Thursday, July 2, 2015

The People’s Bank of China DECLARES: “The World Needs New Reserve Currency”

***Read the Document HERE***

***Read the Document HERE***
hat tip: James Henry Anderson/twitter

How Greece Has Fallen Victim To "Economic Hit Men"

"Greece is being 'hit', there's no doubt about it," exclaims John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, noting that "[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the corporatocracy ... today we have a global empire, and it's not an American empire. It's not a national empire... It's a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule."

The German Press Does It Again: "Give Me The Money Or I Shoot"

When a message needs to be sent by the powers that be, the German press can always be relied upon to send it, no matter how divisive (as they did here, here, and here). So it is no surprise that with the stakes appearing to have never been higher, Handelsblatt unleashes the following...

Tsipras Promises to Strike Bailout Deal Within 48 Hours After Referendum

Greek Prime Minister’s government will reach an agreement with international creditors next week following the Sunday referendum, Alexis Tsipras claims.
from Sputnik News:
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said Thursday that his government will reach a long-anticipated agreement with international creditors next week following the Sunday referendum.
We will have an agreement within 48 hours after the referendum. The banks will open shortly after the agreement is reached,” Tsipras said in an interview with ANT1 television.
Tsipras reiterated that he was ready to compromise with creditors.
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Greek Banks To Run Out Of Physical Cash "In A Matter Of Days"

Greek banks will run out of cash "in a matter of days," WSJ reports. Meanwhile, businesses are closing their doors as suppliers refuse to extend credit prompting the Athens Chamber of Commerce to predict that "in one week, two weeks, three weeks, it will be finished."

Desperate Greeks Dumpster Dive for Food As Crisis Means “Americans May Face Severe Food Shortages” Too

by Mac Slavo, SHTFPlan:

It wouldn’t take much for these events to come home to America… and plenty of fuel for a further crisis is in the works.
Record numbers of struggling Americans are already on SNAP food stamps and welfare; tens of millions are out of work and with a bleak  job outlook; the federal government has advertised and encouraged people to join those on the dole.
Millions of aging Americans have nothing else but social security and medicare benefits (which they earned, but which are meager) and pension money that has been swindled away behind the scenes in a complex and toxic investment scheme. Low interest rates imposed by the Fed are bringing everything to a grinding halt, and there will be no switching gears without a bumpy ride.
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NSA Leak Reveals Both Merkel And Schauble Saw Greek Debt As Unsustainable Even After Haircut

"Merkel's fear was that Athens would be unable to overcome its problems even with an additional haircut, since it would not be able to handle the remaining debt... Within the German cabinet, Finance Minister Wolfgang Schnaeuble alone continued to strongly back another haircut... with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde described as undecided on the issue."

Chinese Government "Losing Control": Stocks Are Collapsing, Hitting New Bear Market Lows

As one local reporter put it, despite being told not to say anything negative, "the government appeared to have lost its ability to manage the market." Chinese stocks are down 4-5% at the open, pressing new cycle lows with Shenzhen and CHINEXT now down 25% from last week. As The South China Morning Post reports, many investors said the government was at least partly to blame for the collapse because it encouraged them to go into the market - for months, state-owned media have issued daily commentaries to encourage people to load up on shares.

Ron Paul’s Dire Warning

from TheAlexJonesChannel:

It’s a Steamroller, and It’s Headed for Us All

by Bill Bonner, Wolf Street:
Yesterday, U.S. stocks ended in the green. Investors bent over to pick up a few pennies in the stock market. They didn’t notice the huge steamroller headed their way. The Dow rose 138 points – or about 1% – after the mainstream media reported that “macroeconomic obstacles” in the ongoing Greek drama were being removed.
By that it meant that the situation was calming down… with the Greeks and the Germans agreeing to work things out in an orderly way. So Far So Good in Greece.
Here’s a firsthand report directly from one of our dear readers:
Greetings from Greek islands. Although news seems bad from reading papers etc., life here is rolling along. I am vaca with family and pulled out 500 euro from ATM last night (Sunday, June 28) on island Hydra. Restaurant accepted Amex. So far so good.
Yes, so far, so good. But the steamroller is still rolling.
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The South Will Rise Again...and The North Will Help...

Why Is the American Dream Dead In The South?

The top 1 percent aren't killing the American Dream. Something else is - if you live in the wrong place. We like to tell ourselves that America is the land of opportunity, but the reality doesn't match the rhetoric - and hasn't for awhile.

filed under (unt

Friday Humor: How To Use A Fax Machine

Hillary Clinton figuring out how to work a fax machine... and this is who may become America's next President?

China Completes Airstrip On Reef, Builds Military Facility On Second Island

Government Trolls Are Using "Psychology-Based Influence Techniques" On YouTube, Facebook And Twitter

"Though its existence was secret until last year, JTRIG quickly developed a distinctive profile in the public understanding, after documents from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that the unit had engaged in “dirty tricks” like deploying sexual “honey traps” designed to discredit targets, launching denial-of-service attacks to shut down Internet chat rooms, pushing veiled propaganda onto social networks and generally warping discourse online."

Shale Drillers About To Be "Zero Hedged" As Loss Protection Expires

Hedges accounted for 15% of Q1 revenue for nearly half of North American E&P companies, Bloomberg reports. "Now the safety net is going away."

