Half A Trillion In Emergency Capital

By now some readers may have read ludicrous stories about the Fed coining multi-trillion precious metal coins in a way to loophole the debt ceiling situation. Granted, this plan is so far beyond ridiculous that we have not wasted the time to comment on it. That, however, does not mean that the Fed is powerless to assist the Treasury in a modestly long-term term fix of the debt ceiling fiasco. In fact, as Stone McCarthy's Raymond Stone observes: "The Fed does not want to be a player in this debt ceiling/potential default debate. It didn't want to be a player in the Bear Stearns debacle, or the Lehman situation. But when push comes to shove the Fed will do what it can to avoid a default." In summary there are three avenues that the Fed can pursue in order to help Tim Geithner prolong the cash illusion modestly longer. The three options for Bernanke are to i) book profits; ii) prepay expenses and, yes, iii) sell gold. Combined, these three approaches could squeeze out well over half a trillion dollars, giving the Treasury breathing room not only past August 2, but potentially into 2012! That said, "The Fed would not want to advertise to Congress the possibility of delaying default. It does not want to take Congress off the hook on increasing the debt ceiling." But it will, if it has to, and the end result will be a delay potentially of up to a month. And if it means selling off the Fed's gold, so be it.

Futures Plunge Following Announcement That Boehner Delaying Vote

Update: according to Eric Cantor's spokeswoman Laena Fallon the vote will be only delayed until later on tonight.
Boehner just informed the media that the congressional deficit plan vote will be delayed, presumably because Boehner has not amassed the requisite number of votes. The market reaction is fast and furious: ES dumping 6 points immediately after the notice which means that the delay could now cut into August 2, and there may not be a resolution until Tuesday absent a "grand compromise" plan, which we do not see happening without either party getting crucified by their voters.

Guest Post: It’s Another Assault On Retirement Accounts

Retirement funds have become the ultimate fudgemaking tool of corrupt fiscal policy around the world. Treasury Secretary Tim Geither has been robbing federal pensions for the last several months in the absence of a debt deal, and several governments overseas have also stolen from retirees in order to continue financing their largess. Bottom line- if these bankrupt governments and agencies owe to retirement funds, they’ll stop paying whenever it suits them. If they have access to steal from the retirement funds, they’ll steal. We’ve seen several examples of this over the last two years, and we’re seeing more all the time. This is one of the issues that concerns me the most because I know how many people are completely unprepared for this eventuality. Even private retirement accounts are fair game in the political calculus… and it’s a simple matter of arithmetic.

Europanic Trumps Debtmageddon
07/28/2011 - 16:06
Where is the money coming from to buy stocks?  
07/28/2011 - 17:48
The firings June Clarkson and Theresa Edwards can be dismissed as inter-office politics; the campaign contributions are best described as bribes. How can you take campaign contributions from a... 

Market Commentary From Monty Guild


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