Buyout firms conducted 97 stock offerings in the second quarter, more than in any other three-month period. "It’s clear that we are currently in an environment of frothy valuations,” said Lise Buyer, founder of IPO advisory firm Class V Group. Her disturbing punchline: "The insiders - those with the most knowledge - are finding this a very good time to take some money off the table." In an echo of Leon Black, Frank Maturo, vice chairman of equity capital markets at UBS AG, said, “Private equity is selling everything that’s not bolted down."
When you have Assholes in government denying Shit is going to happen...You can bet your last dollar(aka as toilet paper) on it happening... and soon...
Barack Obama Promises That Events In Greece And Puerto Rico Will Not Cause A Global Financial Crisis

I had to smile when I saw a Politico article today with the following headline: “Barack Obama on Greece: meh“. While admitting that this crisis is likely to be “very painful for the Greek people”, Obama just doesn’t seem to be impressed by the threat that this crisis poses to the global financial system as a whole…
President Barack Obama downplayed the threat that Greece’s debt crisis poses to the American economy, saying that the Hellenic Republic’s problems would create more woes for the European continent than the United States.
Read More…

Jason Goepfert Continues @ KingWorldNews.com

Red China Goes Redder, Stocks Tumble Despite Government Ban On Bearish Talk
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 23:21 Despite more liquidity injections (CNY35 billion 7day RevRepo), archaic deals for brokerages to manipulate their balance sheets, and local reporters noting China's propaganda ministry ordering state media to publish only positive opinions about the stock market, not to criticize, Chinese stocks are in red once again. The record streak of margin debt declines continues and although futures were driven up early on, any strength has been sold into as unwinds wreak havoc on the ponzi wealth creation scheme. All major indices are in the red with Shenzhen (home of the 500%-club) the worst, down around 2% (though as CNBC would say "off the lows").
Payrolls Preview: Goldman Expects Jobs Data To Disappoint
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 23:00 Despite much hopeful banter among the mainstream media, Goldman forecast nonfarm payroll job growth of 220k in June, notably below consensus expectations of 234k. This is roughly in line with Goldman's expectations for below average job growth over the remainder of 2015. Employment indicators were mixed in June: reported job availability, the employment components of most manufacturing surveys, and ADP employment growth improved, but jobless claims and job cuts both rose slightly and online job ads declined. Overall, the June data point to a gain below the very strong 280k increase in May.
A Short History: The Neocon "Clean Break" Grand Design & The "Regime Change" Disasters It Has Fostered
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 22:30 To understand today’s crises in Iraq, Syria, Iran, and elsewhere, one must grasp their shared Lebanese connection. This assertion may seem odd. After all, what is the big deal about Lebanon? That little country hasn’t had top headlines since Israel deigned to bomb and invade it in 2006. Yet, to a large extent, the roots of the bloody tangle now enmeshing the Middle East lie in Lebanon: or to be more precise, in the Lebanon policy of Israel.
by Michael Snyder, Economic Collapse Blog:

Keep an eye on the shadow banking system – it is about to be shaken to the core. According to the Financial Stability Board, the size of the global shadow banking system has reached an astounding 75 trillion dollars. It has approximately tripled in size since 2002. In the U.S. alone, the size of the shadow banking system is approximately 24 trillion dollars. At this point, shadow banking assets in the United States are even greater than those of conventional banks. These shadow banks are largely unregulated, but governments around the world have been extremely hesitant to crack down on them because these nonbank lenders have helped fuel economic growth. But in the end, we will all likely pay a very great price for allowing these exceedingly reckless financial institutions to run wild.
If you are not familiar with the “shadow banking system”, the following is a pretty good definition from investing answers.com…
Read More @ EconomicCollapseBlog.com

Keep an eye on the shadow banking system – it is about to be shaken to the core. According to the Financial Stability Board, the size of the global shadow banking system has reached an astounding 75 trillion dollars. It has approximately tripled in size since 2002. In the U.S. alone, the size of the shadow banking system is approximately 24 trillion dollars. At this point, shadow banking assets in the United States are even greater than those of conventional banks. These shadow banks are largely unregulated, but governments around the world have been extremely hesitant to crack down on them because these nonbank lenders have helped fuel economic growth. But in the end, we will all likely pay a very great price for allowing these exceedingly reckless financial institutions to run wild.
If you are not familiar with the “shadow banking system”, the following is a pretty good definition from investing answers.com…
Read More @ EconomicCollapseBlog.com
Coming to your area Much Much Sooner then you think... Oh and if you think it won't happen here remember all the people digging in the dumpsters for food after the north eastern storm a few years ago...