Trading Stocks - It's Easier Than Farmwork... And Porn

While the Chinese recently found out that making money from trading is, in fact, not "easier than farmwork," it appears in America, trading stocks is back en vogue... Meet 2014 Playmate of the Year, Kennedy Summers, who has given it all up to become a day trader...

JPMorgan Banker: "We Can't Make Money Anymore..."

"...between ridiculously low interest rates and the increasing costs of compliance, we can’t make money anymore..."
The US government has really screwed the world on this. Paperwork is the priority. Not business. The transition isn’t going to be smooth. And it won’t happen overnight. But there will come a time, and likely soon, when the United States gets displaced.

17 Year Federal Judge Savages 'War On Drugs': "This Is A War I Saw Destroy Lives... Makes No Sense"

This is a war that I saw destroy lives... It eliminated a generation of African American men, covered our racism in ostensibly neutral guidelines and mandatory minimums… and created an intergenerational problem..."

Church Elder Defrauds Investors With "Holy Spirit" Day Trading System

While it remains unclear if the Holy Spirit was behind these trades, one thing is for sure: When Charles Erickson's investors opened their recent statements, they said, "Holy $hit!"

"There Are Obvious Signs Of Distress" In The Manufacturing Industry

In April, we noted the NACM's comments that "there are big, big problems" underlying the economy as a surge in unfavorable factors suggested credit conditions were tightening dramatically (only to see that data revised away suddenly). June's data has confirmed this weakness with credit rejections soaring to their highest since 2009 with the biggest spike in 9 years, with NACM CEO Kuehl exclaiming, "There are some obvious signs of distress in the manufacturing community, as the expected wave of consumer demand has yet to manifest... companies that have been awaiting it are getting in trouble with their creditors."

FAIL! — How Many Stars on the American Flag?

from Mark Dice:

Today GMO Mosquitoes: Tomorrow GMO Dogs and GMO People

by Robert Harrington, Natural Society:
Not only does the American public have all kinds of GMO food to navigate around, but now we have GMO mosquitoes to avoid. Especially for those who live in Florida, this will be quite the task. Has anyone ever tried not to get bitten in the Everglades?
As if this headline isn’t concerning enough, there are very good reasons why this plan to introduce genetically modified mosquitoes into the Florida Keys is a bad one. For instance, once they’re let loose, there is no stopping them from traveling up the peninsula of Florida and to the other 47 contiguous states.
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Debt-Ridden Illinois Heading Toward State Government Shutdown

by Emily Richards, CNSnews:
Illinois is heading toward a state government shutdown after the legislature adjourned Tuesday without closing a $6.2 billion gap and passing a budget by the July 1 deadline.
Illinois currently has the largest deficit and lowest credit rating of any of the 50 states. According to the University of Illinois, its current annual deficit is $9 billion, which is projected to grow to $14 billion by FY 2026.
“We’ve got a mess,” Gov. Bruce Rauner told workers at the Illinois Emergency Management Agency on Tuesday. “It’s going to take a little while to fix. I hope we can get it fixed promptly.” After months of debate, the Republican governor and the Illinois General Assembly’s Democratic majority were unable to resolve their budget dispute by Tuesday’s deadline.
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Bill Gates’ Temporary Sterilization Microchip In Beta Female Testing By End of Year

by Heather Callaghan, Activist Post:
Earlier this week, I wrote about a deal reached that would soon be pumping out medical microchip implants. Meet the new face of medicine that polygamously marries Big Pharma, biotech, nanotech and wireless remote technology. Maybe hooking oneself into the Internet of Things will be an additional app, although this sounds like a passive form of medicine where someone else gets to call the shots, so to speak.
The same developers who are bringing wireless remotely controlled microchip implants are actually focusing on their first flagship product: Gates Foundation-funded birth-control microchip implants. Wireless technology allows the remotely controlled chip to turn a woman’s ability to conceive off or on at will – temporary sterilization. Of course with remote technology funded by eugenics depopulation fanatics, the first questions should always be, “the ability to conceive by whose will?” This would be the complete antithesis of female empowerment or a “woman’s right to choose” – would it not?
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JIM WILLIE: US Dollar Death Guarantee

by Jim Willie, Golden Jackass, via Perpetual Assets:
The USDollar is on a collision course with imminent death. It is utterly amazing that so many supposedly smart analysts and highly paid wealth managers cannot see the obvious path on which the USDollar treads, limps, and struts proudly, dangerously, and abusively, suspended by numerous false cables and tethers. The USDollar cannot be sustained in its current form or on its present course. The abuse of its management and stewardship will be told in history books (possibly with certain chapters scribed by the Jackass). The aggressive defense of the USDollar includes criminal activity on a widespread scale never witnessed before. It is a veritable global money war, not so much a global financial crisis. The system, centered upon the USDollar, is collapsing under its own insolvency and corrupt underpinnings amidst the din of war. The truth is almost nowhere to be seen. The USGovt is demanding that allies support the global currency reserve, even though doing so guarantees a financial structure collapse and an economic breakdown. The safe haven is Gold & Silver, in the form of bars & coins, kept secure outside all nations that speak English, and outside nations that are closely allied with the USFed and USDept Treasury which operate like a vast crime syndicate.
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