Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 11:58

In Key Decision, Junk-Rated Chicago's Pension Reform Bid Ruled Unconstitutional
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 19:05 On Thursday, we previewed a critical court ruling involving Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel’s effort to cut pension expenses and plug a yawning budget gap. As expected, Emanuel’s plan was determined to be unconstitutional by Rita M. Novak of the Cook County Circuit Court, further imperling the junk-rated city's financial future and perpetuating a pension ponzi scheme.
Abenomics End Game: Thousands Protest In Downtown Tokyo, Demand Abe's Resignation As PM Disapproval Soars
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 18:21 Years of growing resentment for the Japanese premier, who panders only to the rich, to the exporting corporations, to the Japanese military-industrial complex, and of course, to the US government and Goldman Sachs (whose idea Abenomics was from the very beginning) thousands of protestors rallied Friday night in downtown Tokyo in a campaign of "Say no to the Abe government," targeting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's "runaway" policy. The protestors gathered at the Hibiya Park, Diet building and the prime minister's official residence, shouting "Abe step down."It's Official: The Bar Can No Longer Be Lowered
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 16:45

Furious Coal CEO Lets It All Out: "Obama Is Nation's Great Destroyer"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 10:20 "His legacy will be that of the nation's greatest destroyer, and he certainly is the greatest enemy that I, personally, and my family and employees, have ever had."
Trump & The Political Risk Of A 3rd Party In 2016
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 17:55 If Trump took up a Third-Party, it might be the biggest shot we have at saving the country insofar as it would at least turn Capitol Hill into a new playing field. It really would not matter who the Third-Party candidate would be, Washington needs to be shaken and stirred vigorously to let these people know being a “representative” is supposed to be OF THE PEOPLE, not of yourself, the Party, and government.
"Jihadi John" Fears "Jealous" Terrorists Will Kill Him, Leaves ISIS
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 17:20 When Top Gear front man Jeremy Clarkson left the show, the crowds of fanatical followers faded fast. When Zayn left One Direction, the band's insatiable devotees started to question their faith in the boy band's message. And so, as IB Times reports, the exodus of ISIS front-man "Jihadi John" from the terror group - citing irreconcilable differences with his "jealous" former terrorist colleagues - one wonders if the cracks of caliphate are starting to show...
The Junk Bond Heatmap Has Not Been This Red In A Long Time
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 16:05 But for those equity investors caught in the artificial glare of the goalseeked stock market to appreciate how truly ugly it has gotten in the junk bond space, here is a heat map showing the YTD change in junk bond prices (relative box size indicates total outstanding debt amount) when seen in terms of either the 31 subsectors or the 805 issuer companies that make up Citi's junk bond tracking universe.
BRICS Bank, AIIB Pledge Partnership, Loans To Be Issued In Yuan
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 15:35 Now that the AIIB and the BRICS bank have officially launched and are expected to begin operations soon, it appears that not only will the yuan play a key role for both institutions, but in fact, the two development banks will collaborate on their lending activities.
Venezuela's Hyperinflation Crack-Up Boom On Its Way To Outer Space
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 15:00 Venezuela’s hyperinflation is reaching its final stages. It is probably already far too late for the government to stop the complete collapse of its currency. The bolivar is in the process of transforming from a medium of exchange to tinder for wood-stoves. Venezuelans who had the presence of mind to convert their savings into gold or foreign currency in good time are likely to survive the conflagration intact. Governments never seem to learn. They all believe they can somehow overrule economic laws by diktat. This is not only true of Venezuela’s government, but of practically every government in today’s world. Central planning of money has been adopted everywhere. Venezuela merely shows us what the end game for every fiat money system looks like.
Hillary Agrees To Testify Publicly Over Benghazi Deaths
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 14:20 With the FBI and DoJ now involved in yet another Hillary Clinton scandal - that she sent confidential emails from her personal email server - it seems the 'presidential' former Secretary of State has felt pressured to come somewhat clean. While some might argue "what difference does it make?" The Washington Post reports that Hillary Rodham Clinton will testify on Oct. 22 before the House select committee investigating her role in connection with the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. The testimony - before the committee formed last year - will be in a open setting (apparently against the wishes for privacy that committee chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy initially requested).
Bubble, Bubble, Toil, & Trouble: When Authorities Buy Assets To Prop Up Markets
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 13:40 The Central Planners who thought that buying shares to prop up the stock bubble was an excellent fix are about to find out the true meaning of toil and trouble.