Desperate Greeks Resort To Scavenging Through Garbage To Find Food
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 18:00 "Sometimes I'll find scrap metal that I can sell, although if I see something that looks reasonably safe to eat, I'll take it"...
US Police More Concerned About "Anti-Government" Domestic Extremists Than Al-Qaeda, Study Finds
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 23:30 U.S. law enforcement agencies rank the threat of violence from anti-government extremists higher than the threat from radicalized Muslims, according to a report released Thursday by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security (TCTHS). We have previously warned that any totalitarian apparatus implemented to fight an outside enemy, would ultimately be turned around and used upon the public domestically; and now it seems confirmed that the real enemy of the corrupt corporate state is none other than, “we the people.”
UN Trucks Spotted In Missouri And Military Is Digging a Lake
There is no question as to what is happening here. Do these vehicles belong on U.S. soil? Why are they here. What does this mean to you and me?
Read More
by Tony Cartalucci, NEO:

Unbeknownst to the general public, their elected politicians do not create the policy that binds their national destiny domestically or within the arena of geopolitics. Instead, corporate-financier funded think tanks do – teams of unelected policymakers which transcend elections, and which produce papers that then become the foundation of legislation rubber stamped by “legislators,” as well as the enumerated talking points repeated ad naseum by the corporate-media.
Such a policy paper has been recently written by the notorious US policy think-tank, the Brookings Institution, titled, “Deconstructing Syria: Towards a regionalized strategy for a confederal country.” The signed and dated open-conspiracy to divide, destroy, then incrementally occupy a sovereign nation thousands of miles from America’s shores serves as a sobering example of how dangerous and enduring modern imperialism is, even in the 21st century.
Read More @ NEO.org

Unbeknownst to the general public, their elected politicians do not create the policy that binds their national destiny domestically or within the arena of geopolitics. Instead, corporate-financier funded think tanks do – teams of unelected policymakers which transcend elections, and which produce papers that then become the foundation of legislation rubber stamped by “legislators,” as well as the enumerated talking points repeated ad naseum by the corporate-media.
Such a policy paper has been recently written by the notorious US policy think-tank, the Brookings Institution, titled, “Deconstructing Syria: Towards a regionalized strategy for a confederal country.” The signed and dated open-conspiracy to divide, destroy, then incrementally occupy a sovereign nation thousands of miles from America’s shores serves as a sobering example of how dangerous and enduring modern imperialism is, even in the 21st century.
Read More @ NEO.org
The Sheeplez fall for the same BullShit...Over and Over again...

"When People Jump In Even Though It's Overpriced, That's A Bubble" Shiller Warns
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 22:00 Bob Shiller moves beyond his normal fence-sitting perspective and goes full Marc Faber in this brief clip. Noting that his CAPE indicator of equity market valuation is flashing red (highest since 1929, 2000, and 2007), Shiller warns it is "when people jump into stocks even though they know valuations are high... that's a bubble," slamming CNBC's rosy perspective reflecting that this is the same as the dotcom rise. Notably he warns specifically "The US equity market is one of the highest in the world," and now is a good time to diversify away from it. Additionally Shiller warns of the slowing momentum in the housing market... warning that mean-reversion is likely with risk for further decline.
Russia Or China - Washington's Conflict Over Who Is Public Enemy #1
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 21:30 America’s grand strategy, its long-term blueprint for advancing national interests and countering major adversaries, is in total disarray. Top officials lurch from crisis to crisis, improvising strategies as they go, but rarely pursuing a consistent set of policies. Some blame this indecisiveness on a lack of resolve at the White House, but the real reason lies deeper. It lurks in a disagreement among foreign policy elites over whether Russia or China constitutes America’s principal great-power adversary.
Who Will Be The Last To Crash?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 20:30 This is the question that astute investors are forced to ask themselves these days. No reasonable person believes that a system of ever-expanding debt can resolve painlessly. It simply cannot happen... not, at least, until 2+2 stops equaling four. But the international money system, while deeply interconnected, can implode in sections. In fact, it’s highly unlikely that it will crash as a single unit. So, if you have significant moneys to invest, you end up coming back to our question: Who will be the last to crash?Must have been Black on Black crime or it would be all over the so called news...

