Friday, March 11, 2016

As Trump Momentum Grows, An Unexpected Supporter Emerges

Trump's recent pivot to placate potential moderate voters may already be reaping results, and in a most unexpected place - Hollywood.

Rubio "Drops Out" Of Ohio - Tells Voters To Support Kasich

Forget 'Free Lunches' - The Populace Gets Nothing For Something

When an economy’s demographics are young, and growth is strong, the price of lunches looks minimal. The miracle of getting something for nothing seems possible. But as the economy ages, and growth peters out, debt levels become unsustainable. Eventually, the bill comes due. The lunches must be paid for. Instead of something for nothing, the populace now gets nothing for something.


Now We Know Why the ECB Panicked

The ECB panicked. Not only did QE fail to ignite inflation, the second order indications, modeled or real, suggest the real economy is in much, much worse shape than thought just a few months ago. The timing is not coincidental, as again there was a palpable global change starting around mid-year last year, cemented by the events of August and now January.

10 Warning Signs of A Dangerous Stock Market

While many investors may be breathing a sigh of relief thanks to the bounce off the February low, with the S&P up 11% since the start of February – it’s still not all lollipops and rainbows out there in market-land. There’s some worrying undercurrents that could spell more trouble ahead...

This Is What A Broken Bond Market Looks Like: Treasury "Failures" Soars To Multi-Year Highs

The one chart that summarizes what is going on is shown below: as of this moment, there are more "failures" both to deliver and receive than just one time in history, June 2013.

First Gold, Now Oil Is Getting Slammed

Because... fundamentals...

After January Scramble, Chinese Lending Collapses

After January's record-smashing CNY3.4 trillion (half a trillion dollars!) surge in aggregate credit expansion in China, the post-lunar-new-year hangover hit hard in February as credit growth tumbled 77% from Janaury's level to just CNY780 ($112bn). This is the weakest February loan growth since 2011. Drastically missing expectations, and following authorities comments on the need to "monitor" excess credit growth, all categories of total social finance registered a sharp drop... which as Goldman warns, means China's GDP growth target will be "challenging."

Oil Bust Spreads As 11 Texas Towns See Credit Downgraded

Moody’s Investors Service placed 11 West Texas governments and municipalities under review for a potential downgrade last week. The review will consider downgrading the credit ratings of 11 local governments, which include Odessa and Midland, Pecos County, and 7 hospital districts. The review would affect US$477 million in outstanding public debt.

WTI Crude Nears $39 - 2016 Highs - As Shorts Tumble

With ETF shorts falling to 2016 lows, WTI crude futures are surging once again (despite yesterday's news that there will be no "production freeze." Near $39, this is the highest since the first day of trading in 2016.

Options Traders Head For The Hills

Call buying of stock options has been extremely subdued relative to puts recently – typically a bullish contrarian signal; however...


from Gregory Mannarino:

Ben Carson Endorses The Donald Press Conference - Live Feed

Opposites attract? Softly-spoken Dr. Ben Carson is reportedly set to endorse The Donald this morning but Trump's press conference will, we are sure, have more to offer than just that...

Why Despite Today's Market Surge, Bank of America Stubbornly Refuses To Join The Rally

"Risk assets about to top: ultimately markets about "rates" and "earnings", little else; central banks have played “rates card” as aggressively as they can; ECB done, BoJ has nothing in the tank, and any US macro strength will elicit Fed rate hike expectations (the Fed wants to tighten); EPS momentum simply not strong enough near-term to overwhelm Q2 risks of Brexit, BoJ failure, US politics, China debt deflation."

GOLD: Warning and Lessons From Canada

from Junius Maltby:

The Junius Maltby channel takes another look at the Canadian Gold Crisis, with updated news and a look at what this could mean for Canadians.


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