Nothing To See Here: German Regulator Decides Deutsche Bank CEO Didn't Know About LIBOR After All
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 13:05 "German banking regulator Bafin cleared former Deutsche Bank AG co-Chief Executive Officer Anshu Jain of misleading the Bundesbank about his knowledge of the company’s role in attempts to manipulate benchmark interest rates," Bloomberg reports. This comes just three months after the very same regulator said that "Mr. Jain has been proven to have learned about discussion in the market concerning the susceptibility of the LIBOR to manipulation in 2008."
Jim Grant: Financial Prices Should Be Discovered, Not Administered
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2015 - 12:30 "The modern financial animal is wont to assume that he or she lives in an age of science. The truth is we live in an age of pseudoscience. Far from dealing in science, central bankers, and, to a degree, investment bankers and security analysts, employ magical thinking... For an individual to fix Libor is a crime. For a central bank to suppress European bond yields is an act of financial statesmanship..."
AUTISM: Cause. And Cure?
from Professor Doom 1:
Please help to protect me as I am those who helped me with this explosive information share everywhere so it is less likely they will come for me like they have for these now deceased doctors. Read this article first please:……………
from Professor Doom 1:
Please help to protect me as I am those who helped me with this explosive information share everywhere so it is less likely they will come for me like they have for these now deceased doctors. Read this article first please:……………
by Suzanne Sommers, Instagram:
[On Thursday] The world lost one of its greatest doctors, Dr. Nicholas
Gonzalez. He was my dear friend. He was my doctor. He was the subject of
many of my books. He was one of my greatest teachers. He took away my
fear of cancer because so many of his patients, myself included, LIVE.
He understood the pathway to cancer and how to manage even the worst
kinds of cancer – allowing his patients to live with quality of life.
And he never used drugs to achieve his remarkable successes. As his
patient, along with so many others whom he has treated, he had the
answer to cancer – something thousands of charities and fundraisers hope
to achieve.
Humanity is the loser in this sad scenario. Nick Gonzalez was a God-loving man. He loved his country; he was a thinker, a questioner, fearless in his criticism of the ineffectiveness of allopathic medicine…the lone voice, attacked by mainstream and isolated from so many of his peers who wanted to keep distance from this maverick lest they be associated with his “controversial” protocol. Yet, when these same doctors had no more answers for terminal patients they sent them to Dr. Gonzalez.
Read More…

Humanity is the loser in this sad scenario. Nick Gonzalez was a God-loving man. He loved his country; he was a thinker, a questioner, fearless in his criticism of the ineffectiveness of allopathic medicine…the lone voice, attacked by mainstream and isolated from so many of his peers who wanted to keep distance from this maverick lest they be associated with his “controversial” protocol. Yet, when these same doctors had no more answers for terminal patients they sent them to Dr. Gonzalez.
Read More…
by John Rubino, Dollar Collapse:
Less than a decade after a housing/derivatives bubble nearly wiped out
the global financial system, a new and much bigger
commodities/derivatives bubble is threatening to finish the job. Raw
materials are tanking as capital pours out of the most heavily-impacted
countries and into anything that looks like a reasonable hiding place.
So the dollar is up, Swiss and German bond yields are negative, and fine
art is through the roof.
Now emerging-market turmoil is spreading to the developed world and the conventional wisdom is shifting from a future of gradual interest rate normalization amid a return to steady growth, to zero or negative rates as far as the eye can see. Here’s a representative take from Bloomberg:
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Now emerging-market turmoil is spreading to the developed world and the conventional wisdom is shifting from a future of gradual interest rate normalization amid a return to steady growth, to zero or negative rates as far as the eye can see. Here’s a representative take from Bloomberg:
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by Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney:
Industrial commodities, including energy and base metals, were
aggressively sold this week as more evidence came in that the global
economy is stalling, with world trade having now declined for five
Gold was attacked and broke the $1,100 level last weekend to slide to new lows, down 7.9% on the year and silver is now down 4.8%. It is notable how well silver has held up, when it usually moves about twice as much as gold.
There are two reasons behind silver’s relative strength. The first is the already substantial short position in silver limiting its fall, and the second is that the cause of the sharp decline in precious metal prices was a bear raid on gold. Whoever engineered it chose their timing carefully: it was very late on a Sunday evening in US time, and the Tokyo market (TOCOM) was shut for a holiday. By dumping several thousand contracts in a very thin market the seller was able to trigger stops, yielding an immediate profit.
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Gold was attacked and broke the $1,100 level last weekend to slide to new lows, down 7.9% on the year and silver is now down 4.8%. It is notable how well silver has held up, when it usually moves about twice as much as gold.
