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Tuesday, August 23, 2016
FBI Reports Linking Hillary To Vince Foster "Suicide" Disappear From National Archives
An "extensive investigation" reveals that FBI reports filed by former agents Coy Copeland and Jim Clemente linking Hillary to the "suicide" of Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster have gone missing from the National Archives.
by Claire Bernish, The Free Thought Project:
1st Evidencing further attempts by Hillary Clinton to thwart the letter
of the law, the FBI has discovered close to 15,000 additional emails
and documents from her tenure as secretary of state — which her
attorneys conveniently failed to disclose.
This means the cache of information from Clinton’s personal server is
nearly double the size she originally claimed. A federal judge has now
urged the State Department to begin releasing the email and document
collection much earlier than mid-October as currently planned. Read More
by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan: $32 million down, and … Next thing you know, the meeting was allowed. Wonder what he asked for?
More importantly, we should all be asking: is this really how we want foreign affairs to be handled – for private gain?
According to the Daily Caller: Read More
At least 85 of 154 people who met or spoke to Clinton at State, donated to her family charity. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million. Separately, she met with representatives of at least 16 foreign governments that donated as much as $170 million.
Courtesy of DC Leaks we now know that a George Soros funded organization is behind a plan to "enlarge [the U.S.] electorate by at least 10 million voters."
'Stable' money was a chimera. It did not bring stability to the world economy. It did not counter the instability emanating from deposit banking. It actually added to the severity of booms and busts. To function efficiently, capitalism needs a foundation of sound money, not stable money.
The German government is considering bringing back
nationwide conscription in times of crisis, such as situations in which
the country needs to "defend NATO’s external borders."
In the State of California 98% of teachers receive tenure after just 18 months on the job. Once tenure is received it is virtually impossible for administrators to dismiss a teacher for being even "grossly ineffective."
The California Supreme Court's decision not to review a lawsuit that
would have addressed these issues is a loss for California's students.
Amid the volatility of crude prices, inventory levels, and headline hockey; API printed a surprisingly large 4.464mm crude build (against expectations of a 850k draw). Having spiked early in the day on Iran rumors (and failed to fall on denials), WTI kneejerked lower after the API data showed the biggest crude build in over 4 months (and a bigger than expected build at Cushing).
George Orwell said, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Thanks to WikiLeaks, we know that powerful institutions have been abusing their power and lying to the public.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is a hero. Like Edward Snowden,
Chelsea Manning, and other whistleblowers facing government persecution,
Assange has sacrificed his personal comfort and safety to bring us the truth.
If The British needed any more confirmation of their decision
to leave The EU, Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European
Commission, just gave them a big one. The often incoherent "when it's important, you have to lie" politician spewed more United States Of Europe tripe this morning when he called for European nations to drop border controls, claiming that borders were "the worst invention ever." Britain's new PM, Theresa May, was not amused...
Remember the shale gale and Saudi America? The scale of those outlandish delusions has now dwindled to plays in a few counties in West Texas and southeastern New Mexico. Saudi Permian. It’s a race to the bottom as investors double down on the tight oil companies that can still tell a growth story.
So far US banks have escaped the recent Libor surge, but the
higher funding costs and shrunken market are hitting Japanese banks
particularly hard, as they have been sourcing as much as a third of their U.S. dollar liquidity in the short-term U.S. market. Japanese banks have about $125 billion to $150 billion of CP and CDs maturing before the end of September.
While Hillary Clinton continued her press conference radio
silence, having avoided media Q&A for over 260 days, last night the
Democratic candidate did appear on ACB's Jimmy Kimmel live show where
she responded to recent reports that her health is deteriorating,
saying she feels like she is in an “alternative universe” and laughed
off any questions about her health and stamina, arguing that the
current speculation "makes no sense."
“…[M]any Republicans [elites] fear that Trump’s efforts to diminish people’s confidence in mainstream media, fair elections and politics itself will have a lasting impact,” POLITICO observes. You see, according to the corporate media, the only reason Americans think their elections are rigged in one way or another is because Trump said so.
