Monday, October 1, 2012

RED ALERT – Latest Motion: NDAA Military Detention IS Martial Law

by Alexander Higgins:
The latest motion to fight Obama’s NDAA detention of US citizens provides a sobering picture of what the Corporate media is blacking out.
If you have any doubt that Obama continues to fight tooth and nail for the right to indefinitely detain civilians captured on US soil because perhaps the media hasn’t reported on it or the limited reporting you have read from the corporate media has spun the truth reading the latest motion filed by the plaintiff’s in the case will certainly send chills down your spine.
Point by point the motion counters Obama’s latest motion which the courts agree with and granted him the right to continue to impose military detention on US citizens pending a hearing by the district courts.
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PIMCO On Gold - The Simple Facts

When it comes to investing in gold, investors often see the world in black and white. Some people have a deep, almost religious conviction that gold is a useless, barbarous relic with no yield; it’s an asset no rational investor would ever want. Others love it, seeing it as the only asset that can offer protection from the coming financial catastrophe, which is always just around the corner. PIMCO's views are more nuanced and, we believe, provide a balanced framework for assessing value. Their bottom line: given current valuations and central bank policies, we see gold as a compelling inflation hedge and store of value that is potentially superior to fiat currencies.

Cliff Dive to Economic Suicide

Border Patrol Murders US Citizen, Mother of 5 in San Diego, & Embarks On Major Cover-Up While Eyewitnesses Speak Out

by Justin O’Connell, Dollar Vigilante:
“This is not right. My wife got killed for no reason right now. No reason…I want justice. Yes. Whoever shot my wife, that guy whoever that is, that guy needs to get shot,” Gilbert Alvarado said, just hours after his wife was murdered by a US Border Patrol Agent in San Diego’s suburban Southland, with Tijuana hills in the background to the south.
DHS thugs and local police say that gunfire in Chula Vista was reported about 1 p.m. this past Friday. The woman, identified by family as Valeria Monique Alvarado, died at the scene. Department of Homeland Security Border Patrol Deputy Chief Rodney Scott claims that Alvarado intentionally rammed the plain-clothes agent with her car.
“He was hit with the vehicle and got lodged on the windshield,” Scott said without any evidence. “I do not have a current update on his medical condition, but he was impacted by a vehicle pretty hard.”
But witnesses saw something much, much different, something much more befitting of the 21st century USSA Police State narrative that is unfolding. Witnesses told local San Diego media that the officer took out his weapon and shot the driver while approaching the car on foot.
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Expect Aggressive Stimulus As Gold To Smash Through $2,000

from KingWorldNews:

Today a legend in the business surprised King World News by stating, “… at some point in the future, we may see an overnight devaluation of the dollar.” Keith Barron, who consults with major gold companies around the world, and is responsible for one of the largest gold discoveries in the last quarter century, also said, “In this environment people are being forced to turn to gold and silver.”
Barron also made price projections for gold over the next 3 to six months. Here is what he had to say: “Gold hit a new high for the year today, although we had a little bit of a pull back in the afternoon. Gold got a boost when one of the Fed Governors made a remark this morning about QE, saying it was a step in the right direction.”
Barron continues @

Gold Set to Break $1,800 Barrier On Endless QE Inflation Fears

by Kurt Nimmo, InfoWars:
The price of gold shifted higher late last week as investors looked at the precious metal to stave off inflation expected in the wake of yet another QE “stimulus” move by the Federal Reserve.
On Friday, gold hit $1,773.90 an ounce on the Comex, its strongest quarterly gain in over two years. It is expected to hold this position despite anticipated bad news on unemployment later this week.
On Monday, it slipped slightly to $1,770.31 an ounce.
In November 2011, gold briefly broke the $1,800 barrier on eurozone woes and fear that central banks would respond to the crisis with another round of inflationary money printing.
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The Global Spring

Serfdom has simply been pushed too far.  Globally.  What we are about to witness, incredibly, is not just a change in the way that one or two countries or even a specific region of the world operates.  No, what we are about to witness is a complete transformation globally, a change that we believe will be incredibly positive and will ultimately free us from the shackles upon the minds of humanity as a species. Whether it was the intention from the outset or not, what globalization has created is a very small class of incredibly wealthy people that are extraordinarily corrupt as a group and also above the law. The writing is on the wall folks.  The global economy is headed back down into depths that will prove worse than 2008, and this time no amount of money printing and propaganda will be enough to hold things together.  TPTB know this. What we have today is not Socialism or Capitalism, it is Ponzism.

