Saturday, September 26, 2015

Jim Grant Explains How To Hedge Against The Coming Money Paradrop

"This is a monetary moment... we are looking at the beginning of the world’s reappraisal of the words and deeds of central bankers like Janet Yellen and Mario Draghi. You see monetary disorder manifested in super low interest rates, in the mispricing of credit broadly and you see it in the escalation of radical monetary nastrums that are floating out of the various central banks and established temples of thought: Negative real rates, negative nominal rates and the idea of helicopter money. So you need some hedge against things not going according to the script and that makes gold and gold mining equities terrifically interesting now."

Kentucky Politician Files Lawsuit Claiming A First Amendment Right To Accept Bribes

It’s a rare and precious moment when a politician does something which perfectly demonstrates what he or she really thinks about democracy and power. This is one of those times.

The UN Unveils Plan Pushing For Worldwide Internet Censorship

"... the United Nations proposes both that social networks proactively police every profile and post, and that government agencies only “license” those who agree to do so."

Goldman Strikes Again: Did A Probe Into "Global Warming" Fraud Cost A Prime Minister's Job

Did Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott just lose his job because of fears that a probe and audit of the "data" and "statistics" behind global warming could threaten to destroy Goldman Sachs' best laid cap-and-trade, emissions trading scheme and carbon tax plans?

filed under (unt

Hillarinochio 2.0 - More Clinton Lies Exposed As Hidden Petraeus Emails Come To Light

Another day, another "what difference does it make" lie exposed for the mainstream media to ignore and excuse as simple witch-huntery. However, this 'lie' is unarguable and proves once again that Hillarinochio seems to believe she is above the law.  The Obama administration has discovered a chain of emails (exchanged with retired Gen. David Petraeus when he headed the military’s U.S. Central Command, responsible for running the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) that Clinton failed to turn over when she provided what she said was the full record of work-related correspondence as secretary of state, officials told The Associated Press on Friday. Is it any wonder her support has been plunging recently?

Gold "Tightness": When There's No More To Sell, There's No More To Buy (At Any Price)

"...there’s an enormous and growing disconnect between the cash and physical markets for gold. This is exactly what we would expect to precede a major market-shaking event based on a physical gold shortage."

Three Strategies To Make Your Life Easier As Times Get Harder

No risk, no gain. But risk can deliver staggering, crushing losses if it isn't limited or hedged. Times are going to get harder going forward, for all the reasons that are already visible in today's headlines. So what can we do to make our own lives easier as times get tougher? Here are three suggested strategies...

Japan's Abe Unveils New 'Arrows' Wish List: 20% GDP Growth, Higher Birth Rate, & Flying Pig

Having completed his militarist plans, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appears to have gone full fantasy-tard with his latest "plans" for the demographically-dead and debt-destroyed nation. "Creating a strong economy will continue to be my top priority," Abe said, a goal he has stunningly under-achieved as Japan heads for its 5th recession in 4 years, but, as Bloomberg reports, it is his new "arrows" of economic hope that has left analysts scratching their heads - 20% economic growth (when its gone nowhere for years), a higher birth rate (as the aging of the nation accelerates and interest in sex plunges), and allegedly a goose that lays golden eggs (well why not?). The collapse of Abe's approval says it all about his 'plan'.

China's "Credit Mystery" Deepens, As Moody's Warns On Shadow Financing

Are some Chinese banks ramping up their exposure to shadow conduits on the way to obscuring massive amounts of credit risk? Moody's says yes...

Fed Refuses To Comment On Yellen's Health

There was a very troubling 100 second interval at the end of Yellen's 50 minute, 5,000+ word speech in Amhert on Thursday, in which the 69-year old Yellen suddenly seemed unable to read the words on the page, was rereading the same phrase over and over, paused for long stretches at a time, and then had a violent reaction that forced her to end her speech prematurely. Watch it again below. But more disturbing was the Fed's reaction. As the WSJ reports, a Federal Reserve spokeswoman declined Friday to say if Chairwoman Janet Yellen resumed a normal work schedule or sought follow-up medical attention a day after she appeared ill near the end of a long speech in Amherst, Mass. Ms. Yellen returned to Washington on Friday.

In Latest Embarrassment, US-Trained Syrian Fighters Surrender "Pick-Up Trucks, Ammo" To Al-Qaeda

"If accurate, the report of NSF members providing equipment to al Nusra Front is very concerning and a violation of Syria train and equip program guidelines"...

September 25, 2015: The UN Launches A ‘New Universal Agenda’ For Humanity

by Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream:
One of the biggest steps toward a one world government that we have ever seen is happening this week, and yet barely anyone is even talking about it.  In fact, it is even being called a “new universal Agenda” for humanity.  Those are not my words – those are the words that the United Nations is using.  If you don’t believe this, just go look at the official document for this new UN agenda.  You won’t have to read very far.  The phrase “new universal Agenda” is right near the end of the preamble.  Officially, the name of this ambitious new program is “the 2030 Agenda“, and it is being hyped as a way to get the whole world to work together to make life better for all of us.  And a lot of the goals of this new agenda are very admirable.  For example, who wouldn’t want to end global poverty?  But as you look deeper into what the UN is trying to do, you find some very disturbing things.
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China Joining Russia In Syria While Germany Prepares to Leave NATO In Advance of World War III

by Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show:
David Ochmanek, who, as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, stated on Monday that “Russia’s future looked to be increasingly integrated with the West.” That statement is no longer true. In fact, not only is Russia a growing threat to United States security, a series of Pentagon war games has revealed that the United States cannot defeat a Putin led Russia, given the present set of circumstances.
Pentagon War Games Spells Bad News for the U.S. Military
The Pentagon, along with other Defense Department planners, have come to a frightening realization. The U.S. military routinely comes up on the losing end of any conflict with Russian troops, Foreign Policy (FP) reported Monday. Russian superiority is not limited to any one theater of action. America’s ineptitude spans the entire globe.
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If a Mainstream Reporter Told the Truth the Pillars of Reality Would Crumble

from The Daily Sheeple:

“Imagine this. The public is told a new disease is sweeping the world, threatening the global population with suffering and death. Millions and millions of words are spewed, detailing and reinforcing the threat. Every day, official reports are issued, blaring the new numbers of cases. Researchers are rushing to develop an effective vaccine. And then, suddenly, someone discovers there is no epidemic. It doesn’t exist. What would happen?” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
Telling the truth, of course, must lead to publishing the truth.
The pope’s flights from Rome to Cuba, Washington, D.C., New York, Philadelphia and then back to D.C. and to Rome will total around 11,500 miles, so overall the pontiff will emit around 572 tons of CO2 during his trip.
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Defending National Sovereignty From The NWO

from The Sleuth Journal:

“Sovereignty…as understood in the Declaration of Independence was originally, and by nature, the equal and unalienable possession of individual human beings. The original equality of all human beings was an equality of sovereignty; no man had more right to rule another than the other had to rule him.”
― Harry V. Jaffa
In a world that is virtually unrecognizable from the universal principles that underpinned Western Civilization, the fundamental concept of national sovereignty is being attacked as a relic of a former age. The New World Order is designed to eliminate the self-government of sovereign nations.
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