When Will We Ever Learn?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 15:50

Why Greece May Want To Reconsider Reopening Its Stock Market
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 17:20 As The Greek government presses The ECB for 'permission' to reopen its stock market, it may want to reconsider. GREK, the Greek Stock Index ETF trading in US markets, is down over 3% today and has plunged to its lowest since the peak of the crisis in 2012 (near its lowest since 1989). Just as in China, The ECB (who is now very much in charge) seems to believe that if markets are not open for locals, then they have no 'real' idea just how bad things are.. and with National Bank of Greece stock trading at record lows (below $1), and the expectations of bail-ins looming, that is not what The ECB wants the people to see...
GLD’s objective is not to provide investors with the opportunity to own gold bullion by investing in the shares of an ETF. Rather, GLD is designed to track the price of gold. That objective is no different than what is accomplished by a gold futures contract or any of the dozens of numerous gold derivatives available these days. More to the point, futures and derivatives are sold even if the seller does not own the underlying gold bullion needed to deliver on its obligation. They are in practice fractional reserve systems, which allow liabilities for gold to far exceed the quantity of gold owned by the seller of that liability. – James Turk, “Where Is The ETF’s Gold,” November 2004
Read More @ InvestmentResearchDynamics.com

Putin Trolls Obama, Says FIFA's Blatter Deserves A Nobel Prize
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 17:00 Earlier today, it was Putin's turn to troll not only the DOJ, but also Barack Obama who is currently in Ethiopia as part of his African tour when in an interview aired by Swiss broadcaster RTS on Monday Putin said that Sepp Blatter deserves a Nobel Prize for his stewardship of soccer’s governing body. “I think people like Mr Blatter or the heads of big international sporting federations, or the Olympic Games, deserve special recognition. If there is anyone who deserves the Nobel Prize, it’s those people.”
from Armstrong Economics:
A very serious issue in banking has arisen that bears watching for
what our model has been warning is that the bankers are losing control
of government and are becoming their target. While the likelihood of
this new legislation targeting the bankers getting out of the Senate and
over the the House may not be so great, nonetheless, this bill
illustrates just how desperate search for money has become. Politicians
are our worst enemy of the people for never do they look at their impact
upon society and the future. It is always just about them and the
immediate need – never long-term.
This is the first time in modern history where Capitol Hill has produced members of Congress who are powerful looking at taking on the Federal Reserve and its member banks. The banking industry is scrambling to kill a provision in the Senate highway-funding bill that would reap billions of dollars in revenue by cutting a century-old system of loopholes for banks.
Read More @ ArmstrongEconomics.com

This is the first time in modern history where Capitol Hill has produced members of Congress who are powerful looking at taking on the Federal Reserve and its member banks. The banking industry is scrambling to kill a provision in the Senate highway-funding bill that would reap billions of dollars in revenue by cutting a century-old system of loopholes for banks.
Read More @ ArmstrongEconomics.com
A Disaffected Democrat Deplores His Potemkin Party Of Populism
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 16:30
"Uncontained" Shanghai Shafting Slams Global Stocks & Commodities Silly
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 16:06
The DHS & FEMA Plan To Round Up ‘Extremists’ – Sponsored By The US Congress

My friend Waldemar from Intercept Media e-mailed me with yet another troubling development about which I was unaware. The criminals in Washington have introduced a new Bill which WHEN passed will allow the US government to round up “radicalized” Americans – or those who are becoming radicalized – and put them in FEMA camps. The Bill is H.R. 2899 The Countering Violent Extremism Act Of 2015, and hardcore red-white-and-blue, Boogey man is under your bed, Pentagon Kool-Aid drinking “Representatives” like Congressman Michael McCaul can’t wait to pass it in order to “protect” the “homeland” in this “generation long fight against terror,” as he puts it.
And guess which agencies will do the dirty work of rounding up these “pre-crime” extremists? The DHS and FEMA.
As Waldemar writes, “I feel like taking the first plane ticket out of here. Don’t know how much longer we are going to have free speech and blogs like yours. Unfortunately I don’t see a clear plan to counter this, but I do what we can to help even if does not make much difference. Heart breaking.”
Read More…
from The Daily Coin:
How’s the U.S. economy performing? Well, it depends on what you look
at and what you follow. Let’s take a look at a couple of different
markets: commodities and equities. But first, how’s the global economy
performing? We will compare the global economy to the U.S. economy and
see what we find.
Let’s start with equities, the stock market. A lot of people in the U.S. are vested in some sort of stock program, be-it a 401k, an IRA or private pension program. There are approximately, as of March 31, 2014, $4.3 trillion in assets that represented nearly 19 percent of the $23.0 trillion in U.S. retirement assets, which includes employer-sponsored retirement plans (both defined benefit and defined contribution plans with private-sector and public employers), individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and annuities. In comparison, 401k assets were $2.2 trillion and represented 16 percent of the U.S. retirement market in 2004.
Read More @ TheDailyCoin.org

