Sunday, May 8, 2016

According To Deutsche Bank, The "Worst Kind Of Recession" May Have Already Started

According to Deutsche Bank the worst kind of a recession, an "endogenous one" in which labor demand plunges as "corporations are not just tired of negative profit growth, but also because they are drawing a line in the sand from the perspective of defending margins" may be imminent... or is already here because based on "payroll reports like last week’s suggest it could be around here."

What The Charts Say - Buckle In!

The last two times this happened, carnage followed...

Too Much Democracy: The Game - For The Elites - Is Over

Our awful elites gutted America. Now they dare ring alarms about Trump, Sanders — and cast themselves as saviors. Both parties ignored workers, spewed hate, enriched themselves, hollowed out democracy... And now the problem's populism?

Saudi Arabia Gives First Glimpse Of Oil Strategy Under New Minister

"Saudi Arabia will maintain its stable petroleum policies. We remain committed to maintaining our role in international energy markets and strengthening our position as the world's most reliable supplier of energy," Khalid al-Falih said in an e-mailed statement. "We are committed to meeting existing and additional hydrocarbons demand from our expanding global customer base, backed by our current maximum sustainable capacity."

The Next Big Bailout? Treasury Rejects Proposal To Cut Pension Benefits

"You get to breathe again, you get to exhale. Our life was on hold."
So we're now back to where we started. The Central States Pension Fund will by its own estimates be insolvent within ten years, and the government safety net, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp cannot be counted on to pick up the benefits because it too is well on its way to insolvency. With the precedent now set by the Treasury that no cuts will be allowed, the answer will likely come in the form of a massive bailout.

Euro Collapsing Thanks to Another Brain-Dead EU Proposal

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Merkel’s failed refugee policy is destroying the fabric of Europe and raising international concerns that Europeans may need visas because she has introduce the prospect of ISIS using Europe as a stepping stone to get into the USA. Now, Merkel’s policy is forcing other countries to take refugees. The European Commission now wants to compel European member states to accept refugees by imposing a fine of 250,000 euros per applicant they deny.
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Trumped! Why It Happened And What Comes Next, Part 3 - The Jobs Deal

Donald Trump’s patented phrase “we aren’t winning anymore” lies beneath the tidal wave of anti-establishment sentiment propelling his campaign and, to some considerable degree, that of Bernie Sanders, too. What’s winning is Washington, Wall Street and the bicoastal elites. But most of America’s vast flyover zone has been left behind. Thus, the bottom 90% of families have no more real net worth today than they had 30 years ago and earn lower real household incomes and wages than they did 25 years ago. Needless to say, the lack of good jobs lies at the bottom of the wealth and income drought on main street, and this week’s April jobs report provided still another reminder.

"The Death Of The Gold Market" - Why One Analyst Thinks A Run On London Gold Vaults Is Imminent

We’ve argued for many years that a breakdown and bifurcation in the gold market between physical and paper gold substitutes would be necessary for accurate price discovery of physical gold bullion. The lead article in the January 2016 edition of the LBMA’s quarterly magazine was titled “Wholesale Physical Markets are Broken”, which might be confirmation that this process is reaching an advanced stage.

'Dilbert' Creator's 6 Reasons Why Trump Will "Win In A Landslide" In November

Scott Adams - creator of the infamous Dilbert cartoons - believes Donald Trump will win the presidency in a landslide. Trump's "meticulously plotted domination," as Adams explains to The Washington Post, stems from his running on our emotions and sly appeals to our own human irrationality. as the following six points make clear, Adams views Trump as "a master persuader" who will rhetorically dismantle Clinton’s candidacy next.

What The Charts Say - Buckle In!

The last two times this happened, carnage followed...

Need to keep the sheep scared...and condition them to seeing a full blown military presence...

Homeland Security To Conduct Fake "Bioterrorism" Subway Terror Attack In New York City

Following 'Jade Helm' last summer, 2016 appears to have seen an escalation in social unrest and domestic terrorisim threat reaction among America's authorities. FEME undertaking domestic riot training in the south last month, battle-tanks rolling through Houston last week, and now the Department of Homeland Security plans a bioterrorism attack drill next in the NYC Subway. What, exactly, are Americans not being told?

For Stan Druckenmiller This Is "The Endgame" - His Full 'Apocalyptic' Presentation

"The lack of progress and volatility in global equity markets the past year, which often precedes a major trend change, suggests that their risk/reward is negative without substantially lower prices and/or structural reform. Don’t hold your breath for the latter. While policymakers have no end game, markets do."
- Stanley Druckenmiller


On 23 June the British will vote in a referendum to decide whether their country should remain in or leave (BREXIT) the European Union (EU). The importance of this event cannot be overstated, since it will impact the future of the UK – and very likely that of Europe – for decades to come. The polls suggest that this will be a close contest. This means that a significant proportion of the population will be deeply unhappy with the outcome of the referendum, not really an encouraging sign given its profound implications. But why on Earth are the Brits questioning their membership of the EU in the first place? Why can’t they just settle down like everyone else?

Ivy League Professor Suspected Of Terrorism For Doing Math On A Plane

An Ivy League professor said his flight was delayed because a fellow passenger thought the math equations he was writing might be a sign he was a terrorist. American Airlines confirms that the woman expressed suspicions about University of Pennsylvania economics professor Guido Menzio. She said she was too ill to take the Air Wisconsin-operated flight.

Chinese Exports, Imports Slump, Miss Expectations As Debt-Fueled Growth Burst Is Over

Overnight China reported April exports and imports, both of which dropped after a strong pick up in March, and missed consensus expectations, confirming "weak demand at home and abroad and cooling hopes of a recovery in the world's second-largest economy."

