Latest Guccifer Leak Reveals What Democrats Really Think Of Black Lives Matter
Global Supply Chains Paralyzed After World's 7th Largest Container Shipper Files Bankruptcy, Assets Frozen
Three Hanjin Ships Stranded Off California Coast
Paul Craig Roberts Asks "Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?"
Amazon, Wells Fargo Unexpectedly Terminate Student Loan Partnership Announced Just One Month Ago
Why Is The DHS Preparing To Take Control Of The US Election?
China Admits Facing "Great Difficulties" In Meeting Economic Targets
The Brazilian Economic Collapse Reaches Unprecedented Proportions
The Central Banks Are Now Ready To Launch Their 'Brave New World'
Donald Trump Explains His Immigration Policy - Live Feed
"Array Of Things" Launched - Enables Chicago To Spy On Entire City
Missouri Student Suspended For Holding Up A Trump Sign At A Pep Rally
"I Am Frustrated And Down" - Abe Advisor Admits That Abenomics May Fail
Dear Janet... TED Spread Confirms 'Risk', Not 'Policy' Is Driving Rates
7 Out Of 10 Millennials Are "Disengaged" From Meaningful Employment
According to "Wrong Way Gartman"...Trump should win...
And The Next President According To Dennis Gartman Is...
Bubbles And Elevators: From FONC To F##K!
Saudi Arabia Fires 10,000 Substitute Imams To Save Money, As Banking Crisis Looms
"Dear Fed, Please STFU!"
This is a special 2016 U.S. Presidential Election UPDATE: FEDS TO STEAL 2016 ELECTION, & CLINTON BODY COUNT WARNING
This is a special 2016 U.S. Presidential Election UPDATE: FEDS TO STEAL 2016 ELECTION, & CLINTON BODY COUNT WARNING
As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information
by Rick Mills, Ahead of the Herd:
Here’s a long debated topic. Should we leave the creation of new money
in the hands of bankers or place its creation solely with our
government? Let’s try and answer it.
The Creature from Jekyll Island: On the night of November 22, 1910 a delegation of the nation’s leading financiers, led by Senator Nelson Aldrich, left New Jersey for a very secret ten day meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia.
Aldrich had previously led the members of the National Monetary Commission on a two year banking tour of Europe. He had yet to write a report regarding the trip, nor had he yet offered any plans for banking reforms.
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by Rick Mills, Ahead of the Herd:

The Creature from Jekyll Island: On the night of November 22, 1910 a delegation of the nation’s leading financiers, led by Senator Nelson Aldrich, left New Jersey for a very secret ten day meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia.
Aldrich had previously led the members of the National Monetary Commission on a two year banking tour of Europe. He had yet to write a report regarding the trip, nor had he yet offered any plans for banking reforms.
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from World Alternative Media:
from Rebel Media:
by S.D. Wells, Natural News:
if you eat 99 percent organic food, take herbal supplements, exercise,
consult a nutritionist and live responsibly, at some point you will wind
up in a hospital for something – either a broken bone, severe
laceration, emergency operation or maybe just to bring in a loved one
for some other reason. Believe it or not, the scariest part of your
visit to the hospital or emergency room goes beyond the pressing need
you have for a doctor to cut you open, sew you up or reset that broken
“wing.” Sure, you don’t want to bleed to death from your injury, and
you’re probably just praying the pain will subside soon, but there are
dangers lurking in that medical center; in fact, your “dire” situation
could get far worse, and in a short period of time.
Welcome to America, where people think medical insurance is the best thing since sliced bread, but many find out the hard way that the slippery slope of medical care can rapidly decline, sending them tumbling down, down, down, into the abyss of the chronic sick-care nightmare that’s sadly become commonplace.
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Welcome to America, where people think medical insurance is the best thing since sliced bread, but many find out the hard way that the slippery slope of medical care can rapidly decline, sending them tumbling down, down, down, into the abyss of the chronic sick-care nightmare that’s sadly become commonplace.
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from Washington Free Beacon:
by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Post:
As the fifteenth anniversary of that awful, dreadful day of infamy,
September 11, 2001, approaches, I could not help but be struck by a most
moving gesture of solidarity and friendship from the Russians and their
gift to the people of the USA, the Tear Drop Memorial to the Victims of the Tragedy of September 11, 2001 — something I’d not heard about, and am wondering how many other Americans also have not known about nor visited!
According to Wikipedia,
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According to Wikipedia,
Here is President Putin’s address that he made during the official Russian presentation of such a beautifully executed monument:Groundbreaking was done on September 16, 2005, in a ceremony attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin,[2] and was dedicated on September 11, 2006, in a ceremony attended by former U.S. President Clinton. [1]
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by Gary Christenson, Deviant Investor:
Part one is available here.

Discussed in Part One:
- Richard Russell on “The Big Lie.”
banks create fiat money, denigrate gold, and try to convince the people
that the money they print is wealth. That’s the great lie behind fiat
- Social Security and the pension plans of many cities, counties, states, and countries are increasingly insolvent as zero and negative interest rates destroy fixed income investment returns.
- Worse, pension benefits are paid in continually devaluing fiat currencies. If the currency becomes worthless, so are your pension benefits. Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Argentina, and many more come to mind. The dollar, euro, pound, and yen are better by comparison, but that only means their devaluation, so far, has been less drastic. Read More
from RT:
by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:
Why does the Department of Homeland Security all of a sudden want to
oversee security for the election in November? Just a little while ago I
checked the Drudge Report, and I was greeted by the following headline
immediately alarmed, because I had already heard about how local
election databases had been hacked, and Donald Trump has expressed
concern that the presidential election in November could be rigged
somehow. So I immediately clicked on the link and it took me to an
article from the Washington Examiner…
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from X22Report:
by Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post:
French President Hollande, who has not only pushed the knife further
into the heart of the French economy and made certain that no trace of
freedom will remain in France is now criticizing Turkey for its action
against Kurdish fanatics and Western-backed Kurdish militias in Syria.
In addition, Hollande is warning Russia not to become a “protagonist” in
the war.
Hollande stated that “multiple, contradictory interventions carry the risk of a general inflammation.”
He added that Russia needs to be a “player in negotiations, not a protagonist in the action” and that it should join the alleged “anti-ISIL coalition” led by the U.S.
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Hollande stated that “multiple, contradictory interventions carry the risk of a general inflammation.”
He added that Russia needs to be a “player in negotiations, not a protagonist in the action” and that it should join the alleged “anti-ISIL coalition” led by the U.S.
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