Let’s start with equities, the stock market. A lot of people in the U.S. are vested in some sort of stock program, be-it a 401k, an IRA or private pension program. There are approximately, as of March 31, 2014, $4.3 trillion in assets that represented nearly 19 percent of the $23.0 trillion in U.S. retirement assets, which includes employer-sponsored retirement plans (both defined benefit and defined contribution plans with private-sector and public employers), individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and annuities. In comparison, 401k assets were $2.2 trillion and represented 16 percent of the U.S. retirement market in 2004.
Read More @ TheDailyCoin.org
by Mike Adams, Natural News:
The history of the suppression of medical science in America is a long
one, filled with true accounts of pioneering doctors and clinicians
being threatened, intimidated and even assassinated in order to bury
emerging cures and keep the “sick care” industry in control. (The
American Medical Association, for example, has been found guilty by the U.S. federal courts of a conspiracy to destroy the chiropractic industry, by the way.)
Over the last few days, we’ve learned that before being found shot in the chest and floating in the river, pioneering medical researcher Dr. Bradstreet was working with a little-known molecule that occurs naturally in the human body. Called, “GcMAF,” this molecule has the potential to be a universal cancer cure for many people. It has also been shown to reverse autism in the vast majority of patients receiving the treatment.
Read More @ NaturalNews.com

Over the last few days, we’ve learned that before being found shot in the chest and floating in the river, pioneering medical researcher Dr. Bradstreet was working with a little-known molecule that occurs naturally in the human body. Called, “GcMAF,” this molecule has the potential to be a universal cancer cure for many people. It has also been shown to reverse autism in the vast majority of patients receiving the treatment.
Read More @ NaturalNews.com