It's them Ruskies again! With
pressure on Obama over his visit to Louisiana, and Hillary facing an
avalanche of headlines over her "email crimes," it is time for a
distraction... CNN reports, hackers thought to be working for Russian intelligence have carried out a series of cyber breaches targeting reporters at the New York Times and other US news organizations, according to US officials briefed on the matter.
If the idiots raise interest any appreciable amount...They will screw everyone...especially themselves...
This means that as of a month ago, two thirds of all regional
Feds were urging Yellen to hike the discount rate; they were the
following: Boston, Cleveland, Dallas, Kansas City, Philadelphia,
Richmond, San Francisco and St. Louis. Those who voted to keep discount
rate at 1% cited argument that outlook and below-target inflation
supported keeping current accommodation in place; banks were Atlanta,
Chicago, Minneapolis, and especially the New York. Clearly they
dominated the discussion.
The tragedy of Venezuela continues unabated,
but that doesn't mean the government of President Nicolás Maduro has
stopped trying to fix problems. Maduro has reportedly instituted a
policy of fining bakeries that allow lines to stretch out their front doors, according to PanAmPost, claiming
the lines aren't a true indicator of a severe shortage of bread, but
rather, a political "strategy of generating anxiety."
This should be good... After a weekend golfing and "being
busy," President Obama has touched down in Louisiana to survey the
damage, kiss a few babies, and to make sure they are not cynical about
the future...if they vote for Hillary.
Rhe key message from this auction is that 3 days ahead of Janet Yellen's speech on Friday, the bond market is convinced: there won't even be a trace of hawkishness when the Fed Chair speaks on Friday
Hillary Clinton is 68 years old. She's been diagnosed with
cerebral venous thrombosis; head trauma, pregnancy, cancer, brain
infection, autoimmune diseases and inborn clotting abnormalities are all
predisposing factors, per the Washington Post. She's currently taking
blood thinners. Four years ago, Clinton fainted, hit her head and
suffered a concussion. But lately many in the media have become outraged that Clinton's health is being broached at all.
Amid expectations that The Kingdom will sell bonds as early as next month, investors are panic-buying protection against default on Saudi Arabia. The last few weeks have seen a surge in CDS notional outstanding to its highest on record even as Saudi risk has stabilized after quadrupling in the last year.
Given central banks are all in and have no credible ideas (or credibility period), a NIRP driven speculative new housing bubble (for a population that is barely growing...hello China?) seems most likely. If you haven't already, get busy front running the next moral hazard moonshot and then stay tuned. Because as you read this, central bankers are already devising their next (even more destructive) "plan".
by John Rubino, Dollar Collapse:
Precious metals investors are a conflicted bunch right now. Most are
happy with the action so far this year, and still expect rising gold and
silver to send high-quality mining stocks to the moon. But most were
also caught a bit off-guard by the miners’ recent spike. For every
investor who loaded up on, say, First Majestic Silver at $2 in January
and rode it to $20 in August, dozens more watched from the sidelines.
Few today own all they’d like of their favorite miners. Read More
by Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg: Samuel Oakford just penned a powerful and important Op-Ed in the New York Times titled, Saudi Arabia Kills Civilians, the U.S. Looks the Other Way.
Here are a few key excerpts:
In the span of four days earlier this month, the Saudi Arabia-led
coalition in Yemen bombed a Doctors Without Borders-supported hospital,
killing 19 people; a school, where 10 children, some as young as 8,
died; and a vital bridge over which United Nations food supplies
traveled, punishing millions. Read More
from Palisade Radio:
Jacob Rothschild, Stanley Druckenmiller, George Soros, along with his
associate Crispin Odey, and other billionaire elitists are moving
massively into gold. In his recent semi-annual address to RIT
shareholders, Rothschild announced that they are reducing their stock
and currency exposure and increasing their gold holdings.
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