from KingWorldNews:
Richard Russell: “The mystery: If the economy is as good as the Fed
claims, then why is the Fed holding back on a first step-up in short
rates? Also, if the economy is as good as the Fed claims it is, why is
the Industrial average stubbornly holding below 18,000?
As I write, Industrials are up 5 and the Transports are up 2. The tech-heavy Nasdaq is up 24 and still above the even number 5,000.
Despite the bullish news from the Fed and the government, John Williams insists that the US economy is rolling over and sinking into recession. If this is true, why is it that the media refuses to quote Williams on the economy? Again, I repeat, if the US economy is as good as the Fed and the government claims it is, what’s holding back the Industrials and Transports?
Richard Russell Continues @

As I write, Industrials are up 5 and the Transports are up 2. The tech-heavy Nasdaq is up 24 and still above the even number 5,000.
Despite the bullish news from the Fed and the government, John Williams insists that the US economy is rolling over and sinking into recession. If this is true, why is it that the media refuses to quote Williams on the economy? Again, I repeat, if the US economy is as good as the Fed and the government claims it is, what’s holding back the Industrials and Transports?
Richard Russell Continues @

"There's A Bubble In Pessimism Worldwide, Come On, You Read Zero Hedge!"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 14:41 When all of your arguments have been crushed with brutal determination, what better way to prove you have no idea what you are talking about than to name drop this website, and start laughing hysterically.
"We Want The Names Of Anyone Who Sold" - China's Market Witch Hunt Enters Twilight Zone
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 17:10 Having claimed 'foreign interests' were "waging an economic war" against China, it was ironic that the most outspoken of Chinese SOEs is now under investigation for 'selling' shares when it was told not to. As Reuters reports, China is extending its dragnet for "malicious sellers" to Hong Kong and Singapore as the witchhunt blame-mongery continues, Rather ominously, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has demanded trading records to try to identify those with net short positions who would profit in case of further falls in China-listed shares, three sources at Chinese brokerages and two at foreign financial institutions said. Even more incredibly, as Bloomberg reports, despite total ignorance by US regulators, China is 'daring' to crackdown on market manipulation via 'spoofing'.
Central banks in the Western world have set the scene for an ‘even bigger version’ of the 2007-2008 global financial crisis, Societe Generale’s bearish strategist Albert Edwards said in a research note yesterday.
Chinese stock market crash
Mr. Edwards said that China’s intervention to stabilize its volatile stock market was part of a larger global story, in which ‘rock bottom’ interest rates and large fiscal deficits in the western world were pushing the global economy towards a fall.
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July Jangles Markets' Nerves: Treasury Yields Tumble, Stocks Fumble, & Commodities Crumble
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 16:05

Congress Passes Bill In 15 Minutes To Revoke Americans' Passports Without Due Process
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 17:45 The “war on terror” is a status quo fraud perpetuated by the oligarch-controlled mainstream media and authoritarian members of Congress as a way to systematically strip the American public of its freedom and civil rights in the name of fighting an outside enemy. This tried and true tactic has been used by statists throughout history, and history is indeed repeating itself here in the “land of the free.”
5 Things To Ponder: Mentally Conflicted
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 16:35 The disconnect between economic underpinnings, market internals and "bullish" investor optimism leaves many investors/advisors "mentally conflicted." If they "sell" too soon, they might miss a further advance in the market. But if they wait too long, well, they have lived through that scenario previously. This week's reading list is a smattering of conflicting views about the markets and the economy.filed under (unt