Everything You Wanted To Know About Tri-Party Repo Markets But Were Afraid To Ask

The U.S. tri-party repo market is one of the most important components of the financial system - that noone has ever heard of (though not ZH readers: Tri-party repo has been a core topic of several of our 2009 posts exploring the nuances of the Lehman collapse - initially here and here and then multiple times as we discuss the backbone of the shadow banking system). The 2007-09 financial crisis exposed weaknesses in the design of the U.S. tri-party repo market that could rapidly elevate and propagate systemic risk. We have long-discussed the importance of the collateral and hypothecation markets and a recent study of the market identifies the collateral allocation and unwind processes as two key mechanics contributing to the market’s fragility. While the topic is relatively specialized, it is critical to understanding the reality behind the curtain and the paper below provides clarification of the bilateral and tri-party repo markets (The Fed, Bank of NY, and JPM - who in effect have first refusal on any collateral in the system), dealers' intervention, and its potential as a source of financial systemic risk.

On Risk Convergence, Over-Determined Systems, And Hyperinflation

To those familiar with Algebra, we suggest that the Ponzi scheme we live in is actually an overdetermined system, because there is no solution that will simultaneously cover all the financial and non-financial imbalances of practically any currency zone on the planet. Precisely this limitation is the driver of the many growing confrontations we see: In the Middle East, in the South China Sea, in Europe and soon too, in North America. That these tensions further develop into full-fledged war is not a tail risk. The tail risk is indeed the reverse: The tail risk is that these confrontations do not further develop into wars, given the overdetermination of the system! We have noticed of late that there’s a debate on whether or not the US dollar zone will end in hyperinflation and whether or not the world can again embrace the gold standard. The fact that we are still in the early chapters of this story does not allow us to state that hyperinflation is only a tail risk. The tail risk is (again) the reverse: That all the steps central banks took since 2008 won’t lead to spiraling quasi-fiscal deficits.

Two Unlikely Patron Saints: Seve and Obama

We are well aware that Calvinists consider patron saints a form of idolatry, but for the most part Christians and many non-Christians alike see with favor having an advocate intercede on their behalf in the many problems that beset their lives. Team Europe (golf) had one in Seve (Ballesteros) this past Sunday in Medinah, Illinois, as the Europeans overcame a record insurmountable lead (away from home) to retain the Ryder Cup. We could say that Obama, by not having the Justice Department bring to trial key members of the Thug-elite, became the patron saint of “gentler capitalism”; that’s probably what he will prefer to be known, using the pretext of further endangering an already divided nation.  But that is precisely where he is wrong.  It isn’t “gentler capitalism” that he has helped.  By his lack of courageous action, he has interceded on behalf of the Thug-elite… and, although we are sure such was not his intention, he has become, de facto, St. Barack Obama, Patron Saint of Predatory Capitalism.

Syria at the UN: Speaking to deaf Western ears?

Peace in Syria depends upon a coordinated effort not just from Damascus, but also from neighbouring states. So says the country’s Foreign Minister, who’s addressed the UN General Assembly as fierce fighting plagues his homeland. RT’s Marina Portnaya reports from New York.

Report: Water Prices Rise Sharply Across America; Double and Triple in Some Locales

by Mac Slavo, SHTFPlan:

It’s often overlooked and taken for granted, but it’s the most essential of all human resources.
We’re paying 75% more for it today than we were in the year 2000.
According to a recent study by USA Today, which looked at 100 large municipalities across the country, the price increases over the last decade are so significant that many Americans are having to cut other expenses just to keep up:
…the cost of this necessity of life has outpaced the percentage increases of some of these other utilities, carving a larger slice of household budgets in the process.
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Look Out Silver, Here Comes Solar Demand

by Alena Bialevich and Jeff Clark, Casey Research:

In early July, Japan set a premium price for solar energy that was three times the rate of conventional power. This meant utility companies would be paid three times more for electricity sourced from solar. It’s widely expected that the premium will ignite the use of solar power – and solar uses a lot of silver.
Silver Demand from PV Panels
As you may know, silver is used in photovoltaic (PV) technology to generate solar power. A typical solar panel uses a fair amount of the metal – roughly two-thirds of an ounce (20 grams). To put that in perspective, a cellphone contains around 200 to 300 milligrams (a milligram weighs about as much as a grain of sand). A laptop contains 750 milligrams to 1.25 grams.
Photovoltaic technology is relatively young, but each year its use is growing rapidly. Just since 2000, the amount of silver consumed by solar-panel makers has risen an average of 50% per year. Demand grew from one million ounces in 2002 to 60 million ounces in 2011. Last year demand from the PV industry represented almost 11% of total industrial demand for the metal (excluding jewelry). According to statistics from CPM Group, demand grew by 11.2 million ounces, the strongest volume growth of all major sources (jewelry and electronics). And this was before the Japanese announcement was made.
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Silver Update 10/1/12 Silver Questions

from BrotherJohnf:

Max Keiser: World Gov’t, World Tax is Here!

from TheAlexJonesChannel:

Alex talks with broadcaster, film-maker, and television show host Max Keiser about endless QE and the fate of the dollar as the bankers move to consolidate wealth and power.

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