Black Churches Are Burning Across The South, Arson Eyed
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 20:00 Last month we made the following admittedly stark prediction: "Ultimately, it appears America has become a country wherein everyone feels marginalized and/or aggrieved in one way or another. In the absence of a dramatic societal reboot, we fear social instability is likely here to stay." That assessment appears to have been quite accurate because over the course of just two weeks, six predominantly African American churches in the US have burned, with authorities suspecting arson in several of the blazes.
Bank Of England Warns Greece "Threatens To Trigger Market Selloff That Could Ripple Through The Global Economy"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 19:30 When it comes to Europe, Greece lost the blame game, and just like the Ukraine civil war last year, became an unwitting catalyst greenlighting Germany's concession to ECB QE, this time it may be Greece that launches the next step in the ECB's master plan: not just QE but more QE. This is precisely what Goldman's Franceso Garzarelli, co-head of macro and markets research, admitted earlier today in an interview on Bloomberg TV, when he said that the ECB "will have to go big" if the situation in Greece worsens and leads to wider peripheral bond yield spreads.
The Current Oil Price Slump Is Far From Over
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 19:30 The oil price collapse of 2014-2015 began one year ago this month (Figure 1). The world crossed a boundary in which prices are not only lower now but will probably remain lower for some time. It represents a phase change like when water turns into ice: the composition is the same as before but the physical state and governing laws are different. The market must balance before things get better and prices improve. That can only happen if production falls and demand increases. That will take time. The most likely case is that oil prices will decrease in the second half of 2015 and that financial distress to all oil producers will increase. The hope and expectation that the worst is over will fade as the new reality of prolonged low oil prices is reluctantly accepted.
China Races To Rescue Stocks As Margin Mania Unwind Wreaks Havoc
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 19:00 "The selling pressure so far has mainly come from stock-related borrowings via various unofficial channels where the leverage is much higher," BofAML says of the dramatic sell-off in Chinese equities. On Wednesday, the country's securities regulator moved to reassure markets as the unwind of hundreds of billions in leveraged trades threatens to collapse China's world-beating stock bubble.
U.S. Admits Paying Terrorists For Services Rendered In Syria
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 18:30 Despite the fact that even the U.S. government itself has admitted that it was funding terrorists– directly and indirectly through Saudi Arabia, the suggestion was met with disbelief, ridicule, or either entirely ignored. Now, however, the United States government has admitted that it funds terrorists on the ground in Syria yet again, this time placing an individual dollar amount on the assistance provided.
What If Gold Is Declared Illegal?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 17:30 Over the weekend, the lines in Greece stretched along the street. Around the corner. Down the block. Lines to get cash. Lines to buy gas. Lines of people eager to get their hands on something of value. Food. Fuel. Cash. Pity the poor guy who was last in line... As more and more people turn to gold as a way to avoid standing in lines, the feds could ban it again. But when we close our eyes and try to peer into a world where gold is illegal, what we see is a world where we want it more than ever.
NSA Leak: "Washington Is Negotiating With Every Nation That Borders China... So As To 'Confront' Beijing"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 17:06 "Houben insisted that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is a U.S. initiative, appears to be designed to force future negotiations with China. Washington, he pointed out, is negotiating with every nation that borders China, asking for commitments that exceed those countries' administrative capacities, so as to "confront" Beijing."Stocks Surge Despite Dashed Hellenic Hope, Crude Carnages
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015 - 16:08
More proof that we're screwed...

On Monday, Barack Obama signed the unconstitutional Trade Promotion Authority legislation. After failing to fully get through the House on a first attempt, Republicans snuck it back in the very next week under cover of the Charleston shooting and later helped to pass it in the Senate with a vote of 60-38. However, neither House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) nor Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY would attend the signing of the legislation.
Obama claims that such legislation will “reinforce America’s leadership role in the world.”
If that is the case, then why was the Trade Adjustment Assistance? It’s because, to their credit, Democrats realized that this is going to cost Americans jobs and they wanted to unconstitutionally offer welfare from the federal government for those losses.
Read More @ FreedomOutpost.com
from Boom Bust:
Early Wednesday morning, Greece became the first advanced economy to default on the International Monetary Fund.
Early Wednesday morning, Greece became the first advanced economy to default on the International Monetary Fund.
from Andrew Gavin Marshall:
This book will tell the stories of the rich and powerful oligarchs and family dynasties who collectively rule our world: the global Mafiocracy, operating behind-the-scenes playing their games of power politics, globalization’s Game of Thrones where rich and influential families play their games, balancing collusion and cooperation with fierce competition to rule the world Empire of Economics.
In 1975, Henry Kissinger told President Ford: “The trick in the world now is to use economics to build a world political structure.”
This book is that story. Read a full sample chapter here:
This book will tell the stories of the rich and powerful oligarchs and family dynasties who collectively rule our world: the global Mafiocracy, operating behind-the-scenes playing their games of power politics, globalization’s Game of Thrones where rich and influential families play their games, balancing collusion and cooperation with fierce competition to rule the world Empire of Economics.
In 1975, Henry Kissinger told President Ford: “The trick in the world now is to use economics to build a world political structure.”
This book is that story. Read a full sample chapter here:
The conversation begins at 1:35.
from Prepper Recon:
Chuck Coppes of IDP Consulting joins me today to talk about the impending monetary catastrophe our nation is soon to endure.
from Prepper Recon:
Chuck Coppes of IDP Consulting joins me today to talk about the impending monetary catastrophe our nation is soon to endure.
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