UBS Exposes The "Scary Reality" Of High Yield Energy
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 15:30 "Central bank quantitative easing drove traditional investors seeking mid-to-high single digit yields out of investment grade/ crossover credit into high yield, loan and emerging market debt to satisfy yield bogeys. The problem, however, is some of the tourists underappreciate the exponential loss and mark-to-market functions for low quality high yield assets."
Is The Biotech Bull Market Still Intact?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 15:10 Overall, the bull market in biotech stocks doesn’t look like it will end in a fury today or tomorrow. However, as Biogen has shown, a high flying group of stocks like this can blow up performance at any moment. The trend in these stocks is still mostly positive, however, momentum seems to be changing for the worse on the margin. As a stock market leading group for most of this bull market, it will be worth investors’ time and effort to keep a close eye on biotech’s performance.
Knife-Catching Hedge Fund Oil Bulls Dump Crude At Fastest Pace In 3 Years
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 14:51 Hedge Funds' net long position in WTI Crude collapsed 27% (the biggest single 'dump' in over 3 years) ahead of the big plunge last week (and is now down almost 60% in the last month - the most since 2010). Part of a broader deflationary collapse in commodities, as Bloomberg reports, long positions dropped to a two-year low while short holdings climbed 25%, erasing more than $100 billion in market value from the 61 companies in the Bloomberg E&P stock index. With crude supplies still almost 100 million barrels above the five-year average, "there's a lot more room for prices to slide," warned one trader, "it's going to take a long time for this to work itself out."
American Automakers High Exposure In China Is Not Good; Here's Why
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 14:36 The Chinese stock market crash has hit the world’s largest auto-market hard. For now, China is a dream turned sour for the Michigan-based Ford and General Motors and Germany’s Volkswagen. The risks are enormous and will become greater with time.
A Philadelphia Story - 30 Blocks Of Squalor & Government Incompetence
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 13:54 The 30 blocks of squalor from 69th Street in Upper Darby to 39th Street in West Philly is a tribute to government incompetence, failed government policies, shoddy union labor practices and fiscal mismanagement.
185 Billion Reasons Why The US Agreed To Nuclear Deal With Iran
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 13:49 Many have questioned just why President Obama was so keen to get the Iran nuclear deal done - apparently with almost no real concessions - in the face of allies home and abroad deriding the agreement. Well, if one were so inclined, OilPrice.com explains that Iran's deputy oil minister for commerce and international affairs, Hossein Zamaninia, told Reuters that the country has already identified 50 oil and gas projects it will offer for bids - with the government pegging the value of these properties at $185 billion...
"Rammed" - Fiat Chrysler Forced To Buy Back 500,000 Pickup Trucks From Customers In Historic Settlement
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 13:29 In a stunning ruling, US safety regulators have mandated that Fiat Chrysler must offer to buy back from customers more than 500,000 Ram pickup trucks and other vehicles as part of a costly deal with safety regulators to settle legal problems in about two dozen recalls. As WTOP reports, this is the biggest such action in US history, and is in addition to a $105 million civil fine and owners of more than a million older Jeeps with vulnerable rear-mounted gas tanks will be able to trade them in or be paid by Chrysler to have the vehicles repaired. Think the punishment is harsh, consider that at least 75 people have died in crash-related fires, although Fiat Chrysler maintains they are as safe as comparable vehicles from the same era.
Poland, Czech Republic Won't Join "Burning" Euro
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 12:45 "You shouldn’t rush when there is still smoke coming from a house that was burning. It is simply not safe to do so."
What Loss Of Control Looks Like: Chinese Regulator Urges Traders To Rat Out "Malicious Sellers"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/27/2015 - 12:31 After pledging a whopping 10% of China's GDP, or just about $1 trillion, to its various (at last check over 40) discrete measures to prop up its collapsing market, among which such threats as arresting shorters of stock and "malicious sellers", China has finally reverted to what the communist regime does best to preserve "order" - implement witch hunts in which the population rats out any criminals who dare to go against the protocols of the communist party. In this case, the targets are "malicious sellers" with the regulator adding that those found guilty of shorting will be "dealt with severely."
by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:
There isn’t much that feels more self-reliant than going out to your
backyard hen house to get fresh eggs for breakfast. There’s no need for
USDA approval, you know what your hens have been eating, and you don’t
have to pay a premium price and hope that the farm who raised the
chickens that laid those grocery store eggs actually treated the hens
humanely. Bonus points if the bacon you fry up comes from a local farm,
and bonus BONUS points if you raised that little piggie yourself. Raising backyard chickens is incredibly rewarding.
It’s pure freedom, this control over your own food.
Of course, until you have to register your chickens. Then, as food freedom activist Joel Salatin says, “Everything I want to do is illegal.”
Read More @ TheOrganicPrepper.com

It’s pure freedom, this control over your own food.
Of course, until you have to register your chickens. Then, as food freedom activist Joel Salatin says, “Everything I want to do is illegal.”
Read More @ TheOrganicPrepper.com
by Keith Weiner, GoldSeek:
For those who are speculating on the dollar—i.e. most people—there was
good news this week. The dollar rose almost a milligram, to 28.3mg gold.
That’s a big gain, and welcome news for those who keep all of their
eggs in the one dollar basket, perhaps because they don’t want to risk
any of it on pet rocks.
Yes, Jason Zweig at the Wall Street Journal actually said that. He couldn’t be more wrong—and yet he had a point. Wrong? Let me count the ways.
One, per his title, he compares gold to a pet rock. A pet rock is either a useless knickknack, or else a fraud that preys on the irrational psychology of people in crowds. Gold is honest money, and the extinguisher of debt. Just because governments have banned it from the monetary system, does not make it either useless or a fraud.
Read More @ GoldSeek.com