"You've Got Jail"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 15:55 Forget The White House... Hillary is heading to The Big House...
Is This The Top? Private Equity "Exits" Surge To Record Highs
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 15:35 After a slow first quarter of 2015, the private equity industry experienced a revitalization in Q2-2015. Investment dipped by less than 1 percent to $112 billion, holding strong at the second highest Q2 level since 2007, fundraising fell to $30 billion. . Meanwhile, as ValueWalk details, exit volume exploded last quarter to $125 billion - the highest level on record - raising the question: "if everything is so awesome, why the smartest people in the room selling to the public at the heaviest pace ever?"
Friday Humor: The Trump White House & Cabinet
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 15:20 Having told Jimmy Kimmel that he "would love to" appoint Sarah Palin to his cabinet, The Washington Post asks (and answers), just what would a trump cabinet look like?
Will FTC Probe Of Largest For-Profit College Lead To Another Billion Dollar Taxpayer Bailout?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 15:05 Earlier this week, the largest for-profit college in the country disclosed that the FTC is investigating whether the school adopted "deceptive or unfair practices" in the course of recruiting students. Now that the closure of Corinthian Colleges has set a $3.6 billion precedent, will the government investigation of Apollo Education put taxpayers on the hook again?
Spot The Greek Referendum
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 14:55 When fiat fragility shows its fecklessness, it appears people turn to the alternatives...
Amoeba, Fish, Lizard, Ape, Human, Investor... Meet Evolutionary Economics
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 14:16 We’re always interested in alternative economic frameworks that can help address the sizable gaps left open by classical approaches. Behavioral economics can fill part of that void, of course, as it describes some basic shortfalls in the assumption that we’re all superhuman welfare maximizing individuals. One step beyond that is evolutionary economics, which borrows from biology rather than psychology to form models about economic behavior.
Is Turkey On The Path To Restoring The Ottoman Empire?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 13:52 "Turkey's interest in northern Syria and northern Iraq is not an abstraction triggered by a group of religious fanatics calling themselves the Islamic State; it is the bypass, intersection and reinforcement of multiple geopolitical wavelengths creating an invisible force behind Ankara to re-extend Turkey's formal and informal boundaries beyond Anatolia."
From Grexit To Brexit?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 13:27 “It is absolutely ludicrous that when only 10% of the entire UK GDP is exports to the EU that the other 90% of our businesses are tied up with European rules – and I think people are starting to understand that.”
Crude Tumbles Near $46 Handle As US Oil Rig Count Rises For 2nd Week
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 - 13:09 After last week's surge in total rig count, this week saw a modest 2 rig drop to 874 total rigs. However, oil rigs rose once again - up 5 to 664 rigs. This is the highest since May 8th. The last 5 weeks have seen a 36 rig rise - the biggest such rise since April 2014. WTI Crude prices are reacting negatively to this news."Secret" NSA Map Shows Five Years Of Chinese Cyber Attacks