There are two reasons behind silver’s relative strength. The first is the already substantial short position in silver limiting its fall, and the second is that the cause of the sharp decline in precious metal prices was a bear raid on gold. Whoever engineered it chose their timing carefully: it was very late on a Sunday evening in US time, and the Tokyo market (TOCOM) was shut for a holiday. By dumping several thousand contracts in a very thin market the seller was able to trigger stops, yielding an immediate profit.
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from Money Metals Exchange:
Coming up we’ll hear from Chris Powell of the Gold Anti-Trust Action
Committee, better known as GATA. Chris has plenty of things to say on
just how blatant the manipulation in the gold market has gotten and what
the result of all of is likely to be. Don’t miss our exclusive
interview with Chris Powell, coming up after this week’s market update.
Well, what a week for the metals markets. Unfortunately for the bulls, this week’s price action was notably to the downside, with spot gold breaking to five-year lows. But in the retail market, gold is having one of its best months on record. More on that in a moment.
Chris Powell Audio Interveiw @

Well, what a week for the metals markets. Unfortunately for the bulls, this week’s price action was notably to the downside, with spot gold breaking to five-year lows. But in the retail market, gold is having one of its best months on record. More on that in a moment.
Chris Powell Audio Interveiw @
from EliteNWOAgenda:
from The Truth About the Law:
I want to tell you about a simple little case from an obscure little court, where the findings and verdict posed such a danger to the money power, that they tried to prevent the judge from even entering the verdict. He refused. One week later the judge had an “unfortunate” fishing accident and died.
As for the lawyer/individual who brought the case and won it to the jury? Well he was coincidentally disbarred. Oh and the case findings? they were “nullified” on procedural grounds because well, “that’s the law”. And now of course, any lawyer who attempts to cite the case, well, they too face sanctions and possible disbarment by the “licensing” system the government runs that “allows” them to operate in the “legal system” the government runs. Remember, it is all just “following the law”. What, do you not “support law and order”? You probably hate kittens too then.
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I want to tell you about a simple little case from an obscure little court, where the findings and verdict posed such a danger to the money power, that they tried to prevent the judge from even entering the verdict. He refused. One week later the judge had an “unfortunate” fishing accident and died.
As for the lawyer/individual who brought the case and won it to the jury? Well he was coincidentally disbarred. Oh and the case findings? they were “nullified” on procedural grounds because well, “that’s the law”. And now of course, any lawyer who attempts to cite the case, well, they too face sanctions and possible disbarment by the “licensing” system the government runs that “allows” them to operate in the “legal system” the government runs. Remember, it is all just “following the law”. What, do you not “support law and order”? You probably hate kittens too then.
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“It’s a certainty, it’s a matter of when.” – Shepard Smith
“Within the lifetime of some of our viewers, they may see Seattle and Portland destroyed.” – Michio Kaku
from Fox News, via Wake Up America:
July 15, 2015 Fox News Report: Mega-Quake Would Destroy Big Portion Of Pacific Northwest – First Warning – Shepard Smith Reporting – The New York Quotes A FEMA Official: Everything West Of Interstate 5 Is Toast!, Everything West Of Interstate 5 Is Gone! Seattle, Tacoma Olympia, Portland, Salem Eugene, Ect Wipe out All Together About 7 Million People That’s Does Not Including Tourist!
Seismologists: Earthquake Unleash Colossal Tsunami – First Sign Of Mega-Quake Will Be “Cacophony Of Barking Dogs” Before The Ground liquefy In One Area & A wall Of Water Up To 100 feet High.
“Within the lifetime of some of our viewers, they may see Seattle and Portland destroyed.” – Michio Kaku
from Fox News, via Wake Up America:
July 15, 2015 Fox News Report: Mega-Quake Would Destroy Big Portion Of Pacific Northwest – First Warning – Shepard Smith Reporting – The New York Quotes A FEMA Official: Everything West Of Interstate 5 Is Toast!, Everything West Of Interstate 5 Is Gone! Seattle, Tacoma Olympia, Portland, Salem Eugene, Ect Wipe out All Together About 7 Million People That’s Does Not Including Tourist!
Seismologists: Earthquake Unleash Colossal Tsunami – First Sign Of Mega-Quake Will Be “Cacophony Of Barking Dogs” Before The Ground liquefy In One Area & A wall Of Water Up To 100 feet High.
from Western Journalism:
The House passed a bill Thursday which would punish cities that refuse to enforce federal immigration law.
H.R. 3009 passed easily in the lower chamber 241 to 179, The Hill reported. The bill would force local law enforcement agencies to notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement if they have an illegal immigrant in custody; otherwise, certain federal law enforcement grants would be withheld.