Erdogan "Prince Of Europe" Rejects EU Demands To Reform Terrorist Law

The EU should thank its lucky stars that Erdogan will not uphold his end of the deal and gratefully cancel it. Coupled with the cancellation (for which the EU can blame Erdogan), the EU should announce an Australia-type plan forcing back all boats, while arresting and prosecuting smugglers. Call out the military to enforce the borders. That’s what Australia did.  Making a deal with the devil then letting the devil renege on a critical piece of his end is not a viable option. Accepting Erdogan’s new demands would do four things, all unsavory...

For Russia & China, It's "Accept American Hegemony" Or "Go To War"

In the United States truth-tellers are persecuted and imprisoned, or they are dismissed as “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-semites,” and “domestic extremists.” The entire Western World consists of a dystopia far worse than the one described by George Orwell in his famous book, 1984. That Russia and China permit Washington to operate in their media, in their universities, in their financial systems, and in “do-good” NGOs that infiltrate every aspect of their societies demonstrates that both governments have no interest in their survival as independent states. They are too scared of being called “authoritarian” by the Western presstitute media to protect their own independence. We predict that Russia and China will soon be confronted with an unwelcome decision: accept American hegemony or go to war.

Japan's "Coma Economy" Is A Preview For The World

"For more than 20 years now, Japan has proved that Keynesian economics does not work... they've tried to print their way to prosperity... and failed...they didn't let the reset happen..."

Wall Street 'Whistleblower' Analyst Exposes Clinton Foundation As "Charity Fraud"

“I’m against charity fraud. I think people in both parties are against charity fraud, and this is a charity fraud,

Supermodels And Other Productivity Measures

If we are getting so much productivity out of the current range of offerings from Silicon Valley, I have a question: why aren’t these products really expensive, as the technology of the 1920s clearly was?  In fairness, a cell phone is costly – good monthly deals from major carriers usually make you pay about $600 for the phone. Which, funny enough, is what the typewriter cost (inflation adjusted) exactly 100 years ago.  But what about all the free apps and services?  Even Uber has to pay bonuses to recruit drivers. Why is that, if the model is so good? Yes, getting to scale is important for the service, but shouldn’t drivers come running if their productivity is so much better in the new model? Something is off.

The King Of Crony Capitalism

If Elon Musk’s various projects are so Iron Man fabulous, why do they all need so much government “help”? Shouldn’t Tesla – and Solar City and SpaceX – be able to stand on their merits… if they actually have merit?

Gold Doing What It Does Best

Preserving Wealth...

Wall Street Is Falling Off A Cliff (And The Bottom Is A Long Way Down)

For the past 50 or so years, the quickest way for a sharp young sociopath to get rich has been to join an investment bank or hedge fund. The former were riding a “regulatory capture” gravy train that became ever-more-lucrative as new government agencies morphed into subsidiaries of Wall Street. Said another way, when financial assets are being artificially inflated by excessive liquidity, it’s easy to make money by shuffling this ever-appreciating inventory back and forth, and to look very smart while doing so. But those days are ending with a bang...

Global Stocks Back In The Battle Zone

A key global equity index is testing back down to its significant breakout level from last month...

Gold "Flight To Safety" Surges Amid Biggest Junk Bond Outflows In History

Something happened this week that has never happened before. While outflows from equity ETFs soared, the $3.6 billion redemptions from high yield bond ETF HYG this last few days is the largest ever - almost twice as big as the previous largest outflows (seen in May last year). As Bloomberg reports, the withdrawals from equity and credit funds highlighted the lack of faith in the rally that helped stocks briefly erase their annual losses last month. Equity traders have remained on the sidelines, with volume down in recent weeks as investors sought safer assets such as gold.

Are U.S. Federal Health Agencies Working to Protect Public Health, Especially When It Comes to Vaccines?

by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Post:
One of the vaccine attorneys I network with recently asked me a question that prompted this article, since I think the facts about “vaccine politics” need to be rehashed, plus urgently corrected by Congress and especially by healthcare consumers, who should respond by using “feet power”, i.e., walking away from such controlled pseudoscience.
The question I was asked that prompted this article was, “Catherine…do you know who controls the epidemiologists?” to which I replied, “Probably Big Pharma’s lobbyists? via their deep pockets, I’d imagine. I wish I knew for certain. However, at the CDC, I think the epidemiologists are controlled by top CDC brass. Refer to the Simpsonwood papers to hear what they did then and named names.”
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The World Bank Wants You to be Panicked About Water

from The Daily Bell:
Water shortages will deliver ‘severe hit’ to world by 2050 – World Bank … Global water shortages are taking their toll. The World Bank has issued a stark warning that the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia will receive a particularly “severe hit” by 2050, and global mismanagement needs to be addressed urgently. -RT
We just published an analysis of water-scarcity propaganda on Monday and now the World Bank has just issued a report (see above) described as a “sharp warning” regarding water supplies around the world.
This is a great example of how elite propaganda works in our view. In this case, as we reported on Monday, WikiLeaks just leaked a nine-year old report on water scarcity. And now comes the World Bank with its own report.
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Survival Communications After a Collapse: “Pringles Can And Broadband Routers Could Create a WiFi Network”

by Mac Slavo, SHTFPlan:
Are you truly prepared to survive what is coming?
It could prove to be the darkest period yet for modern civilization and the age of technocracy.
An EMP, a natural disaster, a nuclear attack, an economic collapse or a declaration of martial law rank among just some of the worst scenarios that could befall our society. And if you are not prepared, you will fall along with the masses.
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