Much like an inhaler, the novel GM Ebola vaccine will be delivered through a special “breathing device” that anyone can pick up and use without a doctor’s help. It’s made from a common respiratory virus known as human parainfluenza virus type 3, or HPIV3, that scientists artificially engineered to contain genes from the Ebola virus. These genes purportedly encode the proteins of Ebola virus on the outside of the HPIV3 virus, prompting an immune response.
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from Off Grid Survival:
Earlier this month, the Obama administration quietly issued new rules
to the Fair Housing Act that will radically alter the way your
neighborhood looks. The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule
(AFFH) will change zoning laws, redefine neighborhoods, control
transportation and business development, and remove the authority of
state and local governments in the areas of zoning, transportation and
President Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation will redefine the American landscape, forcing radical changes to suburban and rural cities around the United States, as the federal government gets ready to take over and redefine the American Suburb. Under the guise of equality, the Obama administration is yet again using racial animosity to push their agenda, this time by annexing American Suburbs and filling them with low-income housing projects.
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President Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation will redefine the American landscape, forcing radical changes to suburban and rural cities around the United States, as the federal government gets ready to take over and redefine the American Suburb. Under the guise of equality, the Obama administration is yet again using racial animosity to push their agenda, this time by annexing American Suburbs and filling them with low-income housing projects.
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from Gold Silver Worlds:
I’ve been bearish on gold for so long that my successively lower
targets have become almost perfunctory. Lately, I’ve focused on a
‘Hidden Pivot’ target at $817, the attainment of which would presumably
wash out the last of the die-hard bulls, clearing the way for a
resumption of the long-term bull market. Now, however, I am obliged to
consider an alternative possibility — i.e., an explosive move without
the washout. Although I lack the imagination to envision such
world-shaking news as might cause this to happen, I credit a relatively
recent Rick’s Picks subscriber, Michael Gibbons, with jarring me awake.
Gibbons is a market-timer of legend himself, with a high-end service that offers precise, timely trading guidance for 30 vehicles, including commodities, index futures, ETFs, stocks and options. His take on gold, based on the latest Commitment of Traders (COT) report, is that a potentially major move may be close. It turns out that commercial traders have been drastically reducing their short-gold positions, presumably in anticipation of a trend change.
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Gibbons is a market-timer of legend himself, with a high-end service that offers precise, timely trading guidance for 30 vehicles, including commodities, index futures, ETFs, stocks and options. His take on gold, based on the latest Commitment of Traders (COT) report, is that a potentially major move may be close. It turns out that commercial traders have been drastically reducing their short-gold positions, presumably in anticipation of a trend change.
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from The Sleuth Journal:
Over the past few years there have been countless reports of dead bankers and scientists, however just this past month eight doctors have been found dead and five have gone missing after run-ins with the Feds. Including a doctors who linked vaccinations as a cause of autism and holistic doctors.
Is this all just a “coincidence” considering California’s passage of the forced vaccination law? Is it all just a “coincidence” that these doctors just so happen to be murdered the same time that Florida Senator, Frederica S. Wilson, introduces her draconian legislation to force children in public schools to be fully vaccinated? If not then why were five of the murdered doctors linked to the state of Florida, the very state of Frederica Wilson? I believe we have a conspiracy on our hands…
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Over the past few years there have been countless reports of dead bankers and scientists, however just this past month eight doctors have been found dead and five have gone missing after run-ins with the Feds. Including a doctors who linked vaccinations as a cause of autism and holistic doctors.
Is this all just a “coincidence” considering California’s passage of the forced vaccination law? Is it all just a “coincidence” that these doctors just so happen to be murdered the same time that Florida Senator, Frederica S. Wilson, introduces her draconian legislation to force children in public schools to be fully vaccinated? If not then why were five of the murdered doctors linked to the state of Florida, the very state of Frederica Wilson? I believe we have a conspiracy on our hands…
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from Coin News:
The United States Mint’s first-ever $100 gold coin is an official hit. New 2015-W $100 American Liberty High Relief Gold Coins are selling fast, with a waiting list for them now temporarily in effect. The coins will move to "Back Order" status soon, meaning more will be available.
Released today at noon, coin sales climbed over 64% of the 50,000 mintage in 2-1/2 hours and then topped 70% within 4 hours, according to Adam Stump, deputy director of the U.S. Mint’s Office of Corporate Communications. At that point, the Mint’s inventory ran out.
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The United States Mint’s first-ever $100 gold coin is an official hit. New 2015-W $100 American Liberty High Relief Gold Coins are selling fast, with a waiting list for them now temporarily in effect. The coins will move to "Back Order" status soon, meaning more will be available.
Released today at noon, coin sales climbed over 64% of the 50,000 mintage in 2-1/2 hours and then topped 70% within 4 hours, according to Adam Stump, deputy director of the U.S. Mint’s Office of Corporate Communications. At that point, the Mint’s inventory ran out.
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from IBTimes:
Struggling to unify his splintering Syriza party, Greek Prime Minister
Alexis Tsipras said he would not be bullied any further on austerity
measures and called for a partywide vote
Sunday on whether Greece would be better off without help from
European rescue loans. Stuck between a leftist government that wants
fewer austerity measures and European lenders that want more, Tsipras
said Wednesday that he would not implement additional reforms such as
further cuts to the budget or pensions.
The goal of the vote was unclear as a new bailout package was approved by Greek Parliament last Thursday with significant support from parties opposed to Syriza, passing with a 260-63 vote. Reversing a decisive 61 percent “no” vote on further austerity measures in a referendum held on July 5, Tsipras supported the bailout that accepted 86 billion euros, or approximately $94 billion, in exchange for even stricter austerity measures such as hiking up taxes, overhauling the Greek banking system and slashing social spending.
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The goal of the vote was unclear as a new bailout package was approved by Greek Parliament last Thursday with significant support from parties opposed to Syriza, passing with a 260-63 vote. Reversing a decisive 61 percent “no” vote on further austerity measures in a referendum held on July 5, Tsipras supported the bailout that accepted 86 billion euros, or approximately $94 billion, in exchange for even stricter austerity measures such as hiking up taxes, overhauling the Greek banking system and slashing social spending.
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from The Burning Platform:
It’s much easier than you think. The labor force participation rate of
62.6% is at the lowest level since 1978. There are 250 million working
age Americans and according to your friendly government drones at the
BLS, 94 million of them are willingly not participating in the job
market. According to the government, these people don’t want to work.
Only 8 million out of the 250 million are actually unemployed according
to the government.
The chart below reveals the fraud being perpetrated by the government with regards to the unemployment rate. The overall labor force participation rate in 2000 was 67.1%. The decrease over the last fifteen years is not warranted by demographics, economics, reason, or need. Using true inflation measures, the economy has essentially been in recession for 13 out of those 15 years. Real median household income is less than it was in 1989.
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The chart below reveals the fraud being perpetrated by the government with regards to the unemployment rate. The overall labor force participation rate in 2000 was 67.1%. The decrease over the last fifteen years is not warranted by demographics, economics, reason, or need. Using true inflation measures, the economy has essentially been in recession for 13 out of those 15 years. Real median household income is less than it was in 1989.
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from The Daily Sheeple:
As someone who lives in the Bay Area, I can say from experience that I
am absolutely sick of the housing bubble. While this is a national
problem, it’s especially bad in America’s major metropolitan areas. You
can’t buy a house out here without selling your children into slavery.
And forget about rent. In places like Oakland, arguable one of the
crappiest cities in America, the rent has doubled in the span of 5 years
to an average of $2800 per month.
The cost of shelter has surpassed the ridiculous heights of the last
housing crash, and the average wage earner in California can neither
afford to buy, nor rent.
And yet, the bubble continues to grow, and where it ends, nobody knows.
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And yet, the bubble continues to grow, and where it ends, nobody knows.
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