“I think we can all agree that any state or locality must comply with the law—and they are required to coordinate and cooperate with the federal government,” said Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who sponsored the legislation. “If an arrest is made, the federal government should be notified. The fact that San Francisco, Los Angeles and other cities disagree with the politics of federal enforcement doesn’t mean they should receive a pass to subvert the law.”
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H.R. 3009 passed easily in the lower chamber 241 to 179, The Hill reported. The bill would force local law enforcement agencies to notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement if they have an illegal immigrant in custody; otherwise, certain federal law enforcement grants would be withheld.
“I think we can all agree that any state or locality must comply with the law—and they are required to coordinate and cooperate with the federal government,” said Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who sponsored the legislation. “If an arrest is made, the federal government should be notified. The fact that San Francisco, Los Angeles and other cities disagree with the politics of federal enforcement doesn’t mean they should receive a pass to subvert the law.”
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by Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show:
One cannot read this facts, verify them and come away with any other
belief that Obama’s mission is tp fundamentally destroy the United
States of America. Review the documentation for the conclusions drawn
in this article. Investigate yourself and verify the facts and then
share this article with everyone you know including your elected
Obama is the right man, at the right time to engineer a total communist subversion of the United States are not merely the words of journalistic rhetoric designed to sensationalize the sentiment which has grown in opposition to the communist policies of an unpopular president.
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Obama is the right man, at the right time to engineer a total communist subversion of the United States are not merely the words of journalistic rhetoric designed to sensationalize the sentiment which has grown in opposition to the communist policies of an unpopular president.
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from The Daily Sheeple:
TDS Note:
Isn’t it sad we live in a society where the only real way to protect
ourselves is to walk around filming ourselves from the corrupt system
and its minions?
City bus driver, Kelvin Kirkpatrick purchased a set of glasses that take HD video as a means of feeling safe in the event the Metro Security cameras on his bus failed. However, these camera glasses would prove to be incredibly valuable in an entire other sense.
Kirkpatrick was becoming frustrated with the lack of security provided by two King County sheriff’s deputies assigned to the protection of busses on the Metro Transit squad.
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City bus driver, Kelvin Kirkpatrick purchased a set of glasses that take HD video as a means of feeling safe in the event the Metro Security cameras on his bus failed. However, these camera glasses would prove to be incredibly valuable in an entire other sense.
Kirkpatrick was becoming frustrated with the lack of security provided by two King County sheriff’s deputies assigned to the protection of busses on the Metro Transit squad.
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by James Corbett, The International Forecaster:
When the People’s Bank of China added 604 tons of gold to its official gold holdings last month, no one was particularly surprised.
Even mainstream pundits have been expecting such a move this year as Beijing continues its campaign to be included in the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights reserve currency basket.
In short, everyone and their dog knows that China has been quietly (and furiously) adding to their gold reserves for the last six years, despite the fact that there has been no change in their reported gold holdings since 2009. But now that they’re angling to make the renminbi the world’s de facto fifth reserve currency, they have to show that they have some hard assets on their balance sheet to back it up. Hence, the gold update.
Read More @ The International Forecaster
When the People’s Bank of China added 604 tons of gold to its official gold holdings last month, no one was particularly surprised.
Even mainstream pundits have been expecting such a move this year as Beijing continues its campaign to be included in the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights reserve currency basket.
In short, everyone and their dog knows that China has been quietly (and furiously) adding to their gold reserves for the last six years, despite the fact that there has been no change in their reported gold holdings since 2009. But now that they’re angling to make the renminbi the world’s de facto fifth reserve currency, they have to show that they have some hard assets on their balance sheet to back it up. Hence, the gold update.
Read More @ The International Forecaster

It’s March 7th of 2007. General
Wesley Clark is about to do an interview on Democracy Now with Amy
Goodman. He’s about to boldly tell the world that on September 20, 2001
after meeting with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz he met with members of the Joint Staff at the
Pentagon where he was shown a Pentagon memo admitting a criminal
pre-emptive war super plan to invade and destroy “7 countries in 5 years”
perfectly consistent with the globalist Project for a New American
Century plans (PNAC). These aggressive unprovoked attacks and invasions,
it was admitted in this memo, would take place for no other reason than
the fact that they can do it! Clark nonchalantly explains- when all you
have is a hammer … everything just needs to look like a nail. And as we
can see that’s exactly what the U.S. lead war machine has done post
9/11. They’ve made every country they want to invade “look like a nail”
by creating and funding terror groups like Al Qaeda and now ISIS to
destabilize one country after another.
Read More @
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