Yes, Jason Zweig at the Wall Street Journal actually said that. He couldn’t be more wrong—and yet he had a point. Wrong? Let me count the ways.
One, per his title, he compares gold to a pet rock. A pet rock is either a useless knickknack, or else a fraud that preys on the irrational psychology of people in crowds. Gold is honest money, and the extinguisher of debt. Just because governments have banned it from the monetary system, does not make it either useless or a fraud.
Read More @ GoldSeek.com
from The Daily Sheeple:
It’s pretty obvious the system is making an example out of this guy to deter others from following in his footsteps.
Eighteen-year-old mechanical engineering student Austin Haughwout of Connecticut put up a video called “Flying Gun” back on July 10th that shows his homemade drone hovering off the ground and firing a semiautomatic handgun:
You know, the kind of stuff the military and police departments across America currently have right now. The kind of thing that could be easily built by pretty much anyone these days.
Read More @ TheDailySheeple.com
It’s pretty obvious the system is making an example out of this guy to deter others from following in his footsteps.
Eighteen-year-old mechanical engineering student Austin Haughwout of Connecticut put up a video called “Flying Gun” back on July 10th that shows his homemade drone hovering off the ground and firing a semiautomatic handgun:
You know, the kind of stuff the military and police departments across America currently have right now. The kind of thing that could be easily built by pretty much anyone these days.
Read More @ TheDailySheeple.com
from The Burning Platform:
A Common Enemy
Nothing unites enemies more than a common foe who threatens harm to both. The Bloods and Crips are street gangs at war with each other, literally to the death. Merely being a member of the rival gang is reason enough to have your actuarial table altered. Even they unite when their joint existence is threatened. The most recent case was in Baltimore, although there are numerous other examples in other cities.
Our national version of the Bloods and Crips — Democrats and Republicans — are joining forces against their common enemy, Donald Trump. Prior to his foray into politics, few would think of Trump as a great uniter. He doesn’t act like one, nor does he care to. However, he is a common threat to the plunder and pillage that both political parties have inflicted on the country. In that sense, they will unite against him. The media is also a major player in this game with interests in siding against Trump. David Limbaugh describes the current state of affairs:
Read More @ TheBurningPlatform.com

Nothing unites enemies more than a common foe who threatens harm to both. The Bloods and Crips are street gangs at war with each other, literally to the death. Merely being a member of the rival gang is reason enough to have your actuarial table altered. Even they unite when their joint existence is threatened. The most recent case was in Baltimore, although there are numerous other examples in other cities.
Our national version of the Bloods and Crips — Democrats and Republicans — are joining forces against their common enemy, Donald Trump. Prior to his foray into politics, few would think of Trump as a great uniter. He doesn’t act like one, nor does he care to. However, he is a common threat to the plunder and pillage that both political parties have inflicted on the country. In that sense, they will unite against him. The media is also a major player in this game with interests in siding against Trump. David Limbaugh describes the current state of affairs:
Read More @ TheBurningPlatform.com
by Andrew Hoffman, Miles Franklin:
from International Man:
As a general principle, I’ve always tended to avoid entrusting others
with my money. I’ve avoided funds, as they are often based upon
investments that are peaking or close to peaking. I’ve avoided pension
funds, as they’re often structured in a similar manner.
And whenever by law I’ve been required to be invested in such funds, they’ve rarely been successful over the long term. In the end, I would invariably have made more money by pursuing those investments that had great promise but at the time were unpopular (and therefore underpriced).
As dubious as I tend to be of conventional investment schemes (and those who broker them), I am doubly dubious of any government-run scheme. Governments, historically, have proved to be poor money managers, and politicians tend to place more value on big promises that garner votes than on delivering on those promises.
Read More @ InternationalMan.com

And whenever by law I’ve been required to be invested in such funds, they’ve rarely been successful over the long term. In the end, I would invariably have made more money by pursuing those investments that had great promise but at the time were unpopular (and therefore underpriced).
As dubious as I tend to be of conventional investment schemes (and those who broker them), I am doubly dubious of any government-run scheme. Governments, historically, have proved to be poor money managers, and politicians tend to place more value on big promises that garner votes than on delivering on those promises.
Read More @ InternationalMan.com
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